The cultural relationship of poverty and wealth
Divino Roberto Veríssimo
Presidente na OPA - Organiza??o pela Preserv\??o Ambiental
Dear frientes
In the initial article on the theme of poverty and wealth, I presented the issue within a geopolitical and historical view based on two objectives that I summarize as follows:
1. Promote a better understanding, acceptance and pacification of the relationship between poverty and wealth e.
2. Advancing towards the alliance, balance and expansion of the well-being of these two powers in universal geography, guaranteeing the health, security and peace of the planet.
I began by presenting the perception essentially linked to the values and economic measurement of the relations of consumption, interest and capital applied to human beings, peoples and nations (as also to property, authority, the foreigner, the marginal and the naive or women and the child) and I ended with the presentation of the two identities and their meaning.
Now, in this article, we will consider the cultural relationship of poverty and wealth in space, time and social divisions or human societies on our planet.
Basic guideline
Within the framework defined above, the perspective of action to, in a reduced way, map the cultural relationship of poverty and wealth, is this:
It is going beyond the values and mathematical-economic measurements of poverty and wealth, of women and men, entering into their sense and balance as a subject of justice and the equality of the rights of God and Human Being... the?order created in terms of binding from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights at the United Nations with national constitutions?to be can aplicated?for the ordering of just relations between men or the just and upright behavior of the human divisions in their freedom and dignity of being...
In other words, it is to move from the economic perception of poverty and wealth to this other perception:
The perception of the unity, diversity and desired or possible balance of these two forces within the sphere of justice, rights, conventions, treaties and human declarations, today articulated and politically legitimized in a multinational and planetary dimension by the national and social authorities of the peoples, their bodies, groups or associations of state and cultures and the UN.
Because, in fact, as an aspect of the knowledge of Christ and Gandhi, the difference between poverty and wealth must be understood in its complexity of meanings and of life as subjects of justice and the equality of the rights of God and Human Beings. A double scenario in which the woman is a?poor rich, the man a rich poor and the son/daughter constitute the two divisions of the man and woman in evolution or continuity - where love, forgiveness and charity is the largest complex of social action the justice in all generations, although the most difficult. And, where the sinner is the subject who proceeds outside the principles of justice, balance or well-being of life in its complexity of space, time and meaning, this being the evil that exists in poverty or wealth. The devil subject in religious language, bandit or criminal in popular and legal language...
Thus, this perception is the necessary step for us to achieve the cultural legitimacy of the aforementioned UN documents, NGOs and governments...
Cultural Legitimacy
Now, what would it be to achieve the cultural legitimacy of the world order (the world we want, our home with one, the homeland Earth) presupposed and politically legitimized by the UN, the movimentation for a world parliamentary constitution, declarations by chief justices, Francisco's economy, the Pact Global of Education Proposed by the Pope and the Earth Charter?
In short, it is to reach the sphere and permanent circulation of the social order of peoples, states and nations within the universal principles of justice, human rights, peace, security and sustainable development of/on the planet and interplanetary relations - global relations on a universal order .What is basically, the ordering required by the complex of justice, human rights, conventions, treaties and action plans of the UN or of national governmental and religious forces added to the universalmajor?complex - hence the articles I launched on cultural, linguistic, identity, etc. ordering.
Poverty and Wealth - The perception of its unity, diversity and?balance in the global relations of planet
In the direction of the required perception and ordering we must now consider the following:
1. Poverty and wealth as the two greatest representations of humanity itself in its condition as a daughter or likeness of God (humanity born of dust and breath, breath or spirit of life, passed on to succeeding generations) and,
2. Records of human actions on the movement of power and competition between rich and poor, as mediated or brought into balance by God's Justice and humanitarian law.
3. Records of sin, banditry or criminality in the context of poverty and wealth according to the form of their presence in space, time and social divisions or the integral social ordering of peoples, states and nations on a planetary scale.
This is, becoming consistently and aware of history.
Before this action, it is necessary to specify for you that the balance of these two forces was the guiding objective of all peace actions in the history of our cultures. And such a goal is reflected by all the great leaders and philosophers of God?as Christ and Krishna and of mankind as St. Francis, Gandhi and Pope Francis. The purpose reflected within the Catholic Church and Western cultural civilization in association with the representation of Christ and within the Hindu faith and Eastern civilization in association with the representation of Krishna. It's what everyone can see in history.
Our planet, our common home, home of life and nature of creation and God's creature in the universe, our mother Earth, has a long history of power warfare – individual, familial and religious – and of military, economic and industrial colonization.
And, the scenario of this story is broad and written in images and words of power, war and law. Which over and over again shows scenes like these in poverty and wealth:
1. The most visible – fear, possession, prejudice, anger, hate, disgust, imposition, rancor, lack, pride, imprisonment, judgment and penalty... Negative emotional, sentimental and rational values associated with the principles of property, money, influence , enslavement, isolation (voluntary or by judgment), colonization and indiscriminate abuse of power. The abuse of force or violence and the abuse of benefits, rights and social assistance - submission, intolerance, marginalization and discrimination or fragmentation of identity of race and sex, name, sexual interest, society or social class, economy and work...
2. The most ignored - dignity, faith, trust, morals, brotherhood, respect, honor, gratitude, charity or love of neighbor. Personal freedom. Positive emotional, sentimental and rational values associated with the principles of justice and balance of power visible in biblical exegesis and Rigueveda and Bhagavad Gītā. They are also visible in the attitudes and social feelings of numerous political, social, religious, scientific and government authorities, such as these:
Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, Abraham Lincoln, Eleanor Roosevelt, Albert Einstein, Zilda Arns Neumann, Chico Xavier:...Pope Francis, Imam Ahmed al-Tayeb of Cairo's Al-Azhar Mosque...others countless
But what this story has really been impressing on the world is this fact:
A movement of political ascendancy of industrial civilization over civil (non-military, non-religious and labor), rational or scientific, religious, police and military human forces, marked by two world wars in the past, by the oppressive and constnat threat of a Third World War, in the present and by the reflection on the actual current day-to-day of a political-economic, chemical, biological and psychological, civil-military war, sustained in terms of finance, diseases, mutating and endemic viruses, climate and environmental issues... The historical movement based on markets and in the world competition of power and business.
