CU Advantage Newsletter
Flood Insurance and Spanish-Speaking Populations
Staying connected to the new changes in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) can help out many people, especially those in the flood areas. Not only does it create a relief in the members when purchasing the insurance, but it helps the credit union stay connected to any new policies.
Making sure that a member has a great forms provider will help out a lot. Knowing when the forms need to be updated, staying in touch with any provisions that can help when any unfortunate circumstances come into play, is what a good provider does.
Interested in reading and learning more? Click HERE to be taken to the full article post.
Watch HERE: Fillable Forms
Digital and Print Forms
in Multiple Formats
We guarantee compliance review, and have several different delivery methods to accommodate you.
Annual Convention
It was a successful event this year in Nashville!
To see a video containing some of the photos we took at the event check here. The golf event was a blast!
CU Marketing Corner
How to Introduce Youths to Credit Unions
Learning how to properly save from an early age is so incredibly important. Being able to learn how and when to spend your money will create a balance of wants and needs when purchasing items. We all have at one time in our lives felt guilty for buying an item or items, but that is part of growing up and learning from your mistakes. Furthermore, being able to understand how important it is to save and prosper by every penny you have in your CU account shows growth and determination in saving for a greater future.
It may be daunting for young ones to sign so many documents as they open a new credit union account, but with easy forms available nowadays, it is not as overwhelming during the membership process.
Fun Fact
Did you know that an estimated 150 million hot dogs are consumed on July 4th?