Cultivating Critical Digital, Media, News, AI, and Civic Literacies for Educational Equity and Justice
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Cultivating Critical Digital, Media, News, AI, and Civic Literacies for Educational Equity and Justice


Which literacies do students need in order to thrive in the future?

When I was a high school history, government and economics teacher, I definitely would have agreed that civic literacy is critical. As for digital, media, and news literacy, those already seemed to be part of everything. Or so I thought I was up-to-date with educational technology and student-centered, culturally responsive pedagogy. Students engaged in projects utilizing edtech, digital resources, the internet, and social media, discussed its role in their lives, and compared news stories as they studied current events. In their culminating civic action projects, utilizing resources from Teach Democracy (formerly the Constitutional Rights Foundation, 2012) students each identified and researched a problem, proposed a solution, and took action, then reported on the process to their classmates and school community with presentations, websites, videos, and digital media.

Media literacy, however, wasn’t explicitly part of my history-social science content standards, only The Model School Library Standards for California Public Schools, Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve (2010). That changed in 2024 when California added itself to a limited list of states requiring the teaching of media literacy by passing Assembly Bill 873 “Pupil instruction: media literacy: curriculum frameworks” (Media Literacy Now, 2024). In California this will require media literacy content in English language arts, math, science, and history-social science, and build K-12 students’ critical thinking skills while “developing strategies to strengthen digital citizenship.”?

In 2023-2024 the California Department of Education provided a webinar series “News and Media Literacy for All” in collaboration with the News Literacy Project. They distinguished and defined: ”media literacy: the ability to access, analyze, evaluate, create, and act using all forms of communication; digital literacy: the ability to use information and communication technologies to find, evaluate, create, and communicate information, requiring both cognitive and technical skills; digital citizenship: respect, educate, and protect; news literacy: determine the accuracy of information as well as the credibility of the source of that information.” (Learn more about local efforts with Misinfo Day California, Susan Meister, Ann Packer, Mark Gomez , Daisy Martin , History & Civics Project , California Council for the Social Studies , et al.)

The list of requisite knowledge, skills, literacies, and competencies is growing for students and educators. “In the educational setting, consolidating computational thinking (CT) and digital literacy (DL) as two important skills for 21st- century professionals have become more important than ever” (George-Reyes, Estrada, & Glasserman-Morales, 2021, p. 13). “Digital literacy component skills” include:?"critical/cognitive literacy, selecting information, analyzing information, managing information, socializing information, giving meaning to information, reconstructing information, decision making based on information, developing information search criteria, generating knowledge, informational literacy, accessing digital devices, using software, using hardware, designing digital contents, communicative literacy, elaborating information, socializing information, managing communication, replenishing information, and respecting in informatics networks" (George-Reyes, Estrada, & Glasserman-Morales, 2021, p. 14).

What is the role of educators?

ISTE Standards for Educators?

2.3 Digital Citizen: Educators inspire students to positively contribute to and responsibly participate in the digital world.?

2.3b Credibility: Establish a learning culture that promotes curiosity and critical examination of online resources, and fosters digital literacy and media fluency.

So what makes digital and media literacy critical? We know it is important, but what is the difference between digital and media literacy and critical digital and media literacy? “Criticality is more than just critical thinking. It is critical thinking about power, justice, equity, humanity, problem-solving, empowerment, marginalization…” (Muhammad, 2023, p. 84). Critical digital literacy refers to “practices which (1) lead to the creation of digital texts that interrogate issues of power, representation, and agency in the world and (2) critically interrogate digital media and technologies themselves” (Bacalja, Aguilera, & Castrillón-ángel, 2021), which includes decoding, meaning-making, analyzing, persona, and using (Hinrichsen & Coombs, 2013). Critical digital pedagogy includes: critical digital consumption, critical digital production, critical digital distribution, and critical digital invention (Mirra, Morrell, & Filipiak, 2018; Nucci & Ilten-Gee, 2021, pp. 164-174). Along these lines, moving from digital citizenship to critical digital citizenship means “reframing the conception of digital citizenship as active civic engagement for social justice…in a proactive direction aimed at dismantling oppression” (Heath, 2018). These literacies and applicable skills to teaching and learning are part of teacher digital competence (Falloon, 2020) and expand on the TPACK Framework (Mishra & Koehler, 2006) for technology integration with content and pedagogy within the overlapping domains of content knowledge (CK), pedagogical knowledge (PK), and technological knowledge (TK), as well as the SAMR model, which stands for substitution, augmentation, modification, and redefinition of tasks (Puentedura, 2013; 2024), empowering innovation and creativity with the use of technology.