The movement of territorial, economic and power competition, expanding to the universe via space exploration and the energy market, whose current competitive marks are these:
The technological domain related to communication, space research and dirty energy or clean energy - where we have control of intelligence, exporation of mineral and vegetable coal, nuclear energy, oil and natural gas versus the exploitation of wind energy (generated from the force of the wind ), solar (generated by solar rays) and biofuels (produced from natural products)...
In this scenario, the following elements were ignored or purposely removed from the value registers by virtue of the world economic civilization:
1. The relative ranking of wealth in relation to poverty from a social non-economic point of view -
2. The installation of the balance axis of the two forces according to the directive of health, justice and security as a condition for the well-being of the poor and rich in the presence or absence of diseases, illnesses, mortality, marginality, terrorism and psychological or conscience disorders human by impulse of violence and accidents of life, death and war neurosis....
3. The gaze of poverty itself on wealth and respect between the two forces.
4. The record of human cultural evaluation and recognition of poverty and wealth as a unit of relationship and movement of the diversity of life in its smallness and greatness.
5. Samples of relationships between the rich and poor segments of the world community in terms of universal principles and laws of right, respect, duty and honor. Principles and laws historically replaced by war samples.
6. Justice as an expression of love and respect for God and for the common natural and human well-being, sustained by virtue of the principles of dignity, morals and conduct of life that underlie the conversion of evil in?the poverty and wealth by the justice and cultural common order. Remembering Plato, the justice as the axis, around which gravitate to the ideologies that simplify the world into black and white, good and evil and the three virtues of peace and security of life -?the wisdom, temperance and courage
Thus, in the rights system of our current states, nations and peoples, for example, there have been initiatives towards establishing the absence of poverty as one of the human rights. It is an act resulting from that ignorance.?Ignorance of action and data on the presence of evil in poverty and wealth as the real problem to be converted by the action of justice in the global social and identity order. Evil was never only in poverty, The evil is also in wealth, where he work the force of corruption, debauchery (in the name of freedom) and?the sustainability of violence and criminality.
All of you can access and see this movement of political ascendancy of industrial civilization over civil human forces, in?the relations of subsistence and work; in spatial relations and potential nuclear, technological and scientific construction or within the scenario of Industry 4.0 (as industrial automation, internet of things and Big Data).
It is the movement of the great industrial direction in the world involving education and economic socialization and work at a distance, command of intelligence forces, transport, information, communication and provision of standardized assistance and police services on sexual and gender identity (identity of interest and freedom of sexual intercourse), health, food, rights and political, social and civil-military industrial order.
Historical records
In the fragmented records of this history of power warfare, the most overlooked common fact is this:
That the countless and continuous conflicts or civil and military wars recorded over different times and spaces originate from the fragmentation and imbalance of poverty and wealth.
In fact, when the fragmentation and imbalance of poverty and wealth of a region, state, country or planet. it reaches the insufficiency of sustaining the well-being of its territory and environment, the ideal condition has been created for conflicts to become a force of war and submission of the parties involved. It is a visible fact within the art of war.
This fact is an element that is strategically used in competition and war. Its use is usually intensified in moments of crisis – whether they are tensional, caused by human actions, viral as in the case of Covid 19 in 2020 AD, or by natural disasters. And, in both cases, it is a fact that involves health, housing, food and loss of life or housing values, accommodation and economic goods. And, I repeat, over and over in history. led to enslavement, colonization and indiscriminate abuse of power, rights and welfare.
Among the countless facts of history before and after Christ, in Greek literature you can find, for example, the episode of Athens from Attica. An episode from the mid-7th century BC that divided the Athenian community of rich and poor until the arbitration of Solon (one of the seven sages of ancient Greece 638-558 BC) who installed a system of law called the “Seisachtheia” (one, set of laws aimed at prohibiting land mortgages and correcting indebted serfdom and enslavement) rebalancing these forces.
In the social and legal sphere of the Common Era or Era of Christ, the perception of the need for balance between the two forces was initially manifested by St. Francis of Assisi in the Order of the Catholic or Western Church (1182-1226) and Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (1869/1948) in the Krishna or Oriental Order and Marcel Mauss (1872/1950 in the Enlightenment and Industrial Order.
Considering these data, the greatest task for humanity at this point in history is the realization of a cultural unit capable of reversing this situation and configuring the integration of the poor and rich in a sustainable planetary order by their people, states, nations, governments and authorities cultural of family, religion, justice and philosophy, on and off the planet. It is the task of the establesment of a world order based on extra-economic or non-market human relations, competition and profit/consumption.
That will be the agenda for the next article. Here we take another break. Thank you all for your attention and support.
And, considering in this contexst the task of carrying out a world cultural and economic legal order, it is worth thinking about this end of law, mediating the opinion of Christ and Gandhi, Plato, Aristoteles and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights:
?The purpose of law is to organize and guarantee justice in the equality and freedom of law – whether commutative or distributive – within the relationships of people, states and governments. It is to define a just order, founded on equality and respect for human rights and on the balance of differences and freedoms of humanity - where the sword highlights the order of powers and its balance under the equality of rights and difference of identity, life and action . The fundamental natural right that underlies this conception is the right to justice. I say this as a human person and an observer. Not as a legal authority.
with love, peace and light
Divine Roberto Verissimo