Crystallization Scale-up
Solid Consult Pharma
Caracteriza??o físico-químicas do estado sólido de formula??es farmacêuticas. Phisico_chemical characterization of OSF.
“Increase something in size, number or extent, especially by a constant proportion across the board (of a factory, company, or system) increase production or capacity.” This is the Oxford definition for scale up, the topic of the article.
The scale-up will be influenced by hydrodynamic as well as crystallization kinetics. One influence other, as can be understood from this paragraph in the paper from Ramona Achermann, and coworkers, entitled Characterization of a small-scale crystallizer using CFD simulations and X-ray CT measurements, they cite some phenomena influenced by crystallization, specifically the hydrodynamic and the works correlated to the fact, like Breakage, Agglomeration, Growth and Nucleation. Influence of the hydrodynamic in this phenomenon are due to the” level of energy dissipation caused by stirring and indirectly through heterogeneities in temperature and in suspension density due to imperfect mixing.
???????Today I have used extra help, I asked ChatGPT about the challenges in the crystallization process and was suggested some topics:
1.???? Batch-to-Batch Variability:
2.???? Nucleation and Crystal Growth Control:
3.???? Heat Transfer Issues:
4.???? Solubility and Supersaturation:
5.???? Mixing and Agitation:
6.???? Impurity Incorporation:
7.???? Filtration and Separation Challenges:
8.???? Safety Concerns:
9.???? Regulatory Compliance:
10.? Equipment Limitations:
11.? Crystal Form Changes:
12.? Pilot Plant Challenges:
13.? Economic Considerations:
To overcome these challenges and improve the scale-up the computational fluid dynamic (CFD) has been used, but if you are not familiar with this topic here is the Oxford definition: Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is a science that, with the help of digital computers, produce quantitative predictions of fluid-flow phenomena based on the conservation laws (conservation of mass, momentum, and energy)governingg fluid motion.
Today I would like to thankyou to Clarinda from Limerick University. Thank you dear for the opportunity to help you with a specific question on your research. And if you also have a question please send it to me, will be a pleasure to help. Solid Consult is a CRO with solid expertise in solid state ??. If I can not help you directly with my academic partiners, I will look for one of my commercial ones, working with crystallization, PAT, Intellectual Property, Regulatory Affair, Chemical Analysis. For sure we can bring solutions to you and your company.
So there is only one article left, I will speak about solid state and strategies, and I am excited for this last one! And if you like the text please, like it, share and live your comments and constributions to improve the text quality.