The difference between media literacy and critical media literacy is that media literacy is “an ‘umbrella term’ that encompasses the analysis of mass-media and pop-culture, digital or technology platform analysis, and civic engagement and social justice action” while critical media literacy “encourages analysis of the dominant ideology and an interrogation of the means of production…is an inquiry into power, especially the power of the media industries and how they determine the stories and messages to which we are the audience” (Butler, 2021).?

The Civic Online Reasoning curriculum developed by the Stanford History Education Group (SHEG, 2019) suggests “Teaching Lateral Reading: leaving a site to see what other digital sources say about it.” Questions to ask include:?

  • Who funds or sponsors the site where the original piece was published??
  • What do other authoritative sources have to say about that site??
  • When you do a search on the topic of the original piece, are the initial results from fact-checking organizations??
  • Have questions been raised about other articles the author has written??
  • Does what you’re finding elsewhere contradict the original piece??
  • Are credible news outlets reporting on (or perhaps more important, not reporting on) what you’re reading?

Similarly, another strategy is SIFT: “stop; investigate the source; find better coverage; trace claims, quotes and media to the original context” (Caulfield, 2019).

In their Critical Media Literacy Guides, embedded in the e-book Critical Media Literacy and Civic Learning, Butler, Trust, and Maloy (2021) offer questions for teachers and students analyzing social media, crucial to educating for elections, voting, and public policy development. “Who owns the social media platform? What objectives and aims does the platform owner have? How does the social media company make money (e.g., Ads? Data collection?)? What do the privacy policies say? What are the terms of service and how much agency does the user have in their own participation and privacy? Are the privacy policy and terms of service easy to understand and read (why do you think this is?)?” And for analyzing news, questions include: “Who are the subjects in the news story? Why are they being covered/photographed? Who is left out of the news story that should be included? Why do you think that is? Who is covering the story: Mainstream/corporate media or alternative/independent media? How does this influence the way the story is being told? Who owns the news source? What are the news source owners’ aims, values, and objectives? How does the owner and news source encourage viewers to trust their coverage? Who is the intended audience? How did you find this out? How does the news source use visuals and content to disseminate information?”?

In the Journal of Media Literacy Education, University of California, Santa Barbara professor W. James Potter (2023) published the article “Critically analyzing the meanings of?“critical media literacy” and based on the literature (in a review of 53 articles) found 172?definitional elements, the purposes expressed for critical media literacy, as well as skills?and knowledge, with implications for future research.?

The Critical Media Literacy Framework (Kellner & Share, 2019) includes:

  • Social Constructivism: All information is co-constructed by individuals and/or groups of people who make choices within social contexts. WHO are all the possible people who made choices that helped create this text?
  • Language/Semiotics: Each medium has its own language with specific grammar and semantics. HOW was this text constructed and delivered/accessed?
  • Audience/Positionality: Individuals and groups understand media messages similarly and/or differently depending on multiple contextual factors. HOW could this text be understood differently?
  • Politics of Representation: Media messages and the medium through which they travel always have a bias and support and/or challenge dominant hierarchies of power, privilege, and pleasure. WHAT values, points of view, ideologies are represented or missing from this text or influenced by the medium?
  • Production/Institutions: All media texts have a purpose (often commercial or governmental) that is shaped by the creators and/or systems within which they operate. WHY was this text created and /or shared?
  • Social/Environmental Justice: Media culture is a terrain of struggle that perpetuates or challenges positive and/or negative ideas about people, groups, and issues; it is never neutral. WHOM does this text advantage and/or disadvantage?

Learning for Justice provides Media Literacy Resources (2024) and a Digital Literacy Framework (2017). Seven key areas are provided in which students need support developing digital and civic literacy skills:?

