Culture Crunch
It is during the tough times - those crisis moments - that your true colours often shine through. Your true personality, behaviours and values are often displayed in their rawest form for all to see. The same is true of a company’s culture.
Is your company culture just a front – a fa?ade – or the real deal? When times get tough, do the leadership, management and entire team stay true to the company values, culture and ethos? Or do the cracks begin to show?
I consider culture to be the personality of the company, built on its values, vision, the way things are done and how everyone interacts with each other. Leaders within the business act as custodians of this culture – leading by example, recognising and rewarding the desired behaviours and inspiring everyone who works there to embrace, maintain and further enrich the desired culture.
Culture is often described as being at the heart of an organisation, but I believe it is actually the foundation upon which everything else is built. As with any building project, you need to put the time and effort into good, solid foundations that are built to last. In times of uncertainty, having a solid foundation is more important than ever.
At ROQ we have four company values which underpin our approach to everything - excellence, straight talking, passionate and commitment – but our culture is so much more than our values. We are people focussed, and we remain so throughout this pandemic and anything else that might come our way in the future. It is who we are.
Our culture is one of support, friendship, fun, mutual respect, hard work, appreciation, and genuine care. Our people are all individuals and we recognise that – understanding their personal circumstances in these difficult times is more important than ever with varying family commitments and potential wellbeing concerns.
At ROQ, we are staying true to our company culture, values, and employee promise. We are providing as much flexibility as possible; we have focussed on wellbeing initiatives with more frequent check ins and have found different ways to socialise and stay connected with each other.
We have also increased our internal communication with extra company updates and additional Q&A sessions to keep people informed and involved, empowering them in these uncertain times. We have tailored and adapted our approach, building on what we already had in place and doing even more to ensure that everyone feels included and connected, now more than ever.
It is equally important to look to the future and we are encouraging all our employees to get involved in the decisions being made and asking for their support with new initiatives we are launching, such as running ideas sessions where people can help to shape future service lines.
Having a solid foundation to build on is always important, and in times of adversity, when the world is wobbling, do your foundations hold steady? Do they hold you up or do the cracks show and things begin to crumble? When push comes to shove, do you stay true to your values?
In a world of uncertainty, our values remain solid, our commitment unwavering, our straight talking ever present, our passion enhanced, and our desire to excel magnified.
I am proud to work for ROQ.
Great article Sarah. You are without doubt one of our key protagonists in instilling our company values, from those we recruit, induct and support through their time at ROQ, so thanks. I totally agree that at tricky times, the true nature of a business comes out. It has been sad to hear of stories of where employers have totally let their staff down, at a time when they needed them most. I believe that a lot of good people will be available in the short to medium term who will want to join a company who does the caring, and not just talks about it! #livethevalues #culturalarchitect