CSS Animation Can Get a New Angle with Motion Curve
Good animation never ceases to wow people. The smoothness of any animation video makes it attractive to watch. Also, people remember animation videos longer than an image or written texts. Therefore, to spread the message across quickly, you can use animation videos as a promotional tool for your product and your company. The problem with the animation is that countless designers are designing different projects and videos. It is natural for any animator to want to try these videos and create something on their own. CSS offers some amazing presets for the animators. You can use CSS to create a great animation video. However, the catch here is – using CSS can get the animation videos look very generic. To catch the attention of the people, to make them look at your video from the beginning to end and to make them remember your message, it is important to create something which will stand out in the crowd.
Understanding CSS
There are many benefits of using CSS to create an animation video. It is simple and independents. CSS is easy to handle and simple to understand. Also, CSS is compatible with different types of platforms. It is one of the best features which animators like so much. CSS is a self-sufficient language. It does not require any module for loading. This is the reason with CSS the animation videos load faster than any other type of animation videos.
Explaining Motion Curve
Motion curve is nothing but a line which separates the animated properties from time. Using Motion curve a designer determines the speed of the animation which is running under the curve.
Anyone with simple knowledge of physics knows how to decode speed from distance time graph. However, not everyone is a physics freak and would be able to get into the depth of the speed and distance formula. Proper use of motion curve makes the animation look more natural. The motion curve defines the way which moves the animation along. For this reason, motion curve is so important in the world of animation.
The motion which begins slowly, is known to the animation world slow in or ease in. The motion in animation which begins fast is known as slow out or ease out. A lot depends on the easing of animation. What makes an animation video work totally depends on the easing. CSS transition is popular because it allows the users to choose the type of easing. Yes, as an animator you can choose whether you want to speed in or speed out. There are keywords which can affect the animation video’s easing. Using these keywords is an important task. The keywords will control the timing of animation video.