Cryptocurrency's Hunt for Red October - Monthly Update
Nadja Bester
Web3 Founder & Investor | shifting power with equity & innovation | Speaker, Author, Advisor
While the cryptocurrency markets are far from stable, bitcoin shows no signs of slowing down, and has surpassed the US$6,000 mark this month.
With bitcoin market prices aiming for the moon, the line between hands-off alternative currencies and governmental regulations are becoming finer by the minute. The result has been that ICOs were not in the spotlight in October as they were in the preceding months, very possibly due to state interventions in a number of nations.
Other cryptocurrencies have had a slow month in the shadow of their pioneering predecessor, but companies are all hard at work behind the scenes to make their tech faster, agiler, and more secure.
The divide between bitcoin as a speculative commodity and an everyday utility currency has been up for debate this month. Adoption of bitcoin as a trade currency is increasing, yet bitcoin's transactional speeds due to block size are cause for much consternation.
Blockchain technology is a hot topic on everyone's lips. With talks of national blockchain-based cryptocurrencies for a number of world governments, coupled with continued blockchain trials by large multinational corporations, we're as sure to see more of it on the macro scale. Closer to the ground, fintech and blockchain startups are all working towards the successful implementation of very exciting and revolutionary ideas.
Over the past month, I've looked at some of the market news and trends impacting cryptocurrency and the blockchain.
News Roundup
Blockchain Technology
Blockchain Companies
- Ark Gets a New Website
- Xspec – The Next Big Anonymous Cryptocoin?
- Accountant Invests All in Lisk
- Distrixt0x Releases Name Bazaar
- Omise Partners with Credit Saison
Blockchain Trends
- Browser Cryptocurrency Mining: The End of Website Ads?
- How Blockchain Will Disrupt Loyalty Programs
- Stream: Streaming Video on the Blockchain
- Taiwan Cryptocurrency Scene Swings in Favor of Japan
- Bitcoin Tax in South Korea?
- Russia’s Very Own Cryptocurrency: The CryptoRuble
- WikiLeaks Thanks Government Over Bitcoin Boost
Trade and Industry
- Banking on Bitcoin – Wall Street’s First Crypto Trader?
- Bitcoin in the Real World: Is it Possible to Live on Bitcoin?
- Bitcoin Wins the #Money2020Race
Nadja is Head News Editor at Invest in Blockchain. Since she missed out on the early internet boom because it wasn't "cool" yet, she's happy to have become a geek since. She might still not understand Einstein's relativity theory, but she knows what a hard fork is.