Cultural Dance Forms in India

Cultural Dance Forms in India

India is known for its rich cultural heritage. Diversification is the identity of the country. India is a land of diversities. These diversities have made the Indian culture a unique one. Indian dance is one of the most revered identities of our culture. Dance is the form of vibration of our body and mind. Each and every form is dance is important, but yes Classical Dance play it's own role. It is not only the art of quintessence of Beauty, Power but also an attraction to achieve devine power through it.?

Dance is a form of meditation and prayer that keeps our mind peaceful. Classical Dance is the highest form of art. When someone learns Classical dance, he/she is bound to know the mythological stories of Indian culture. They should have a knowledge on Mahabharata, Ramayana, Life of Krishna, Kalidas etc. ; as classical dance is based on these stories. It enhances his/her Knowledge and also the person comes to know about rich culture of India.?

The sculptures that teaches dance date back to the Indus Valley Civilization also portray dancing figures. The text related to the origin of dance in India can be found in Natya Shastra, which was written by the sage Bharata. This text dates back to the 2nd century AD. In this text, the creation of dance is credited to Lord Brahma, who takes its knowledge from the four Vedas.

?Bharat Muni’s book Natya Shastra is the first famous source to mention dance. India has various forms of dances including classical dances and folk dances. In India, dance forms can be broadly classified into 2 categories- classical and folk dance form. There are two basic aspects of Natya Shastra:

Lasya : It denotes grace, bhava, rasa and abhinaya. It is symbolic to the feminine features of dance as an art form

Tandava: This is symbolic to the male aspects of dance and has more emphasis on rhythm and movement

There are three basic elements:

Nritta – These are the basic dance steps and are performed rhythmically but devoid of any expression or mood

Natya – It means dramatic representations and refers to the story that is elaborated through the dance recital

Nritya – refers to the sentiment and the emotions evoked through dance. It includes the mime and the different methods of expression including mudras in the dance

Guru-Shishya Paramapara:?It forms the core of the Indian Classical Dance forms. The basic meaning is that each dance form is related to a Guru (Teacher) and he/she transfers that knowledge of dance to a Shishya /Student.)

The 8 basic technicalities that are expressed in the classical dance :

Shringar: Love

Hasya: Humorous

Karuna: Sorrow

Raudra: Anger

Veer: Heroism

Bhayanak: Fear

Bibhats: Disgust

Adbhoot: Wonder

The 2 major dance forms in India are classical and folk dance. The major difference between Classical and Folk dance is the origin.

Classical dance has a deep-rooted relationship with the Natya Shastra where the specific features of each of the Classical dance forms have been mentioned. The classical dance form originated from the Natya Shastra. There are 8 classical dance forms in India as per the source and scholar. The Cultural Ministry of India has included Chhau into the list of classical dances that makes a total of 9 classical dance forms. To learn classical dance, one must be hard-working and should have enough patience. Classical Dance makes you disciplined, hardworking. It also makes a person fit physically, as Classical Dance needs total body movement and perfect postures.

Performed on the celestial tunes of the Carnatic music, Bharatnatyam comes from the state of Tamil Nadu in South. The origins of Bharatnatyam can be traced back to 1000 BC, and it originates from the ancient temples of Tamil Nadu performed by the women of the classical period. The dance form is known for its beautiful body movements and gestures which are called Mudras in the traditional language. It focuses on the hand gestures, leg movement and the facial expressions of the dancer. This dance form was very prevalent before the British era but was profoundly depressed during the colonial period. However, India kept the dance form alive in the houses, and today it is recognised as one of the most respectable art forms in India especially in the Southern region of the country where it is a moment of pride for the women of the house to learn the classical dance form of Bharatnatyam.

