CSA: Global Nexus Economic Security Paradigm; Trieconomics Invention ?Plan Administrator


  1. Priced Out Market Furniture &?
  2. Priced Out Market Real—Property & Real-Estate &?
  3. Priced Out Market Healthcare Supplies

These Priced Out Items are Based on (PRD) Public Resource Demands of Which Can be under Contract Supplier Agreement(s), Subjected to a (RCR) Reduced Contract Rate Consistent with The Quantity of Demand for People In Need.

Contract Supplier Agreement(s) (CSA) That if Facilitated thru Government Request for Procurement (RFP) Method can be bidded upon for Surety tho At Mandatory Contract Minimums & Maximums.

Mandatory Minimums Established at Priced Out Fair Market Value, (PO-FMV) Computed via The ?Plan Administrator Patented Method Which is Exercised via Surveys, Indexes, & Business Inventory & Supplies & Resources thru a Variable Equation & Methodical Measurements which is identified —thru the Fundamental Principles & The Ultimate Founded Comprehensive Understanding of Trieconomics.

Forthwith as an Understanding, Priced Out Fair Market Value, (PO-FMV) is a Separation of a Certain Specific Quantity of Produced & Manufactured Products - Inventory & Overall Measured level of a Manufactured Products Priced Out Total Market Share of a Pre-Defined Category of Material(s) Resource(s) Such as For Example Oil & Petroleum.

For Example Oil & Petroleum; if as A Refined Good is Divided & Set aside in more than One Specific Category such as Multiple Baskets of Demand of Which as an Example a Basket of Goods accounted for via a General Private Fair Market Value is measured Separate from that of Public Private Partnerships.

Furthermore The Means & Way to Secure Safe Market Engineering Algorithms, that are Designed with At Minimum Three Categories of Business:

1. Commercial Trade & Private Market Contracts -GAAT-

2. Public - Private Partnerships (PPP) with Economic Matching Agreements (EMA) &?

3. Official Direct Government Contracting (ODGC)

Forthwith PPP is to have a Minimum & Maximum Cap Per Contract via Fair Market Value of Labor & Supplies Pre-Defined as Assets with Government Security Interest; of Which is set by Mandatory Legislation That Floats in concert as a conjoined basket of Goods that are Priced Out at Fair Market Value Rates, understood as a Unique Separate Basket of Goods that is en Sum a Series of Classified Priced Out Materials, Resources, & Products & any form of Assets that are Produced via Measurement that Exercises PMI & CPI & PPI via ?PLAN ADMINISTRATOR Patent of which is Utilized to Produce a Sustainable Marginal Surplus Level of Assets that is of Equitable Range & Surplus for the Stipulation of Demand issued in a RFP.


52 ÷ 40 = 1.3?

? 40 - 1.3 = 38.7

52 ÷ 38.7 New PPI

40 ÷ 52 = 0.769230769230769

52 + 0.769230769230769 = 52.769230769230769 New PMI

52.769230769230769 ÷ 38.7 = 1.363546014708805 New PPE Margin of Change

38.7 ÷ 52.769230769230769 = 0.733381924198251 PPF Margin of Change



52.7692307692308 + 0.733381924198251

= 53.502612693429 New PMI

New PMI 53.502612693429 ÷ New PPI 38.7 = 1.38249645202659 New PPE Margin of Change

New PPI 38.7 - 1.38249645202659 New PPE

= 37.3175035479734 New PPI

37.3175035479734 / 53.502612693429

= 0.697489368637068 New PPF Margin of Change

0.697489368637068 + 53.502612693429 = 54.200102062066068 New PMI

54.200102062066068 ÷ 37.3175035479734 = 1.452404285093436 PPE Margin of Change



PPE is the Margin of Change & Difference When Reducing The PPI.

PPF is The Margin of Change When Increasing the PMI

This is Accomplished via Variable Equations & The Addition & or Subtraction Subsequently after a Result to a Formulated Series of Algorithmic Equations.


Example 40 Subtracts - a PPE of 1.3 making 38.7 The New PPI

Thus PPI 38.7 & is applied after such with—First taking PPI of 40 & PMI of 52? & Dividing: 40 ÷ 52 = 0.769230769230769

Furthermore 0.769230769230769 is additionally applied to 52 making a New PMI of 52.769230769230769

?& vice versa with?

The New PMI 52.769230769230769 ÷ 38.7 = 1.363546014708805 New PPE The New margin of Change for The PPI


PPF & PPE is how You Measure The Margin of Change as an Escalation of Surplus & the Reduction in Manufacturing Costs due to Quantity Rules of Supply & Demand, of which is a The Way to make any Manufactured Series of Products Affordable thru ——Contract Supplier Agreement(s) (CSA)?

Thus if you Multiply (PMI) which is the manufacturing rate of a Factory by the Baseline Minimum Cost of a Product (PPI) using Algorithmic Margin of change functions of PPE & PPF, Costs For Products go Down in Market Value the More You Produce, Tho The Question is How Do We Reduce costs to Make Products Affordable without over Saturating the Market Share of Which if The Market is Saturated many Companies Would Go Out of Business. Therefore The Patented Method ?PLAN ADMINISTRATOR is the Pinnacle Method for The Increasing of PMI Rates & The Reducing of PPI Rates at Sustainable Levels & Rates with Respect to Fair Market Value Items & also Separate Baskets of Priced Out Items that are Measured at Reduced Costs after Commercial Private Sector Markets Perform Quarterly to Meet Baseline Expenses & Overhead Costs precluding Labor & Per Diem Expenses.