1. Students can locate and verify reliable sources of information.?

2. Students understand how digital information comes to them.?

3. Students can constructively engage in digital communities.

4. Students understand how online communication affects privacy and security.?

5. Students understand that they are producers of information.?

6. Students understand their role as customers in an online marketplace.?

7. Students can evaluate the value of the internet as a mechanism of civic action.?

Additional helpful resources are provided by PBS (2024).

The Media Literacy Collaborative at UCSC and UC Irvine (2023) frame media literacy for civic engagement as:

  1. Describing the media world and your role in it
  2. Responsible consumption?
  3. Civically-conscious curation
  4. Civically-active production

With the growing role of generative artificial intelligence (AI), critical skills such as deciphering deep fakes, disinformation, misinformation, bots, algorithmic bias and harm are of utmost importance to protecting the public and democracy. The United States Department of Education’s Office of Educational Technology’s (2023) report: Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Teaching and Learning Insights and Recommendations contains the “Recommendation for desired qualities of AI tools and systems in education.” In the 2024 National Educational Technology Plan, a description is provided:

"Algorithmic Literacy: AI has exponentially increased the need for students to understand and be able to critically analyze algorithms and how they impact our online and offline lives. Algorithmic literacy includes knowledge of the underlying principles, processes, and biases that shape algorithms and their implications for individuals, society, and decision-making. It also includes understanding how to interact effectively with AI and the ethical implications of using generative AI tools such as ChatGPT” (United States Department of Education, Office of Educational Technology, 2024, p. 88).?

As educators make meaning of the role of generative AI in education, Common Sense Education (2023) provides “AI Literacy Lessons for Grades 6-12” for students to “understand what AI is and how it works, consider some of its potential benefits and risks, and think critically about how we can be responsible and ethical users of AI.” They also provide digital citizenship and news and media literacy resources. ISTE provides additional AI resources. These skills are imperative to cultivating critical literacies for a more equitable and just future.?

Education Leaders:

Equity Inquiry: How might education leaders cultivate critical digital and media literacy competencies by practicing the strategy of counterdemo in order to design justice with community schools?


Critical Digital Literacy: practices which (1) lead to the creation of digital texts that interrogate issues of power, representation, and agency in the world and (2) critically interrogate digital media and technologies themselves.

Counterdemo: to make a [social justice] demonstration [with digital media] in opposition to another [dominant and oppressive] demonstration (demo).?

Design Justice: design processes that center people who are normally?marginalized by design, and uses collaborative, creative practices to address the?deepest challenges our communities face. Also refer to Liberatory Design, an approach to addressing equity challenges and change efforts in complex systems (National Equity Project & California Department of Education, 2021).

Community Schools: a public school that serves prekindergarten through grade?twelve and has community partnerships that support improved academic?outcomes, whole-child engagement, and family development.

What is the role of education leaders?

ISTE Standards for Education Leaders?

3.1 Equity and Citizenship Advocate: Leaders use technology to increase equity, inclusion and digital citizenship practices.

3.1.C Model Digital Citizenship: Model digital citizenship by critically evaluating online resources, engaging in civil discourse online and using digital tools to contribute to positive social change.

As equity and citizenship advocates, education leaders create counternarratives to the inequitable systems, policies and practices. Instead of continuing to tell the deficit-based stories that shame marginalized students and parents for the “achievement gap” and blame educators for not doing enough to close the “opportunity gap,” we choose a different approach to address the “education debt” (Ladson-Billings, 2006) with “educational reparations” (Love, 2023) at the structural and institutional level and “microaffirmations” to counter microaggressions (Solórzano & Pérez Huber, 2020) at the cultural and interpersonal level. By inviting educational partners to engage in storytelling that shares their “community cultural wealth” (Yosso, 2006) and “funds of knowledge” (Moll, Amanti, Neff, & Gonzalez, 1992) as assets, listening to and affirming their experiences and insights as storytelling in circle is an indigenous practice that dates back to time immemorial. A technology-enabled variation of storytelling is “digital storytelling” (Bull & Kajder, 2004; Hernandez, 2023) and “countermapping” (YR Media, 2016). This is a way to elevate youth-centered counternarratives at the classroom and school community level, utilizing digital tools and strategies to connect, build movement, and advance equity and social justice.

