Cultivate the craftsman spirit--
Mohammad Mohtasham
Renewable energy sector consultant with focus on Wind and Solar - Transaction lawyer , equity investor
- How masters motivate themselves- the conviction of craftsman spirit
The great masters, including contemporary ones, all manage to retain the craftsman spirit. What motivates them is not money, fame, or a high position, but making the perfect work of art, designing the best building, discovering some new scientific law, mastering their craft etc. This helps them to not get too caught up in the ups and downs of their career. It is the work that matters. And in the end, these masters end up making more money and become more famous by cultivating this spirit.
Steve Jobs:-
Steve Jobs personified this craftsman ethic. He inherited it from his father, a man who loved to build things with his hands, and the love of perfection, for making something just right, is an attitude he transferred to the design of products for Apple.
Apple has never compromised on its software, it never slashed prices and it never made a sub par product . today, it is the most valuable company in the world with a mkt cap of 1 trillion USD.
Enzo Ferrari - master craftsman:-
Enzo ferrari was obsessed with one and one goal only - to make the fastest and best looking cars ever. period
nothing he ever did was for financial gains, he rejected countless offers from large automobile companies to sell ferrari ( Alfa romeo, Ford , General motors all offered hefty sums to buy his company ) and stuck with his original vision. He never compromised on design, power and overall aesthetics of his sports cars - and the world loved them . Ferrari today is one of the most iconic cars ever built and a multi billion dollar brand .
so there you have it readers= That’s the master’s goal: to make things well and to feel pride in it.
My name is Mohammad Mohtasham
I trade stocks, commodities, run my company which sells and provides services/equipment to hospitals. i also offer financial coaching and advise businesses