Will publish the whole story (scanned translated documents in EDEA8K?M 1)of non compliance levels 3 penal prevention, health and data, CRS, due obviously cut 90% risks, and costs around 70. So after complaint to the School Administrators of Farms in Bilbao (lost in translation of google Colegio de Administradores de Fincas), due all Owners Albia 2 not informed such measures to increase price square meter from 2500 to 15000€ like Spore, hidden by administrator such communication, collaboration from Consorcio de Aguas de Bilbao which acts as President, then also a conflict of interest arises with public going into private farm. Obviously efficiency 100% kpis compliance have much to say about 6000 visitors to a building with no control, also having to pay 50% community which should be agreed statistics 10% (500 workers only Albia 2). So funny these complaints to School, then reply from Admninistrator (by burofax-uf), our reply again by email, waiting reply by burofax from them as Administrator has threatened go via legal in Courts, which we want avoid, but should it be case even is lost there should be documentary evidence by sentence being completely legal to publish. Presented in Consorcio these texts for ackowledgement of receipt today 10am, as they not write nothing, so they did. Later came to our office asking them back (1030am) which we did not, plus informed us that THEY WERE NOT GOING TO REGISTER THEM!!! 1130am Consorcio came back with the original copies they had to return them to us!!!, informing these NEVER EXISTED confirmed to us!!! Thats COMPLIANCE.Why use justice if can use a School Administrators of Farms in your farm? We can all help each other by growing the price of square meter, Business persons create jobs, lets work CSR. Perhaps if all the farms priced times 10, would we employ or increase wages, yes, and have a shower too thanking the Consorcio de Aguas CSR (from 0 to 100, how much?) !