Pedagogy is essential to both culturally responsive and sustaining learning environments and to the “critical agency, dialogue, and social responsibility [that are] critical to keeping democracies alive (Giroux, 2011, p. 13) ...Relevance and transformation emerge through the interaction of texts, tools, and talk” (Philip & Garcia, 2013). Furthermore, “students develop new forms of civic participation through their engagement with digital, participatory media and interactive presentations to community stakeholders” (Mirra, Morrell, Cain, Scorza, & Ford, 2013). Moving toward critical literacies with digitally mediated learning; pedagogy, andragogy, and heutagogy situate approaches to children’s learning, adult learning, and self-directed learning, recreated in an accessible format from Teach Thought (University of Illinois, n.d.) .

Strategy: Counterdemo?

With critical digitally mediated learning, demonstrations can be created to show and tell stories, teach concepts, and illustrate their meaning. For instance, as a macro level example, the article “AI, Ain’t I A Woman?” On the Blindness and Limitations of Artificial Intelligence” by Dr. Joy Buolamwini (2023), explains the rationale behind her counterdemo (video) “AI, Ain’t I A Woman?” (2019), an allusion to Sojourner Truth's famous speech.

Through her counterdemo, Dr. Buolamwini communicated her research findings and advocacy in a way that was concise and customized to her public audience. It provided evidence to support her claim of algorithmic bias and harm, “representational harm” and “allocative harm” (Buolamwini, 2023), and in spite of the oppression, inspire ways to move counter to the dominant technoptimistic narrative of AI hype toward a civic dialogue for co-creating the future. She also founded the Algorithmic Justice League and wrote the book Unmasking AI “Beyond hype and doom, finally an AI Book of Hope for Everyone” (Buolamwini, 2023). In the book, Buolamwini describes the historical example of how Ida B. Wells, an investigative journalist in the late 19th and early 20th centuries and co-founder of the NAACP, led an anti-lynching campaign using the technology of photography to publish counterdemos to a public audience, with implications for the past, present, and future of counterdemos to disrupt racism and oppression, and cultivate critical hope (Duncan-Andrade, 2009) and civic imagination (Peters-Lazaro & Shresthova, 2020).

Engaging in Critical Multimodal Curation to Foster Racial Literacy

  1. Promote critical inquiry about the impact of racism in digital spaces.
  2. Sustain reflexivity as a stance about race and racism in digital spaces.
  3. Create multimodal artifacts that trace how race, power, and equity are indexed in digital spaces.
  4. Disseminate content about equity, race, and justice as a form of public pedagogy.
  5. Develop emotional intelligence about racism to engage in productive discussions about the impact it has in our society. (Price-Dennis & Sealey-Ruiz, 2021, pp. 78-108)

For a brief informal primer on generative AI for TK-12 education leaders in California, read “Critical Generative AI for Educational Equity and Justice” (Elemen, 2023) and learn more about how students are advocating for AI regulation with Encode Justice, “reimagining our collective future…building a global, youth-powered movement for human-centered artificial intelligence” (Sampath & Syed, 2023). Also refer to “Teaching critical race media literacy through Black historical narratives” (McWhorter & Patterson, 2023).

“The design of digital technologies neither causes nor solves structural inequality, but is itself deeply embedded in power dynamics that benefit dominant classes at the expense of everyone else. The starting point of design justice is the partial, negotiated, tentative steps that designers and their intended beneficiaries take to acknowledge and work through these troublesome relations” (Crooks, 2022; Costanza-Chock, 2020).

How might you as an education leader and equity and citizenship advocate create counterdemos to support the advancement of community schools, critical digital and media literacy, and civic engagement? We frame equity inquiries that invite education leaders and educational partners to critically reflect on questions and co-create localized responses.

The 21CSLA Regional Academies offer high quality, equity-centered professional learning and coaching for school and district leaders across California—at no cost to participants. The 21st Century California School Leadership Academy (21CSLA, 2023) at the University of California, Berkeley School of Education asks: “How can TK-12 education leaders leverage digital tools and strategies to deepen learning and expand access and equity?” 21CSLA Digitally Mediated Learning Vignettes are provided (for example, podcasting) to highlight selected learning strategies that can be incorporated into professional learning with school leaders to transform education to improve access, opportunity, and inclusion for students and adults, especially those who are systemically marginalized and historically underserved, so that they can thrive. Share your examples of digitally mediated learning with 21CSLA (21st Century California School Leadership Academy) #21CSLA #LeadingForEquity #DigitallyMediatedLearning on social media and on the California Educators Together 21CSLA Statewide Initiative Group.


