CTO AS A SERVICE: Learn how the solution can boost business without raising costs
The ThinkSoft newsletter is a product of Locus Custom Software's Marketing and Communication department.

CTO AS A SERVICE: Learn how the solution can boost business without raising costs

The CTO as a service has been an excellent alternative for companies that need to optimize their operations, without necessarily having a big increase in costs. In this 4th edition of "ThinkSoft", a weekly newsletter from Locus Custom Software, you will understand how the CTO works to find different solutions to the problems that arise, ensuring that all tasks are done on time and with the quality required. Enjoy your reading!

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Technology drives new social environments every day. In times of collectible NFT, metaverse, augmented reality tools, immersive digital products, and home office work, companies seek to stand out and leverage their operations in a scalable way. However, having the ability to grow quickly and keep up with new market trends, without having to significantly increase costs, can become a challenge. And this is exactly where the CTO as a service solution comes in.

"The CTO is not just the person who knows about technology. You need to know about management, to exercise leadership, because they will help companies make strategic decisions," explains Igor Cavalcanti, who, in a trajectory of almost 20 years in computer science, has already held several positions in different technology companies, and is currently CTO at Locus Custom Software.

The acronym "CTO" stands for "Chief Technology Officer", i.e. the person responsible for the technical side of the software development process. The CTO manages technology partners, software developers, and IT support, sets up the development process, and controls development.

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"Besides understanding about technology, you have to keep up with new trends in the market. The CTO usually has to be an experienced person who really knows the technologies. Many times the CTO will be able to help the commercial team to define, together with the client, a demand about a certain technology," adds Cavalcanti.

In practice, Cavalcanti explains that the CTO enables a company to achieve financial goals by using knowledge of existing and emerging technology to provide a business with the best possible solutions.


Many startups and new companies, which are usually business models that rely exclusively on technological advancement to be successful, turn to the CTO solution as a service, hiring technical and business consulting or mentoring.

"The advantage of having a CTO as a service, is that you won't have to have a CTO contracted indefinitely. So you will have a certain flexibility. Since the CTO is usually a professional who will have a lot more experience, a lot of knowledge, it may occur that a company will not be able to afford it. But, on the other hand, you can hire the CTO as a service. In this case, you will have a professional working, for example, in a specific shift or for a few days a week," he explains.

As startups are new companies in the market, and often lack experience in driving profound technological change, the participation of a CTO is essential, especially because of the strategic and technological expertise that is so necessary.

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"Here at Locus Custom Software there is an advantage that it is not just hiring a CTO, but a Technology Directors Committee. There will be a service representative, but for decisions and definitions, he will not act alone. He will meet with other technical leaders, a group of people, to arrive at strategic decisions. As we have a diversity of professionals, we can find different expertises for more strategic solutions for the client," emphasizes Cavalcanti.

Among the roles of the CTO as a service are: reshaping and analyzing digital infrastructures; cost optimization; senior guidance for teams; unbiased consulting and mentoring; MVP development; idea validation and technology application; implementing organizational tools; and managing technical profiles for teams. "It is important to establish trusting relationships with clients," he concludes.

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Igor Cavalcanti (Photo: Personal File/Reproduction)



