On this CSFG="Climate System Flow Graph" ... To explain GC&W="Global Cooling & Warming" ... What's dominant, what's missing and what's negligible ?
Joannes Sevenhans
Alcatel Academy Distinguished Member_2001 ...IEEE_Fellow_2000 for contributions to the design of solid state telecommunication transceivers ...PhD 1984 KULeuven ...Semi-retired ...Always looking for a next project ...
Difficult to say ...
Anyway :
In climate science there are too many unanswered questions to answer and too many unquestioned answers to question ...
But :?
Health & Climate & Energy are realy?
But we do the best we can and try to explain it as simple as possible but not simpler than that in the group :?CCR="Climate Change Revival
Retired High School Science teacher, former petroleum geologist
2 年There are many better science-based models https://climate.nasa.gov/ https://climate.nasa.gov/causes/ "New research on Antarctica, including the first map of iceberg calving, doubles the previous estimates of loss from ice shelves and details how the continent is changing." https://climate.nasa.gov/news/3206/nasa-studies-find-previously-unknown-loss-of-antarctic-ice/ "Climate tipping points: When Earth’s climate abruptly moves between periods of relatively stable climates. Ocean circulation. As Arctic sea ice and the Greenland ice sheet melt, ocean circulation in the Atlantic may slow the Gulf Stream. Ice loss. Due to the strong feedback of the ice albedo, if enough ice melts, causing Earth’s surface to absorb more and more heat, we may hit a point of no return. Shrinking land-based ice sheets contribute to sea-level rise. Rapid release of methane. Deposits of frozen methane, a potent greenhouse gas, and carbon dioxide lie beneath permafrost in polar regions. About a quarter of the Northern Hemisphere is covered by permafrost. As the environment warms and the permafrost thaws, these deposits can be released into the atmosphere and present a risk of enhanced warming." https://climate.nasa.gov/nasa_science/science/
Retired Senior Finance Professional - please bear in mind that my silence does not indicate agreement
2 年Here's an easy-read article on this subject. "Is the Earth Headed Toward Warming or Cooling?" https://www.priweb.org/blog-post/is-the-earth-headed-toward-warming-or-cooling "... we are disrupting the natural cycle. Figure 3 ... shows CO? in the atmosphere over the last 800,000 years. This data set comes from the ice core record and from direct measurements of atmospheric CO? since 1958. It is evident that today’s levels of CO? are much higher than the natural fluctuations over the last 800,000 years. CO? concentrations have been increasing rapidly over the last 175 years (since the start of the Industrial Revolution), and have risen sharply in the last 30 years or so. Excess CO? in the atmosphere is warming the planet."
Retired Senior Finance Professional - please bear in mind that my silence does not indicate agreement
2 年Doctor ir. ing. Jan Sevenhans You'll find answers to your questions in IPCC AR6 WG1 (2021) and by following through relevant scientific works referenced in that report.