CSR research and development. How can a One country have just one layer and others 5, plus also always looking at making things complicated. How can a country have 4M unemployed, be in charge of training seafarers and not train just one. Why they take care of incompetency, and JUDGES not clarify a 400€ stolen money from taxpayers is criminal offense with prision. So why are there 40k cars in some countries for the public services and others just 6. Why training is the kind activity public € always goes to have a direct conflict with private, or human selection, or work by having diferent taxes and burocraqzy? Has the JUSTICE obligation to cut this clean? I think yes, when, yesterday! Why all have labour legistaltion and SENTENCES all diferent? Why palace of Justices are full of labour union propaganda? So our kids emmigrate so rest earn n51k€? Is that not another CONBFLICT of interest? Why is the recent PM travelling all arounfd the world and in other cvountries only accept one visit per year, you pay!! Why all public companies do not have a secret box to denounce loss of public money? why private do have to survive? Could continue many many more times, all can say is small is beautifull, and simple is explendid. Follow that path via conflicts of interests or get there, one way or another simple is the fastest way to smile and make huge profits. Internet is making things easy, one can ask for a quote, with no conflict, compare and take care of the advantages. Sometimes big companies havce big conflicts, and small medium not any at all.
19601:2017 will eliminate such very fast.