CTC Comparison: Mool Vetan vs Without Mool Vetan

CTC Comparison: Mool Vetan vs Without Mool Vetan

Dear readers,?

Welcome to a brand new edition of Mool Mantra. Today, we bring you CTC insights straight from our platform.?

We understand how challenging it can be to reverse-engineer CTC calculations to meet a potential candidate's expectations.

As you know, Mool Vetan offers personalized compensation based on an individual’s financial standing and position and optimizes their income taxes simultaneously.?

But did you know it also automates CTC calculations, thereby simplifying the HR and admin teams' process?

Say farewell to the hassle of manual calculations that consume your valuable time. Our system simplifies the process, requiring only the input of your desired in-hand salary!

What’s more?

The CTC structure generated by Mool Vetan is fully automated, personalized, tax-efficient, compliant, and budget-friendly. It ensures maximum savings for the organization while satisfying employers and employees.??

Let’s look at an example.

Miss Riya is considering joining a company with a clear ask of ?1,50,000 as her in-hand monthly salary.?

She focuses solely on this figure rather than how the organization computes the Cost to the Company (CTC) or navigates budget constraints.

Thankfully, the company employs Mool Vetan, ensuring these details are handled efficiently and effortlessly!

Here’s how our platform simplifies the entire process:

Compensation design comparison with and without Mool Vetan

Let’s look at the benefits:

For Employers:

  1. Lower hiring expenses??
  2. Cost-effective solutions??
  3. Reallocated savings for other critical resources

For Employees:

  1. Expectations successfully fulfilled??
  2. Tax optimization through personalized salary benefits??
  3. Streamlined tax and financial planning

In conclusion:

Mool Vetan revolutionizes the way organizations approach CTC structuring. Automating calculations and offering personalized, tax-efficient solutions simplifies the hiring process for HR teams and ensures budget-friendly outcomes.

With Mool Vetan, creating a win-win scenario for employers and employees has never been easier.

Want a quick 30-minute demo? Drop us an email at [email protected] !

That's all for this 38th edition! Stay tuned for more salary and tax insights!

