Cultural Forces

Cultural Forces

One of our favorite subjects is discussing the impact of organizational culture on performance.?

Leadership has a tremendous impact on a company’s culture. They model behavior, through their expectations of respectful communication, their confident presence in the future, and a persistent work ethic.

However, I would like to focus on employees that have a significant voice within the organization. They connect the workforce through informal activities. Their experience and opinions are respected, and as such, they have significant behavioral influence. And, depending upon their perspective or attitude at any given time, their interaction can either elevate or detract from a company’s culture.?

These individuals deserve leadership’s attention and counsel. In many cases, these individuals are not seeking a management position or formal authority, however, their confidence and attitude toward the organization will have a significant impact on how the engagement of your culture evolves. Do these cultural influencers need to simply be acknowledged and supported, or do you need to strongly intervene?

HR professionals are a tremendous resource for organizational leadership and good counsel that is available to the employee community.

As a consistent reader of Visiam Insights Newsletter, we would like to invite you to investigate our Organizational Assessments.? As you interact in the marketplace, assessments are an invaluable tool to engage organizational leadership in conversations of significance.?


