CSSO Brent Coggins contributes to Springdale student, school safety
Brent Coggins

CSSO Brent Coggins contributes to Springdale student, school safety

Serving the community is close to Brent Coggins heart, who works as a part-time volunteer fire fighter for Lincoln Fire and Rescue, as well as a commissioned school security office with Springdale Schools.

Coggins, 25, said he calls Lincoln home and currently serves as a CSSO at Knapp Elementary School and Springdale Pre-K.

He hopes to contribute to ensuring an even safer school district to reassure students, staff and families, he said.

“I want to keep our next generation safe and make it where parents don't have to worry,” he said of working as a CSSO.

Coggins previously served as a detention officer with the Washington County Sheriff’s Office and has worked in casino security.

The training he received in defensive tactics, medical and handling hazardous materials will serve him well as a Springdale CSSO, he said.



