Be a CSW Specialist!
Complete Staff Work (CSW) is the doctrine of any well-run office.
Pursuant to Malaca?ang’s Memo Circular Nos. 2 (dated June 30, 2022) and 72 (dated November 15, 2019), requiring strict compliance of ALL government agencies to ensure efficient and effective delivery of crucial government programs and services through CSW, the Center for Global Best Practices will be hosting an online training via ZOOM:
A Six-Session Online Training starting Wed., May 17, 2023
CSW is a principle of management which states that subordinates are responsible for submitting written recommendations to superiors in such a manner that the superior need do nothing further in the process than review the submitted document and indicate approval or disapproval.
CSW was popularized by former President Fidel Valdez Ramos and institutionalized by succeeding presidents to strengthen the standards of CSW to ensure efficient and effective delivery of crucial government programs.
This special six-session online training is applicable to all organizations in the private sector and government institutions.
Antonio D. Kalaw, Jr., CESO I
In his 43 years of service at the Development Academy of the Philippines (DAP), he served as assistant to the president (Chief-of-Staff and Head Executive Assistant) performing complete staff work to 4 of its presidents for 25 years.
He rose from the ranks serving as director, vice-president, senior vice-president until he became its seventh president for 11 years under 3 Philippine presidents, making him the longest serving president of DAP.
Upon his retirement from government service in April 2017, he joined the private sector where he is now Managing Director of the Center for Strategy, Enterprise and Intelligence (CenSEI) and a senior adviser and consultant on various fields at the Center for Global Best Practices.
Lecturer 2: Paz Resurreccion "Surie" M. Alip
Lecturer 3: Nina Maria B. Estudillo
Session 1 of 6 | 8:30AM, Wednesday, May 17, 2023
Session 2 of 6 | 9:00AM, Thursday, May 18, 2023
Session 3 of 6 | 9:00AM, Friday, May 19, 2023
Session 4 of 6 | 9:00AM, Wednesday, May 24, 2023
Session 5 of 6 | 9:00AM, Thursday, May 25, 2023
Session 6 of 6 | 9:00AM, Friday, May 26, 2023
TRAINING INVESTMENT for SIX SESSIONS (inclusive of a framed certificate of completion and printed lecture guide to be delivered to your mailing address):
P 21,150 - for those registering and paying on or BEFORE April 17
P 24,880 - for those registering and paying AFTER April 17
*** This training is recognized and certified by the Civil Service Commission with program certication no. 2200631.***
Registration is open to the general public.
Note: CGBP is an accredited training provider of the DILG-Local Government Academy, Governance Commission for GOCCs, Civil Service Commission and other regulatory agencies.
Government employees and officials who enroll in this training will not be covered by Philippine Procurement Law or RA 9184 based on its Revised IRR’s Section 4.5-b which classifies training and seminars as non-procurement activities.
DBM circular 563 issued on April 22, 2016 also exempts public officials and government employees from the Php 2,000-limit per day on training fees.
CGBP also offers in-house training and consulting for individuals and institutions.
For details and to register, go to?
Contact Person:
Aiza Cuenca
Program Leader
Mobile: (+63 955) 822-8642
Landlines: (+63 2) 8556-8968 or 69