Coming from the northern part of the country from the state of Uttar Pradesh, Kathak comes from the word 'Katha' which means "story" in Hindi. It isn't a very smart guess for one to make that Kathak is performed in the form of storytelling through the body movements used by the dancer. Kathak is often referred to as the dance of love, and it can be performed by both by the male and female dancer together. This dance form focuses highly on the ankle movements complemented by the ankle that has to match the beats of the music. Ankle bells or gunghroos as they are called in the traditional language is an important part of the discipline of this dance form. Various distinctions can be witnessed in this dance forms as it is performed in various places in the country which includes Jaipur, Benaras, and Lucknow.

Kathakali is another traditional dance form of India which relates to the storytelling. Kathakali translates to the 'storyteller' in the country's language. Coming from the Southern region of the country from Kerala, Kathakali is one of the most renowned and religious dances forms of India. It originates from the tales of Ramayana and Shiva stories. Kathakali includes the intriguing face movements and the heavy costumes which include the traditional face masks and body paints (generally green). The music which includes only the vocals is called Soppanam. The storytelling of the epic Hindu mythology tales depicting both evil and good is shown through the conversation between the dancers only through their body gestures and facial expressions.

Belonging to the Andhra Pradesh, Kuchipudi is probably the toughest form of classical dance in India. Kuchipudi is not just considered as the dance but a whole religious procedure dedicated to God which includes certain rituals such as sprinkling the holy water, burning the incense sticks and praying to God. Kuchipudi includes both singing and dancing by the performer which is why it requires both the skill and much more dedication than any other art forms in India. In the earlier period, Kuchipudi was only performed by the male dancers in the temples, specifically the Brahmins( Upper caste of the society) but with the passage of time, it became famous amongst the women and nowadays it is mostly performed by the female dancers.

Odissi dance form comes from the state of Odisha in the eastern part of India. The traditional dance has been derived from the Hindu temples in Odisha. Most of the gestures and movements (Mudras) are inspired by the sculptors and idols belonging to the ancient temples of India. The dance is performed as a way to express the mythological tales of Hindu gods, including that of Shiva and Surya. The dance is accompanied by a mythical story, Hindi poem in the form of music by the musicians. Odissi is considered as the oldest dance forms of India which are surviving till today. Odissi dance is performed mostly by the women dancers, and it includes more than 50 intriguing mudras (body movements).?

Young men and women mostly perform this joyous folk dance from Assam during the Bihu festival. The dancers follow a pattern of rapid hand movement, quick steps and a rhythmic swaying of hips wearing the traditional Assamese clothing with beautiful accessories.?Marking the beginning of spring season, Bihu recites the happiness and heritage of Assam and is performed on the occasion of Rangali Bihu. The dhol, Xutuli, Toka, Baanhi, Gogona are the instruments used to play the traditional tunes for the performance. The origin of Bihu is not very known, although the records profoundly state that it is originated from the Bisu dance performed by communities of Upper Assam like the Sonowal Kacharis, Deoris, Moran, Chutias and Borahis. The dance form isn't just known in India but globally popular.

Originated from the state of the Maratha empire, Lavani is a dance form of Maharashtra. The female-oriented dance is a blend of traditional music and tales of deities. The origin of Lavani comes from the word Lavanya which means beauty. Apart from helping in the upliftment of the Marathi folk theatre, the dance form was also a morale booster during the war in the 18th century. Lavani has two forms; One that's philosophical - Nirguni Lavani and the other that's sensual- Shringar Lavani. With the powerful and quick foot-tapping tempo, the dance form is performed along with the beats of the Dholak. The stories or subjects this dance is based on revolves around topics of religion, politics, society and mostly romance. Dancers are dressed in nine-yard of saree with golden jewellery. The dance was initially staged at local temples in the form of worship, but now it's a sensual dance performed to the pulsating beats rendering a socio-political satire.?