21st Century California School Leadership Academy (21CSLA). (2023). Digitally mediated?learning vignettes. University of California, Berkeley.? Berkeley Leadership Programs , University of California, Berkeley, School of Education

Bacalja, A., Aguilera, E., Castrillón-ángel, E. F. (2021).? Critical digital literacy In J. Zacher?Pandya, R. A. Mora, J. H. Alford, N. A Golden, R. S. de Roock. The handbook of critical literacies. Routledge.

Bull, G. & Kajder, S. (2004). Digital storytelling. Learning and Leading with Technology, 32(4),?46-49. International Society for Technology in Education.

Buolamwini, J. (2019). AI, Ain’t I A Woman? YouTube.

Buolamwini, J. (2023). Unmasking AI: My mission to protect what Is human in a world of?machines. Random House.

Buolamwini, J. (2023).? “AI, Ain’t I A Woman?” On the blindness and limitations of artificial?intelligence. LitHub.

Butler, A. (2021). Defining critical media literacy In R. W. Maloy, T. Trust, A. Butler, & C. Xu.?Critical Media Literacy and Civic Learning. EdTech Books.?

California Department of Education. (2010). The Model School Library Standards for California?Public Schools, Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve.

California Department of Education & The News Literacy Project . (2023-2024). News and media?literacy for all [Webinar series]. &?

Caulfield, M. (2019). SIFT (The four moves). 美国华盛顿大学

Common Sense Media Education. (2023). AI Literacy Lessons for Grades 6-12.

Costanza-Chock, S. (2020). Design justice. The MIT Press.

Crooks, R. (2022). Equity is not justice: Designing for the struggle. Connected Learning?Alliance. Connected Learning Alliance

Design Justice Network Principles. (2018).

Duncan-Andrade, J. (2009). Note to educators: Hope required when growing roses in concrete. Harvard Educational Review, 79, 181–194.

Elemen, J. E. (2023). Critical generative AI for educational equity and justice. LinkedIn.

Falloon, G. (2020). From digital literacy to digital competence: the teacher digital competency (TDC) framework. Education Tech Research Development, 68:2449–2472 Garry Falloon

George-Reyes, C. E., Estrada, F. J. R., & Glasserman-Morales, L. D. (2021). Interweaving?digital literacy with computational thinking. In TEEM’s Ninth International Conference on Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality (pp. 13–17).

Giroux, H. A. (2011). On critical pedagogy. Continuum.

Heath, M. K. (2018). What kind of (digital) citizen?: A between-studies analysis of research and teaching for democracy. International Journal of Information and Learning Technology, 35(5): 342-356.

Hernandez, M. (2023). The power of digital storytelling. ASCD.?

Hinrichsen, J. & Coombs, A. (2013). The five resources of critical digital literacy: A framework for curriculum integration. Research in Learning Technology, 21. DOI: 10.3402/rlt.v21.21334?

International Society for Technology in Education. (2018). ISTE Standards. Eugene, OR: International Society for Technology in Education.?

Kellner, D. & Share, J. (2019). The critical media literacy guide: Engaging media and transforming education. The Netherlands: Brill/Sense Publishers. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.32448.79360?

Ladson-Billings, G. (2006). From the achievement gap to the education debt: Understanding?achievement in U.S. schools. Educational Researcher, 35(7), 3-12. Gloria Ladson-Billings

Learning for Justice [formerly Teaching Tolerance]. (2017). Digital Literacy Framework.?

Learning for Justice .?(2024). Media literacy resources.

Love, B. (2023). Punished for dreaming: How school reform harms Black children and how we?heal. St. Martin's Press. Bettina Love

McWhorter, C., & Patterson, T. M. (2023). Teaching critical race media literacy through Black?historical narratives. Journal of Media Literacy Education, 15(3), 1- 13. National Association for Media Literacy Education

Media Literacy Collaborative at UCSC and UC Irvine. (2023). Learn essential skills for teaching media literacy: Developing students’ media literacy for civic engagement. History & Civics Project

Media Literacy Now . (2024). Putting media literacy on the public policy agenda.?

