Cultivating a Successful Mindset is NOT a Piece of Cake!
A. Yanina Gomez, PhD
Speaker and Author - Emotional Wellness & Mindful Parenting
As a driven woman, you’ve probably already set your goals for yourself. You’re pumped up and ready to take over the world! You feel pretty confident about what you want to do but are unsure about your next step. Suddenly, you realize that it is a scary thing. You’re putting yourself out there and you’re starting to feel a little vulnerable. Maybe, you’re experiencing mindset roadblocks such as self-doubt or insecurities and your inner voices are getting louder reminding you of all the things that can go wrong once you begin your journey toward greater personal and professional success. Or, maybe you’re burned out, mentally and emotionally exhausted, overwhelmed or perhaps misunderstood.
I totally understand because I go through these thoughts and emotions too. And having a doctorate degree in Psychology doesn’t exclude me from experiencing them. You know, often we set a barrier by the way we think about ourselves. We prefer to play it safe. And frankly, you will rarely achieve above what you set for yourself. Playing safe rarely leads to growth. As you dive into your mind and soul, you realize that your mindset has a lot to do with it!
You and I know that our mindset is a powerful thing. It can lead you to greater success or eternal frustration. Hence, if you want to experience greater success, it’s important that you take the time to cultivate a successful mindset. We all know that overnight success is overrated. If you’re hoping and dreaming for your garden to grow beautiful and extravagant roses this summer without doing much about it, I have bad news for you. It’s not going to happen (unless you’re OK with weeds and wild flowers)! If you want to grow an outstanding garden this year, you have to prep the soil, plant, fertilize, water and care for it. It’s an ongoing process!
You can have a healthy body, tight abs, toned arms… and enjoy optimal physical health. But if your mindset is not at par with your physical health, if you’re not optimistic and thriving for success, you’re setting yourself up for a potential disaster.
So, let me share with you 4 suggestions to start cultivating a successful mindset:
- Believe in Yourself! – When you believe in yourself and your potential, you’ll scream out CONFIDENCE and your energy will be contagious. Don’t underestimate your potential fabulous. Celebrate and share your talents with others! If you don’t believe in yourself, others will likely wont either!
- Work smart towards achieving your goals – We can have all the knowledge, intention, potential and thrive, but if we lack strategy and a plan of action, we might not get too far. There’s a big difference between being busy and being productive. Smart productivity leads to results. So, assess your busyness… are you seeing results or just going around in circles? Regardless of your goals, make sure you have a strategy and an execution plan!
- Aim for the top, think big! As big thinkers say, magic happens when you think outside of the box by stretching yourself out a little harder. WARNING! Once you put yourself outside of your comfort zone (a.k.a. taking on challenges, starting something new, setting goals that make you uncomfortable because you’ve never done it before or not sure if you can do this, etc.), expect growing pains that will lead to amazing personal/professional growth.
- Be intentional. As an entrepreneur, one thing I’ve learned is that, to achieve success in life, we have to intentionally transform and cultivate a successful mindset. Challenges are hurdles will come during your journey. It is up to you to label them properly. Are you going to see them as failures or learning experiences? Are you going to maintain an optimistic and realistic perspective or you’re going to let your negative inner voices win the battle?
Remember, cultivating a successful mindset is an ongoing process. Each day, you become stronger and wiser. But, you have to be intentional!
If you are a women entrepreneur, transitioning into the entrepreneurial world, self employed or a business woman from the Chicagoland area and would love a mindset reset, I would love for you to join me for “The Secret to Cultivating a Successful Mindset” Talk and Networking Event. In this free talk, I’ll be sharing with you practical strategies you can start using right away to set yourself up for awesome greatness and transform your mindset into a successful one. To check for availability and sign up, click HERE!
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