Cryptographic MAC Applications in Wallet Security
MPC wallets are a hot topic in the custody of crypto assets. MPC wallets use the principles of MPC cryptography, providing a tool that can be used to build large-scale, privacy-preserving applications. MPC allows an organization to perform computations without revealing each participant’s private input. Currently, MPC protocols can employ three Linear Secret Sharing Schemes (LSSS) types: additive secret sharing, Shamir secret sharing, and replicated secret sharing (CNF secret sharing). Additive secret sharing is mainly used in MPC protocols for dishonest majority settings, while Shamir and replicated secret sharing are used in honest majority MPC protocols. To achieve malicious security, additive secret sharing requires the configuration of information-theoretic Message Authentication Codes (MAC). HyperLab, the team behind HyperBC, is dedicated to researching how to combine cryptography and blockchain technology to provide the most secure services. Next, let’s understand MAC.
What is MAC?
The concept of a Message Authentication Code (MAC) is a technique for confirming integrity and authentication, abbreviated as MAC. Using a MAC can verify whether the received message is the sender’s intention; that is, it can determine whether the message has been tampered with or if someone has impersonated the sender. The input of a MAC includes an arbitrary-length message and a secret key shared between the sender and receiver. The output is fixed-length data, which is the MAC value.
HMAC(Hash-BASED MAC) is a method for constructing a MAC using a one-way hash function. In HMAC, the “H” stands for Hash. Any strong one-way hash function can be used in HMAC, such as SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, and SHA-512. The HMACs constructed from these hash functions are, respectively, HMAC-SHA-224, HMAC-SHA-256, HMAC-SHA-384, and HMAC-SHA-512.
To address the security issues of non-fixed length messages, CMAC(Cipher-Based MAC) generates two sub-keys through critical expansion, which participate in the final message block encryption process. The CMAC computation process consists of three parts: sub-key generation, MAC generation, and MAC verification.
Comparison of HMAC and CMAC
In summary, HMAC and CMAC are both MACs used for message authentication but are implemented differently. HMAC is hash-based, while CMAC is block cipher-based. HMAC tends to be faster because it is based on hash functions. Both HMAC and CMAC can be used in embedded systems, although CMAC is more frequently used in such applications.
Security Properties of MAC
MACs can prevent the forgery of authentication tags. As long as the key used in the MAC algorithm remains secret, it effectively prevents the creation of fake authentication tags. To avoid length extension attacks, serialization should be performed before using the MAC algorithm. The authentication tag should be at least 128 bits long to prevent collision and forgery issues. Although a hash function output of 256 bits is required, a MAC algorithm, which uses a secret key, cannot be computed offline and must obtain the authentication tag directly from the server. Using a MAC alone for message authentication cannot detect replay attacks, so it is advisable to include an incrementing counter in the MAC input or frequently change the shared key. Additionally, comparing two authentication tags must be done in constant time to prevent timing attacks.
Differences Between MAC and Digital Signature
A digital signature is an asymmetric key encryption algorithm that provides integrity and non-repudiation. In a digital signature scheme, the sender generates a message signature using their private key and attaches it to the message. The receiver can then verify the signature using the sender’s public key. If the verification is successful, it proves that the claimed sender indeed sent the message and has not been tampered with. One main difference between MAC and digital signatures lies in the keys used. MAC uses a symmetric key, meaning the same key is used to generate and verify the MAC code, and this key must be kept secret between the sender and receiver.
Conversely, digital signatures use an asymmetric key pair, consisting of a private key kept secret by the signer and a public key widely distributed and used by the receiver to verify the signature. Another difference is the level of security provided. MAC algorithms are typically faster and more efficient than digital signature algorithms. Besides verifying message integrity, digital signatures can also verify the message’s origin, indicating that the message comes from a specific person if it contains their signature. Additionally, digital signatures allow asymmetric verification of messages: participants can verify whether a message has been tampered with without knowing the signing key.
HyperBC and MAC
In HyperBC, the application of MAC and secure connections is crucial. This allows for the creation of a large number of unique addresses for receiving and sending cryptocurrency, without the need for a separate private key for each address. MAC verifies message integrity and authenticity using a cryptographic hash function combined with a key to generate a unique authentication code, ensuring data has not been tampered with during transmission. MAC also plays a vital role in deriving child private keys in HD wallets. In HD wallets, HMAC is used to introduce a deterministic random Chain Code during the derivation process of child nodes, adding an extra layer of privacy protection to HD wallets. If the generation of child nodes relied solely on the parent node’s public key and the child node’s index, a hacker with access to the parent node’s public key could derive all child and grandchild public keys, compromising privacy.
About HyperBC
HyperBC stands as a market leader in digital asset custody and payment solutions. Catering to businesses seeking a secure and efficient transition to Web3 transformation, ensuring the security of assets and We are committed to the mission of “ fostering financial freedom.” In line with this objective, we provide asset owners with a complete range of services, encompassing asset custody, merchant payments, clearing and other financial services.