CSC Recruitment: brainstrust Triathlon

CSC Recruitment: brainstrust Triathlon

As some of you may remember, last year CSC Recruitment held various different events to raise money for brainstrust, a charity which supports those suffering from brain tumours, and our efforts raised over £8,000! So firstly, a big thank you to everyone who showed their support!

This year we are striving to hit the £10,000 mark! This means we need to go above and beyond our efforts and really put ourselves through our paces... so instead of 2015's casual 35 mile walk, we have now committed to..:


24 hour National Three Peaks

25 kilometer swim

50 mile cycle

Any support you can show would be so greatly appreciated! This is such a fantastic cause which supports those suffering from a condition that can impact so many of us in one way or another!

Click to visit our JustGiving page! 

