Cryptocurrencies Demystified

Cryptocurrencies Demystified

When your friends say they have doubled their money with cryptocurrencies or they paid for services in crypto and were offered discounts! They talk about crypto and digital money space and how they mine it. Do you feel uncomfortable contributing or adding value to their conversation because there may be little understanding about this space? Well, if you have no understanding or some understanding this article has the goal set to ensure to improve your understanding in this exciting space. I invite you to enrich your knowledge in Cryptocurrencies.??


Fiat currencies are the hard currencies made of cotton /linen/ plastic that’s right they are not made of paper in a figurative speech we call this paper money (if you find this interesting? Stay on, the ride will continue to go up north. So, you better hold tight) These currencies are provided by the centralized government (e.g.: Rupees/ US Dollar, etc) and on the other hand cryptocurrencies are “A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System” in simple it is digital/virtual money/currency built on the “PRINCIPLES” of Computer Science, Decentralised Control, Cryptography and, Economics. This works on Blockchain technology used for buying goods and services with almost negligible transaction fees, available 24/7 with no transfer or payment limits. Don’t worry we are moving too easy to digest mode.


The first cryptocurrency which emerged successfully was the BITCOIN which is called the gold standard of Blockchain. Bitcoin gave birth to “Blockchain Technology” and all the other cryptocurrencies/coins are called Altcoins (Alternate to Bitcoin). This is the differentiator between Adam from the garden of Eden and the successor! Being the ancient one it has fewer used cases in comparison to the altcoins. The Ethereum cryptocurrency is “Turing” complete/ready (RLE stands for “Real Life Examples”) -Term “Turing” complete derived from the famous Mr. Alan Turing cracked the Enigma code which helped defeat Adolf Hitler and set the beginning of artificial intelligence! Turing complete or ready simply means it is compatible to applications and programs for versatile used cases.????


Cyberpunks and Crypto anarchists believed that “Privacy” is the power to selectively reveal oneself to the world and an open society that allows an anonymous transaction system. In an RLE- imagine you walk into a restaurant that has an age barrier and when you show your passport, they also would have access to your address your family details and how many countries you have traveled to, etc! Imagine a system that allows you to selectively reveal only what is required i.e., only your age to satisfy the purpose in this restaurant! The power to disclose based on the need was the trigger.



The Bitcoin white paper got published in October 2008 which stated instead of trusting individuals, we put trust into Math, Cryptography, and Logic. Introduced one CPU one vote system under the name of “Satoshi Nakamoto” (this could be a person or a group of people, identity not revealed till date! In simple the richest (holds the maximum Bitcoin) Phantom behind the veil till date!)

“SATOSHI” is the smallest unit of bitcoin. One bitcoin can be converted to 100 million “SATOSHI”, which means that it can be divisible to the 8th decimal place.

RLE-The first Bitcoin transaction took place on 12 Jan 2009 between Satoshi Nakamoto and Hal Finney.

On?May 22, 2010, now known?as Bitcoin Pizza Day Laszlo Hanyecz bought 25$ worth of pizza using 10,000 Bitcoins and becomes the first BITCOIN purchase transaction. If compared today, this is the most expensive bill paid for home delivery of pizzas! I hope Laszol can digest this thought today.

The table below shows how Cryptocurrencies managed to become the decentralized finance service

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Example of Financial Institution Threat and Adoption: With Real-Life Events

Jan 2014: JP Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon condemned and said “It’s a terrible store of value. It could be replicated over and over again”

Oct 2014: Jamie Dimon said “They(cryptocurrencies) are going to try to eat our lunch and that’s fine. That is called competition and we will be competing”

Nov 2015: Jamie Dimon said “No government will ever support a virtual currency that goes around borders and doesn’t have the same control. It is not going to happen”

Oct 2017: Jamie Dimon said “Bitcoin is a fraud that won’t end well. If you are stupid enough to buy, you will pay the price one day. The Blockchain is technology that is a good technology! We actually use it. God bless the Blockchain.”?

JP Morgan finally adopted Blockchain Technology. JPMorgan launches a blockchain division called?Onyx?after a big tech client adopts its cryptocurrency for commercial use. The new bitcoin fund, however, is?limited to JPMorgan Private Bank customers. Well, every story has its twists!