This is So Because if the Surplus is too High it will Cause a Drop in the Fair Market Value of Commercial items, however if The Surplus is Cordoned into a Priced Out Basket & Manufacturing as a Corporation is Accurately Set via at an Adjusted & Elevated Rate Measurements (AERM) Relative to? PPF & PPE . Furthermore Any Surplus items that if for Example were at Commercial FMV $30.00 USD Could be Separated via Specifying a Reduced Market Value Contract for a Large Whole Sale Purchase via Consignment Futures with Contract Supplier Agreement(s) (CSA) Options Set via Contractor President of Operations & C-Suite Executives of who Sign on to Bidding Operations via State Issued Request For Procurements (RFP).

Furthermore via a C-Suite Coordinated Contract Supplier Agreement(s) (CSA) which if is Secured with a PPP & DGC & if signed via a Government Transfer Agent With The intent to Purchase The Entirety of Excess Materials & Products from a Government Contractor External Entity / Corporation of Which if the Contracting as a Corporation Sustainably Utilizes ?PLAN ADMINISTRATOR Patent within the Contract Supplier Agreement(s) (CSA) as —The Way to Measure at What Rates to Set Manufacturing & Production of all Materials & Assets & Resources that are to be Utilized in the Contract Supplier Agreement(s) (CSA) of which will entail (SA) Secured Acquisitions & (SRM-TP) Supplier Resource & Materials Transfer Pricing Agreements via Resources & Materials— Mining & Harvesting & Acquisitions & Collection for Processing & Manufacturing & Refining of which will be The Means & Way to? —Actuate the Proper Concise Exact Surplus Margin of Materials & Resources & Assets that’s appropriate to Assure an Affordable Contract of all Priced Out Margins of Supply at Sustainable Rates; Relative to The Contractors Planning & Production & Manufacturing for Distribution of Supplies & Overall Costs of (Inventory)/(Index),—— Management.

Thus (PMI) Would be via ?PLAN ADMINISTRATOR Patent—Purely a way to measure to a Level that allows for the Margin of Priced Out Surplus Items to be at exactly at Demand Levels tho Only would be Applicable for The Procured & Produced & Manufactured Resources, Materials, Assets, & Property set at Government Mandatory Legislated Minimums (MLM) via Contract Supplier Agreement(s) (CSA) Exclusively to Support & Sustain Free Markets & to Provide to Those in Need via Priced Out Markets that if set to & Sourced to The Way We Derive Costs as a Means & Way to Reflect a Concise Exact Margin of Supply to Demand Ratio; Demand of Which is Set by Government Contracts with Contractors &? Corporations via Request for Procurements (RFP).?

Furthermore Proper Accounting Enables Us to Know how much to build & or Make via the ?Plan Administrator Patent thru Contract Supplier Agreement(s) (CSA) such as Public Private Partnerships & of Direct Government Contracting.

Forthwith if Contract Supplier Agreement(s) (CSA) are Secured at Reduced rates for PPP & DGC via Mandatory Legislated Minimums (MLM) for any Pre-Defined Category of Supplies, Materials & or Resources; of which That are necessary for the Satisfactory Delivery of a Contract, Contractors of Who have the Ability to Utilize Margin Supply Measurements method Designed via Alan Tyler Dixon I, Sr. Inventor of ?PLAN ADMINISTRATOR, of Which as an Algorithmic Variable Equation with Specific Factors for Inventory Supply to Demand Stipulation Ratios en sum Allows for a Means & Way to Develop & Procure Accurate Quantity of Supplies For any & all Contracts relative to any Series of Finished Goods & or Product(s) like;

  1. Refined Oil & or Petrol
  2. The Construction of Real Property Such as Apartments & or Skyscrappers, & or Military Assets, & of Government Vehicles ?
  3. The Manufacturing of Furnishments Such as Furniture used at Congress
  4. Any & all various forms of Material Assets, Supplies & or Contract Expenses.

This Procludes Commercial Market Share Competition of Various categories of Priced Out Items that of Which with Regards to Accounting of Corporate Baseline— of all Commercial Sales of Corporate Factory Making of Finished Products that Derive from Supplies utilized in the Manufacturing of Company / Corporate Finished Products & Goods; as a whole, Corporations first must have met Company Baseline & Overhead Accounting, that of which with Respect to Supplies as far as Inventory is Concerned fundamentally as an aggregate.

This Way We Measure Supply Range & Margin of Change via The PMI, PPI, & PPE & PPF. Alan Tyler Dixon I, Sr. Invention— ?PLAN ADMINISTRATOR,? of Which enables Us to Effectively Monitor & Perform Excise Measurements based on Demand & Supply of various Commercial & Government Contracts relative to The Accountancy of Manufacturing & Sales of any & all Inventory.?

Furthermore Measuring Contracts with Priced Out Market Supplies is Accounted for via a marginally Increased PMI & a Lower PPI; However this too can be Measured Gradually Tho Not Changed too much. Fore if Assets & Equity is Measured Accurately The Transnational Affair as Far as The Global Nexus Paradigm of Market will as a Mechanism Prevent a Price Drop of Specific Inventory via Measuring via Asset Backed Securities, how much of Supplies & or Materials & or Resources for each Contract is necessary to Procure & Provide for the Manufacturing of Finished Goods & Products —Inventory— of which allows for any Companies whether Government or Commercial Contractor’s Baseline to Be Met.?

This is procluding International Accountancy Overhead as far as Equipment, Labor & Expenses are Concerned. This Mechanism is en sum The Way to preventing a Market Collapse & or Price Drop in Oil as an Example of which is the Point of via Alan Tyler Dixon I, Sr. Invention ?PLAN ADMINISTRATOR CSA & DGC.



Sincerely, to All Those Who have Played a Part in this Transnational Affair,

Thank You for Your Support & Love.

~ALAN TYLER DIXON I, SR. November 24th 2023 13:28 CST


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