Culture Impediments to Digital Transformation in Education and Technology
David Robertson
Digital Transformation, Low Tech Solutions, Social Innovation /
This research aims to examine the cultural impediments associated with the adoption of artificial intelligence and digital transformation among Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) who come from non-native English-speaking backgrounds [What about power distances? I personally think that may have a BIG affect, considering Thailand and Japan]. This ` study aims to provide insights that can guide technology trainers in devising effective approaches to support TESOL teachers and students in using these new technologies in their educational practices. Additionally, the research aims to afford trainers the opportunity for self-reflection on their own behaviors and their potential impact on training outcomes towards teachers of other cultures. The study explores how behavioral intentions can reveal expectations and influences on attitudes towards artificial intelligence and digital transformation, something that can change according to cultural traits and lived experiences. Drawing on the theory of Planned Behavior, a narrative analysis will be employed to comprehend the experiences of TESOL teachers and students of TESOL in using technology, particularly in relation to Perceived Behavioral Control, focusing on attitude and subjective norms with the organisational (and social) culture. Through this, the research seeks to explain the organizational and cultural dimensions of TESOL teachers' interactions with technology and their corresponding behaviors towards it.
Technology is used in international and multicultural contexts, and in all facets of life. Adoption, including an innovation’s characteristics and various economic, sociological, organizational, and psychological variables, that affect the rate of technological adoption (Butler & Sellbom, 2002).? Artificial intelligence and digital transformation are driving growth in edtech and will have a profound effect on education (Luckin et al., 2019). Autio's findings in his research on students' attitudes towards technology (2023) suggests that attitudes have evolved over the past three decades, with changes observed reiterating the increasing influcence of technology in various aspects such as interest in technology, engagement in technology-related hobbies, perception of the benefits of technology, and the role of technology in future career choices. Lupyan (2016) defines Perception as the process by which we interpret and make sense of sensory information from the environment. It involves the selection, organization, and interpretation of inputs to create a meaningful representation of the world. Perception allows individuals to recognize objects, understand spatial relationships, and respond to stimuli in their surroundings. Tran, Pham, & Dinh found in Vietnam that factors such as gender, prior ICT training, education level, teaching experience, and age did not significantly impact their views (2023). Despite variations in the use of mobile devices and digital content, teachers expressed a favorable opinion. Their optimism stemmed from perceived technology usefulness, support from the Department of Education, and available technological resources. Studies across different countries consistently found positive attitudes towards ICT use, emphasizing the role of teachers' beliefs and readiness in technology adoption. In research conducted by Wang (2021) on Chinese teachers in Japan, teachers were interviewed, surveyed, and observed in regards to their technology use. It was found there was no uniform behaviour outside of collectivist tendencies such as maintaing hierarchy and asking for help outside the organisation. What was not investigated was the narratives of experiences within the organisation and how their attitude and behaviour was examined. Artificial intelligence is revolutionizing education through personalized learning experiences, utilizing technologies like Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Virtual Assistants, and Adaptive Assessments to cater to individual needs and enhance understanding (Australian Government, 2024). AI-driven data analytics contribute to informed decision-making by extracting valuable insights from educational data, ultimately improving overall educational outcomes. Enhancing teacher professional development through the use of emerging products that enable recording classrooms, utilizing AI algorithms to identify valuable discussion highlights, and computing metrics such as student engagement, which are challenging for teachers to assess in real-time (U.S. Department of Education, 2023). People's behaviour in specific experiences, and the influcence of control on this behaviour in multiple contexts, is worthy of investigation to explain how people are motivated, in particular to the adoption of new technology.
Aligning instructional design with cultural values, integrating cultural backgrounds into the curriculum, and understanding communication differences are crucial for creating inclusive and effective learning environments. Tomasello et al. (1993) emphasizes the uniquely human form of social learning that allows for the transmission and creation of cultural products, and that in order for technology to be accepted, it should be personalized to accommodate diverse cultural needs for optimal engagement. Developmental ordering of the underlying social-cognitive concepts and processes involved in cultural learning by showing that cultural learning manifests itself in three forms during human ontogeny: imitative learning, instructed learning, and collaborative learning.? Morris et al. (2019) noted culture shapes our cognitive skills, and how we process cultural norms, values, beliefs, and how these are monitored and evaluated. Social learning is influenced by the social environment in many ways, such as exposure, local or stimulus enhancement, and more active roles like drawing the juvenile's attention to a specific object or location in the environment that it otherwise would not have noticed. Hofstede argues culture-focused research will become more important in international business, and the Globe Dimensions Model was developed to incorporate organisational leadership (Shi & Wang, 2011), which will play an important role in organisational culture orientation. Both the Hofstede and Globe Models shared the same three aspects; definition of culture that revolves around how to define the border between organizational culture and societal culture in cross-cultural research, the face Value definition and classification and argument on how to define and classify the face value within the context of cultural dimensions, and wealth as part of culture and whether it influences cultural dimensions. Javidan et al. (2006) explain that economic prosperity and power dynamics within societies have an affect on the power distance which can influence the distribution and perception of power within a society. Hofstede continued to view cultures as "wholes," emphasizing the importance of understanding the entirety of a culture rather than focusing solely on individual aspects (de Mooi & Hofstede, 2010). This concept further enlightened in the idea as culture as not a one king-size personality, culture can show signs of patterns from the cultural level can be different from those at the individual level.? Granic in his systematic review (2021) indicated user-centered design approaches needs to be addressed and factored in education practices in order to make a more engaging experience for stakeholders.??