In Cryptocurrencies the word “Crypto” stands for cryptography which is the study of the concepts called Encryption and Decryption. These are used for security in the presence of adversaries. Bitcoin was innovative because it allowed a decentralized network to reach a consensus (hold on will explain Conesus in a bit). It achieved this via tamper-evidence (simply means any tampering will leave evidence making the transaction void). Cryptocurrencies achieve a tamper-evident system using cryptographic #Hash functions to produce standardized random “fingerprints” of our data as unique as you.


?Let’s understand the components that make Cryptocurrencies…

1.identity, 2. Transactions, 3. Record-keeping, and 4. Consensus by using these components Cryptocurrencies offer centralized service in a decentralized manner. The first 3 ingredients are standard but 4th ingredient Consensus can be from a variety of choices and this makes each cryptocurrency more special or different!

Let us demystify what is Consensus…

We have spoken so much about Consensus time to unwrap it. RLE-Imagine I am going for dinner and I want to choose a restaurant if I have to decide for myself, it is easy, right? What if 100 people are going to join me, in that 50% people are unknown to me (these are my friend's significant others) and I don’t even know them or their tastes??Well, I did try this test in real-time and kept my bets on a buffet at a fancy restaurant hoping it would satisfy everyone with the spread but I was shocked at the consensus result it was a Pizza joint! This turned out to be a cliche.

Well, consensus helps all of us to come to an agreement by voting. Blockchain uses this process to manage all nodes/participants agree on one consensus in which transaction is legitimate and then it is added to the blockchain. Hence consensus mechanism is?called a fault-tolerant mechanism. Hope we have come to a consensus on this.

Consensus Algorithm:

There are various “Consensus Algorithms” used by various cryptocurrencies listed a few below for your reference.

Proof-of-Work- Bitcoin,?Ethereum,?Litecoin,?Dogecoin

POW algorithm was first introduced in Cryptocurrency to create blocks in a fair manner while ensuring a decentralized environment.

Proof of?Stake-Cardano, Peercoin,



Proof of Capacity-Burstcoin,?Chia,?SpaceMint

Proof of?History-Solana

Understanding the crypto block which makes Cryptocurrencies…

Blocks are?files where data pertaining to the Cryptocurrency/ Blockchain network are permanently recorded/ stored. REL- In simple consider it as like a page of a ledger or record book where all the transactions are recorded.

It has four main components: Block Size, Block Header, Transaction Counter, and Transactions.

1. The “Block Size” field tells how large the block is.

2. The “Block Header” field represents the metadata necessary for understanding the components of the block.

3. The “Transaction Counter” field says how many transactions are within the block.

4. The “Transactions” field is the actual transaction data.

ICO: A way to invest in Cryptocurrencies

“Initial Coin Offerings” allows the common man to invest in start-up Blockchain Crypto companies in Ether cryptocurrency built on the top of the Ethereum platform. Investors receive unique cryptocurrency “tokens” in exchange for their monetary investment in the business. RLE- This can be compared to IPO where companies raise funds. The difference is no dividend is paid in ICO on a yearly basis. If the value of the cryptocurrency grows your investment grows with it. With the crowdfund, they receive they will develop the cryptocurrency, application, and service. ICO’s are not regulated to date.

Few of the ICO and how much these cryptocurrencies garnered?

BANKOR ICO 150 million USD

TEZOS ICO 200 million USD

FILECOIN ICO 253 million USD

The pie diagram below would give you a fair idea of the category of industries and their percentage of the overall share depicted for the year 2018.?

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Choose Wise:

It is important to read the white paper on cryptocurrencies before investing in them. If the white paper promises you profit, your red flag must go up and you must recognize that it is a “Ponzi Scheme” (Means fake). It is important to analyze what real-world problems is the new crypto blockchain is trying to address and solve??Will it influence the world for better vertically or horizontally??Who is the team behind it? RLE- Be aware that the Hollywood actor Ryan Reynold’s picture was used in one of the ICO as a programmer of its cryptocurrency it can even be this absurd.??

Due diligence is our responsibility when it comes to cryptocurrencies. While trading you would notice some of them would even perform a 100% jump/gain in a day or 2000% in a year. So could be the downside. Analysis plays an important role and so do the used cases. With this, I rest my case.

Now that we have Cryptocurrencies where and how do we store them?

A cryptocurrency wallet?stores the public and private keys required to buy Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies and provides digital signatures authorizing each transaction.

We can store the cryptocurrencies basically in 2 different types of Wallets they are 1. Hot Wallets 2. Cold Wallets. Hot Wallets has 2 options while Cold Wallets has 3 options.