In Indian Philosophy, Mohini is the female avatar of Lord Vishnu, and the meaning of Attam in Malayalam is rhythmic motion hence adhering to the dance of the divine enchantress. It is the second most popular dance form of Kerala. This classical Indian dance form roots from the age-old Sanskrit text - Natya Shastra. It is traditionally performed by women following a repertoire of Carnatic music, singing and acting a play. At times, the song, a typical hybrid of Malayalam and Sanskrit also called Manipravalam, is sung by the performer herself. With a repertoire of instruments such a Mridangam, Madhalam, Flute, Idakka, Veena and Kuzhitalam; the music is rendered in ragas and performed in a slow melodic style. Although the Lasya dance is often portrayed as gentle, graceful and feminine, it also exhibits a vigorous dance of Tandava relating to Lord Shiva. Besides its popularity, the dance was ridiculed by a series of laws as a devadasi prostitution system during the colonial British Raj. A ban that was protested repealed in 1940 and with the help of the locals of Kerala, Mohiniyattam was revived and reconstructed.

Mahapurusha Sankaradeva, a Vaishnava saint and reformer of Assam, introduced Sattriya dance in the 15th century AD. This dance form was preserved in the Sattras or the Vaishnava Maths; therefore, it remained a living tradition. This dance was an artistic way of presenting Philosophical teachings. Traditionally this dance was performed by the male monks or bhokots. However, today, the practice has changed in many ways. The theme is not just related to mythology, and the performances are not limited to the Sattras. Even women can perform Sattriya dance and on the stage.?

The Kalbelia is a dance form of Rajasthan, generally performed for any joyous occasion, considered to be an integral part of the Kalbelia culture. Women of the Kalbelia tribe perform unique and graceful movements like swirling and gyrating, that make this dance a treat to behold. The Kalbelia is exclusively performed on stage by females while the men play traditional instruments, like the pakhwaja, the dholak, jhanjhar, sarangi as well as the harmonium. The most characteristic instrument played during a performance of the Kalbelia is Pungi.

Cheraw dance is a traditional cultural dance performed in Mizoram, India, consisting of mostly six to eight people holding pairs of bamboo staves on another horizontally placed bamboo on the ground. The male performers then clap the bamboos rhythmically while groups of female dancers dance in intricate steps between the beating bamboos. It is the most famous and beautiful dance in Mizoram, and is the center of attraction during festive occasions. Similar dances are found in the Far East and in the Philippines. In the Philippines they have a similar dance called Tinikling that also uses bamboo sticks.?

Belonging to Punjab, Bhangra is a heart-pumping dance adorned with the loud beats of dhol ( traditional Indian instrument). It is very prevalent in traditional Punjabi festivals.

Garba comes from Gujarat which is a traditional dance form dedicated to Goddess Durga. It is performed in a couple on the typical Gujarati music, and the sticks are used to perform this art form.

Performed by the Kashmiri people to celebrate their festivals and important occasions, Rouf is a soothing dance form generally performed by the female dancers on the traditional Kashmiri music.

Wearing heavy jewellery and the beautiful costumes you will find the people of Rajasthan dancing on the beats of music to give away their traditional dance form. Ghoomar includes the intriguing circular movements complemented by the hand gestures.

The beautiful women dressed in the elegant attire performing the dance form of Chhau is what you see during the festival time in Kolkata. The popular art coming from eastern India is considered as the dance in the form of martial arts.

Lezim, a folk dance of Maharashtra, is a mammoth display of the cultural & artistic spirit of the people in Maharashtra. It's most prominent during the the festival of Ganpati.

Folk Dances of India

Folk dance, on the other hand, emerged from the local tradition of the respective state, ethnic or geographic regions. Each state and region offers a unique glimpse and taste into its way of life, rituals, and traditions that can perfectly be seen in each and every folk and tribal dances of India. These dance forms have been originated from different parts of India as per the local tradition.

Assam: Bagurumba, Bihu Dance, Jhumur, and Bhortal Dance are some of the famous traditional dances of Assam.

Arunachal Pradesh: Bardo Chham is the famous religious folk dance of the beautiful state which is specially performed by a small community of West Kameng District to protect its community from the evil forces as per their beliefs.

