Cultivating Effective Leadership #7 – Your What
Andrew Otsieno
Wholistic Leadership Founder & CEO | Helping owners (legal/moral - leadership, investors, funders...) translate their wishes into organizational performance.
Great leaders keep themselves and their organizations focused on two things – their why and their what.
If my passion as a leader is to enrich the lives of the elderly, I can live out that passion doing many things. I can run an assisted living facility, provide immersion tours to exciting places, create mobility devices, supply hearing aids, etc. The list could get very long. To be truly great at any of these, I need to focus my efforts – choose one thing I can excel at and enjoy doing. With my why and what clear, I now have the foundation for a great organization. As a leader, all I need to do is bring people into my organization who share my core values and passion and have the capacity to do my what very well.
Here are your takeaway points for this week:
Encouragement: When you have a clear why and what, and the right people on board, leading and managing is so much easier.