$1000 to $1mil? in 365 days?
So some of you will know that I've been building Cryptolab.news over the last few months, mainly because helping friends and family (over 100 people) with Crypto stuff was becoming hugely time consuming but at the same time I wanted to help more people.
Cryptolab was initially just for information to send friends/family to but has grown into something pretty cool and is now serving over 1,000,000 (yes, 1 million) pages per month and growing daily which is cool because the purpose was to help people to change their situations and lives with the help of Crypto Currencies / Blockchain Tech.
Which brings me onto my next announcement. I have decided to run multiple Crypto Challenges which are completely free to follow for members of CryptoLab. In these challenges the sole purpose is to see how close to $1,000,000 we can take a $1,000 dollar investment over 365 days. Each challenge will be documented for members to follow if they wish.
Turning $1k into $1mil in 1 year may sound crazy to you but all it takes is a 2% profit each day and daily compounding and across the 365 days your $1,000 will return $1,377,401.16.
I believe this is totally achievable and I'd like to help as many friends and family and friends of friends and friends of family and connections (yes, everyone really) change their lives over the next year or so.
If this sounds of interest, you can find out more details here: cryptolab.news/crypto-challenge/
Would be great if you all could share. Thank you in advance!