Chhatisgarh: Raut Nacha is the most popular folk dance forms in Chhattisgarh which is performed by the local community of “Yadavs” in which they represent the lifestyle of Lord Krishna. This traditional dance is similar to Ras Leela.

Goa: Fugdi dance is a famous occasional dance of Goa which is performed by the ladies on the various festivals celebrated in Goa, but especially performed during the Hindu month, Bhaadrapada.

Gujarat: Gujarat is a well-known state for its Dandia Raas and Garba dance which is one of the can’t miss things while anyone in Gujarat in festival season.

Haryana: Ras Leela is a colorful traditional dance form of Haryana, India which is based on the Lord Khrishna’s lifestyle especially performed on the occasion of Krishna Janmashtami and Holi festival.

Jammu and Kashmir: Dumhal is a classical folk dance of JK which is only performed by the local men, and originally this dance was originated by the local Wattal tribe.

Odisha: Goti Pua, Baagh Naach, Dalkhai, Dhap, Gumra, Karma Naach, Keisabadi, are some of the folk dances of Odisha. Gotu Pua is one of difficult traditional dance in which male dancers perform Gymnastic activities with a dressing similar to female ones.

Kerala: Kerala is one such a beautiful state and real treasure of India which is home to some of the best Indian classical dances, folk, and traditional dances. Chakyar Koothu, Duffmuttu, Margamkali, Oppana, Padyani, Theyyam, Thirayattam are few of the top local dances performed in Kerala on various festivals and occasions.

Every dance is tough if you don’t know how to dance. But, Goti Pua, Thirayattam Theyyam, Padyani are few of the tough traditional dances of India.

The human since the ancient times had need for something higher, deeper, more beautiful. Folk dances represent people’s culture, spirit, spirituality (especially those very ancient ones), every day lives, their joy and sadness, worries and achievements etc. They were danced during special occasions, celebrations, weddings, birthdays, harvests and often coupled with interesting music, songs, voices, choreographies, steps etc.

?Human always had a need for entertainment and to enjoy something, hence many folk dances have very beautiful colourful costumes and outfits.. Before people didn't have all the technology and facilities we have now hence, song, music and dances. And what is the importance of the folk dance, it depends, it is certainly a great cultural heritage, just like all forms of arts. In some places folk dance is merely reduced to the lower classes of the society in some the richness, greatness, beauty and wisdom of the folk arts occupies an important place among all forms of arts. Folk culture, dances and music often influenced literature, classical music, fashion etc.

People dance for all kinds of reasons - to mourn, to celebrate, to heal, to give thanks, to demonstrate physical prowess, to assert individuality, to provoke and to entertain. Almost anyone can dance, regardless of age or ability. To specify, there is a type of dance which reasonably preserves the cultural heritage and treasured legends. Folk dance plays an imperative role to nurture and maintain cultures and identities.

?To keep these alive, folk dance is performed to refresh and value the remarks as well as treasure the built civilization of their ancestors/forefathers. It displays how colorful their culture is-- wearing festive and localized costumes, and combining it with their native song. We can say their creativity reflects the way they live and their identity. Folk dance serves as an entry for identification which makes it easier for us to recognize people in different places.

?These different cultures showcase the beauty of their folk dances to drive awareness and recognition for millennials or for this generation since they are now tremendously exposed to the new genres of music and dance. Folk dances are only some of the important sources of depicting early life and cultures of native people.

Folk dances in India represent the culture and tradition of the community from where it originated. Folk dances are usually performed during the respective community’s celebration- childbirth, festivals, weddings, etc. There are different types of Folk dances in India.?

Andhra Pradesh?Vilasini Natyam, Bhamakalpam, Veeranatyam, Dappu, Tappeta Gullu, Lambadi, Dhimsa, Kolattam.