Mirra, N., Morrell, E. D., Cain, E., Scorza, D., & Ford A. (2013). Educating for a critical democracy: Civic participation reimagined in the Council of Youth Research. Democracy & Education, 21(1), Article 3.

Mirra, N., Morrell, E., & Filipiak, D. (2018). From digital consumption to digital invention: Toward a new critical theory and practice in multiliteracies. Theory into Practice, 57(1), 12-19. Nicole Mirra , Ernest Morrell , Danielle R. Filipiak, PhD

Mishra, P., & Koehler, M. J. (2006). Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge: A new framework for teacher knowledge. Teachers College Record, 108(6), 1017-1054.

Moll, L. C., Amanti, C., Neff, D., & Gonzalez, N. (1992). Funds of knowledge for teaching:?Using a qualitative approach to connect homes and classrooms. Theory Into Practice, 31(2), 132-141.

Muhammad, M. (2023). Unearthing joy: A guide to culturally and historically responsive teaching and learning. Scholastic.?Dr. Gholdy Muhammad

National Equity Project & California Department of Education. (2021). Leading for equity: Take it up! National Equity Project.

Nucci, L. & Ilten-Gee, R. (2021). Moral education for social justice. Teachers College Press. LARRY NUCCI & Robyn Ilten-Gee

Philip, T. M. & Garcia, A. (2013). The importance of still teaching the iGeneration: New technologies and the centrality of pedagogy. Harvard Educational Review. DOI:10.17763/haer.83.2.w221368g1554u158

PBS . (2024). News and media literacy. +?KQED

Peters-Lazaro, G. & Shresthova, S. (2020). Practicing futures: A civic imagination action handbook. Peter Lang Publishing, Inc.

Potter, W. J. (2023). Critically analyzing the meanings of “critical” media literacy. Journal of Media Literacy Education, 15(3), 110-127.

Price-Dennis, D. & Sealey-Ruiz, Y. (2021). Advancing racial literacies in teacher education:?Activism for Equity in Digital Spaces. Teachers College Press. Detra M. Price & Yolanda Sealey-Ruiz

Puentedura, R. R. (2013, May 29). SAMR: Moving from enhancement to transformation.?

Puentedura, R. R. (2024, January 9). SAMR and Bloom's Taxonomy: Assembling the Puzzle.?Common Sense Education. Ruben Puentedura

Sampath, S. & Syed, M. (2023). As students, we face AI-powered school surveillance. Now?we’re calling on lawmakers to regulate it. ACLU New Jersey.

Solórzano, D. & Pérez Huber, L. (2020). Racial microaggressions: Using critical race theory to?respond to everyday racism. Teachers College Press. Lindsay Pérez Huber, Ph.D.

Stanford History Education Group (SHEG). (2019). Teaching Lateral Reading. Civic Online?Reasoning. Digital Inquiry Group

Teach Democracy [formerly the Constitutional Rights Foundation]. (2023). Civic Action Project.

United States Department of Education, Office of Educational Technology. (2023). Artificial Intelligence and Future of Teaching and Learning: Insights and Recommendations, Washington, DC.

U.S. Department of Education, Office of Educational Technology. (2024). A Call to?Action for Closing the Digital Access, Design, and Use Divides: 2024 National Educational Technology Plan, Washington, DC.

University of Illinois. (n.d.). Pedagogy, andragogy, and heutagogy.?

Yosso, T. J. (2005) Whose culture has capital? A critical race theory discussion of? community cultural wealth. Race Ethnicity and Education, 8(1), 69-91.? J. Yosso, Ph.D.

YR Media . (2016). West Side Stories.

Anne Collier

Founder/Executive Director at The Net Safety Collaborative

10 个月

An amazing collection of definitions and resources from an educator. Thank you, Jennifer

Valerie M. Evans

Award-Winning Communications Executive ┋ Bilingual Storyteller ┋ Driving Strategic Growth Through Digital Innovation & Brand Excellence ┋ Corporate Communications, Crisis Management, & Employee Engagement

1 年

Great post! How can social media users and parents help support #medialiteracy and #criticalthinking ?


Jennifer Elemen, Ed.D.的更多文章

