Culturalpatina in Two Auctions Today and Tomorrow
Dennis Brining, ISA and ATADA
Purveyor of all Things Unique and Beautiful at Culturalpatina
Good morning everyone. Today I will be posting the final pieces from the paintings and etchings in the culturalpatina collection. Please note that I started with the least expensive pieces early on. As we get towards the end of the collection, the pieces go up in price, given the size, quality, content and medium type.
Please don't forget that we are having two auctions at the moment, one with Live Auctioneers for 71 pieces of pottery that are priced to sell, to make room for new additions at…/89399_native-american-ar…/. The auction starts at 3 PM PST, or 6 PM EST today. A number of pieces already have bids on them, so if you are interested in getting a very nice piece of pottery, please check out this auction. In addition to the low price, I also pick up the shipping costs which makes this a very good deal.
The second auction is with Bonhams in San Francisco, with one of the finest Native American collections that has been sold in the last 35 years. My extraordinary historic Acoma poly chrome pottery olla is included in this auction given its extreme quality, uniqueness and beauty. It is an honor to be included in this auction and says a lot about the quality of my collection.