Arunachal Pradesh Buiya, Chalo, Wancho, Pasi Kongki, Ponung, Popir

Assam Bihu, Bichhua, Natpuja, Maharas, Kaligopal, Bagurumba, Naga dance, Khel Gopal.

Bihar Jata-Jatin, Bakho-Bakhain, Panwariya

Chhattisgarh Gaur Maria, Panthi, Raut Nacha, Pandwani, Vedamati, Kapalik

Gujarat Garba, Dandiya Raas, Tippani Juriun, Bhavai

Goa Tarangamel, Koli, Dekhni, Fugdi, Shigmo, Ghode, Modni, Samayi nrutya, Jagar, Ranmale

Haryana?Jhumar, Phag, Daph, Dhamal, Loor, Gugga, Khor.

Himachal Pradesh Jhora, Jhali, Chharhi, Dhaman, Chhapeli, Mahasu

Jammu & Kashmir Rauf, Hikat, Mandjas, Kud Dandi Nach

Jharkhand Alkap, Karma Munda, Agni, Jhumar, Janani Jhumar, Mardana Jhumar, Paika, Phagua

Karnataka?Yakshagana, Huttari, Suggi, Kunitha, Karga

Kerala?Ottam Thullal, Kaikottikali

Maharashtra Lavani, Nakata, Koli, Lezim, Gafa, Dahikala Dasavtar

Madhya Pradesh?Jawara, Matki, Aada, Khada Nach, Phulpati, Grida Dance, Selalarki, Selabhadoni

Odisha Savari, Ghumara, Painka, Munari

Punjab Bhangra, Giddha, Daff, Dhaman, Bhand

Rajasthan Ghumar, Chakri, Ganagor, Jhulan Leela, Jhuma, Suisini, Ghapal

Sikkim Chu Faat, Sikmari, Singhi Chaam or the Snow Lion, Yak Chaam, Denzong Gnenha, Tashi Yangku

Tamil Nadu Kumi, Kolattam, Kavadi

Tripura Hojagiri

Uttar Pradesh?Nautanki, Raslila, Kajri, Jhora, Chappeli

Uttarakhand Garhwali, Kumayuni, Kajari, Jhora, Raslila

Manipur?Dol Cholam, Thang Ta, Lai Haraoba, Pung Cholom

Meghalaya Ka Shad Suk Mynsiem, Nongkrem, Laho

Mizoram Cheraw Dance, Khuallam, Chailam, Sawlakin, Chawnglaizawn, Zangtalam

Nagaland Rangma, Zeliang, Nsuirolians, Gethinglim

? ? ?

Lezim or lazium is a folk dance form, from the state of Maharashtra in India. Sometimes also spelt as "Lezium", Lezim dancers carry a small musical instrument with jingling cymbals called the Lezim or lezium, after which the dance form is named. There are minimum 20 dancers in lezim.?#wikipedia


Rolling Stock - Technocrat for Development of Railway Rolling Stocks Components & Approvals from Indian Railway.

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Dear Sir, Thanks for sharing.

Dr Anadi Sahoo

Indic Knowledge System I Nath Sampradaya

2 年

Creating better cultural awareness in India for the next generation involves education, community engagement, and cultural practices.?Here are some strategies to enhance cultural awareness: 1.?Education and Curriculum; Incorporate cultural studies in school curricula to help students understand Indian culture's significance and diversity.?Use diverse textbooks and media to expose students to various cultural practices. 2.?Community and Family Involvement; Encourage families to celebrate festivals and follow traditional practices at home.?Organize cultural events for people from different backgrounds to share their traditions. 3.?Cultural Exchanges and Programs; Support government initiatives like Rashtriya Sanskriti Mahotsavs and participate in international cultural events to promote and learn from different cultures. 4.?Promoting Cultural Humility; Encourage open discussions about cultural differences and embrace changes in traditions while preserving their essence. 5.?Digital and Media Engagement; Produce and enjoy media that highlights Indian culture and use social media to share cultural experiences.


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