Sharma and Mishra (2014) report on numerous studies to indicate more focus on attitude, personality, social influence, and facilitating conditions for adoption have been increasing. Oliviera states the new field of human behaviour and how they interact with these emergent technologies is still in its infant state for theorists (2020). The focus on these aspects of technology adoption are coming to prominence. Through literature reviews, they found the two major streams of research on technology adoption focus on individual and organisation adoption. They suggest current models for technology adoption may be insufficient by not being focused on the speed of technological change. The integration of constructs from other disciplines has the potential to enhance the understanding of the technology adoption processes, evolving behaviour preferences and expectations of the use, and overall develop a more holistic focus on the discipline by incorporating other non-technological disciplines. Granic's research findings underscored the importance of understanding user perspectives and preferences when designing and implementing educational technologies (2022). He also? stated incorporating factors such as social influences in technology use can enhance the adoption and utilization of technology in teaching and learning. Theories related to attitude towards an act or behaviour and subject norm show promise for cultural study related to technology adoption. Oliviera states the new field of human behaviour and how they interact with these emergent technologies is still in its infant state for theorists (2020).? Oliciera continues to argue evidence suggests new ways of behaving, experiencing, and engaging in the world, but without consensus on definition. Behaviour definitions also are not absolute, operational definitions can include but not limited to patterns of sensory and motor acvities, genetic basis for behaviours, able to be modified through experience, responses to stimulation (Levitis et al., 2009). Two theories that explore behaviour are the Theory of Reasoned Action and Theory of Planned Behaviour. The Theory of Reasoned Action is determined by one'e evalutation of the behaviour (attitude) and one's evalutation of what other people think is important to do (subjective norm)(Trafimow, 2009). The theory of reasoned action measures attitude against subjective norms, which are defined as reflecting the social expectations, such as knowledge sharing, and are viewed as a positive when employees feel they are valued by these norms, reflecting on their attitudes (Hagger, 2019).? The Theory of Reasoned Action also makes the claim that people engaging in the behaviour have complete volitional (Kan & Fabrigar, 2017), meaning all acts are voluntary and of our own choosing. What Trafimow exposes that falsification can occur in the theory of reasoned action. The falsification can occur in auxiliary assumptions when making predictions from a theory (2009). Trafimov does though mention that behaviour and normative beliefs should separate, creating behavioural beliefs should be recalled between each other and normative beliefs traverse other normative beliefs (p. 508). An issue to think in regards to this is how normative beliefs can influence behavioural beliefs. The theory of planned behaviour adds the element of perceived behaviour control and volition to its framework. Ajzen argues dispositions can be poor indiciators of behaviour in specific situations (Ajzen, 1991). Ajzen argues that predicting behaviour from genderal personality traits is challenging, and that studies have produced disappointing results when attempting to identify locus of control to behaviours in specific contexts. Ajzen mentions any single sample of behavior reflects not only the influence of a relevant general disposition but also the influence of various other factors unique to the particular occasion, situation, and action being observed. A central theme in the theory of planned behaviour is the individual's intention to perform. The stronger the intention to engage in a behaviour, the more likely it is to be performed. The theory of planned behaviour incorporated behaviour which people do not have complete volitional control over their behaviour. The perceived behavioural control mechanism can be a benefit to understanding another aspect of behaviour, in particular to how the knowledge of other narratives that suggest past experiences, resources, opportunities, and obstacles, are related to the behavior performed.
The purpose of this study will be to investigate the impediments, in particular the volitional control and ,to adoption of artificial intelligence and digital transformation training amongst TESOL (EFL/EAL/ESL) teachers from non-native English speaking countries. The research can inform edtech trainers and training material providers on the cultural impacts that affect training. Cultural needs and adjustments need to be considered in order to develop training processes that can consider cultural adaptations. The study will look through the scope of the Globe Survey for dimensions and the Behavioural Control Dimension of the Theory of Planned Behaviour that may affect behaviour. These two research methods paired can focus on organisational experience and the attitude and belief towards the experiences of working within the organisation.?
Research Questions
How does volitional control challenge the Globe dimensions??
Which Globe dimension is most associated with volitional control??
How is volitional control expressed by high-context cultures?
The focus of research lies on investigating the narratives surrounding artificial intelligence and digital transformation, and how people approach the adoption of new technologies. Currently, the literature in TESOL is lacking in this area considering how technology is changing language learning. Narratives can transmit cultural identities, values, and beliefs (Baumbach, 2019). Recognizing and comprehending these narratives is essential for guiding TESOL trainers in preparing for the future metaverse world. It is crucial to consider the cultural aspects of technology adoption, underscore the behavioral factors influencing change, in particular volitional control, and delve into the experiences and narratives associated with such orientations, and understand the dispositions that exist through lived experiences within the culture. Examining the experience through the cultural issues through narratives guided by the Globe Dimensions Survey will provide for a nuanced understanding of technology adoption in education. The significance of exploring how the Glove Survey dimensions affect behavioural control can lead to improved understand of how the attitudes and behaviours can affect training and the locus of control people have on their disposition towards training. This approach has the potential to bridge the gaps between individual and organizational adoption, drawing on established theories such as the Theory of Planned Behavior and Theory of Reasoned Action.
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