The CTO-CIO Dilemma
?? The position of a Chief Technology Officer (CTO) is powerful. CTOs are the guardians of technologies, often heading the R&D activities of a company. Chief Innovation Officers (CIOs) should be the drivers of innovation. Now, what′s wrong with combining CTO and CIO into the same role? Even the internet suggests such combination would be logical and great!
?? Innovation is about market success. Market success is driven by customers, being willing to pay for a product and/or a service. Such product may be old, but new in an application or a service may add value from a customer′s perspective. When you see the position of a CTIO, combining technology and innovation in one position, it may be telling about the company′s self-understanding about innovation and who is in charge. Obviously not marketing and sales. ??
?? In a recent example, we worked with a client on the question how to optimize technological development and moving new products in a pipeline. Within few weeks, the pipeline changed it shape, and the technological probability of success for the different projects changed quite significant. The other aspect will be more time consuming: Migrating a marketing and sales organization from being able to sell certain products based on cost-plus calculation differs from selling innovation, sneaking on the passenger seat next to the customer driving his car.
?????? If you are looking for innovation, just take some time to understand roles and to work on understanding. There are solutions to speed up innovation while taking out cost and risk. Feel invited to talk to us for more insights. Here or there