“We have to change our culture” … “We need to build a more accountable culture” … “It’s a cultural problem in the organisation” …

How many times have you heard variations of the above?

How often have you found that the culture doesn’t budge despite significant changes?

We regularly have leaders seeking guidance to dramatically improve their organisation’s culture.

Yes, we can help, but it’s not a simple or quick solution

More than 20 years’ experience has shown us that culture must be LED versus dictated.

Let’s go nautical to help explain …

A barometer is a scientific instrument used by seafarers to measure air pressure and forecast changes in the weather.? It can provide accurate analysis of pressure systems to help chart and map a potential course.

But what does this have to do with organisations experiencing culture challenges?

We’ve found the barometer concept can be used by leaders to both ‘pulse check’ organisational culture … AND chart and guide the desired course.

At WildWorks, we have captured this concept in the WildBarometer.

The WildBarometer’s foundational thinking: Culture isn’t something you can ‘set’ or decide, it’s a living breathing phenomenon which is determined by the way people think and behave.

It’s critical for leaders to always be clear and engaging around the purpose and direction of the organisation and always be willing to role model the right mindset and behaviours.

People will then be engaged with their work, have meaning, understand their real role and contribution, and model the behaviours needed to create a safe, rewarding and inclusive environment.

POST SCRIPT – Don’t forget the external environment!

Be clear on your situation and landscape, communicate changes to your people and be ready to shift your purpose, direction and leadership as required.


  • Get clear on your company’s purpose / direction
  • Ensure the right leadership
  • Communicate the why and how to people
  • Keep an eye on that external environment


With a good ‘reading’ the WildBarometer allows you to alter your course

or simply weather the storm.

The WildBarometer Ecosystem


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