1. Hot Wallets – a) Smartphone applications, b) Online web wallets

2. Cold Wallets- a) Paper wallets, b) Hardware wallets (little devices that plug into your computer or smartphone via USB) and c) Brain wallets (fancy name to memorize the unique ownership code/ private keys)

Miner- The Crypto Entrepreneur:

It is a process of creating new crypto coins by solving complex mathematical equations in POW consensus for example. When a person invests in a cryptocurrency, the details of the investment are entered on a distributed ledger, called the blockchain. But the process is complete only when a “miner”?verifies the transaction as legitimate. So, the miner is the one who keeps the system up to date and alive. His purpose in becoming a miner is to make a lot and lots of profits.


How to Become a Crypto Miner in 6 Steps:

Step 1: Download the full blockchain, Step 2: Verify incoming transactions, Step 3: Create a Block, Step 4: Find a valid NONCE, Step 5: Broadcast your Block, Step 6: Collect your reward of Profit!

Mining Devices and their Evolution:

In the course of time, the need for speed of mining has produced a revolution of devices with more and more computational power. It started from CPU (central processing unit), GPU (graphic processing units), FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Arrays), ASIC (Application Specific Integrated Circuits) currently ASIC are the devices commonly used while publishing this article, and eventually, there will be more evolutions for newer devices with higher HASH power...

Profit Formula for Mining:

Revenue = Block Reward + Transaction Fees

Cost = Fixed (Hardware, rental space) + Variable cost (Electricity etc)

Profit = Revenue-Cost

Let us understand the Mining formats…

2 Formats – 1. Solo mining (Single miner) and 2. Pool mining (large warehouses converted into pool mines with hundreds and thousands of ASIC machines). If you thought the physical location of the pool mines is fancy this picture is likely to show you the truth. These mines are very heavy on energy and produce a lot of heat. This is why there are protesters against POS.?

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What is the Dark Side/ Hacks in this Crypto world?

RLE- There have been incidences of hacking and usage in the dark web (silk route) to buy drugs in the past.

2014 Mt. Gox (The Gathering Online Exchange) Hack that resulted/cost in 400 million

2018 Jan Coincheck hack of 250,000 users more than half a billion US dollars were stolen.


We are often made to believe or presume that the cryptocurrencies operate on an anonymous mode (Not traceable/ unidentifiable) but the truth is, it operates on a spectrum of pseudonymous (there are ways to link the user to the identity!) Remember, blockchain is a shared open ledger. It takes efforts to identify using TGA (Transaction Graph Analysis) to identify the transactions and patterns of where it was spent and eventually leading to the identity by the regulated KYC programs.?

Smart Tips and Tricks:

1 . While you are into trading Cryptocurriencies always invest in your own trading platform cryptocurrencies first. For e.g. If you are on a trading platform called “Absolute” do invest in a few “Absolute cryptocurrencies” initially, they are likely to provide you a % of discount on the trading charges.

2. All trading sites do not deal/provide all cryptocurrencies with the local fiat currencies. Yet you can purchase for e.g. BITCOIN or Tether for example and trade/purchase other cryptocurrencies like Solana, Cardano, or Request Network. The current trading platforms' own cryptocurrency will also give you access to purchase Crypto that is not available to be bought in your local currency! So make the most with what you have with these tricks! ????

The Bright Side:

Cryptocurrencies have given birth to Blockchain technology. It helps to transact peer-to-peer money transfers in a short time across the globe. Helps us work in an untrusted environment with complete trust at a reduced cost. 24/7 functional. Imagine if your current corporate share trading is moved on this platform? Trading can be done 24/7 it will be a game-changer for market trading! Easy asset transfers. Imagine the places that do not have a bank this technology could make a difference.

Let us consider the Blockchain which was given birth by Cryptocurrency and let’s take an example of how it can help farmers in this case to get a fair idea of possible used cases.

1. The benefits and subsidies can be transferred via blockchain with records embedded for documentation and proof of transaction.?Money transfers/cash benefits can be passed on using cryptocurrencies. Eliminates middlemen, corruption and avoids loss of transaction.??

2. This platform enables smart contracts, people with land and people with knowledge can combine forces to produce the crops. Once harvested the Blockchain will ensure that the smart contract is executed and will enable monies to be distributed using fungible crypto tokens.

3. a). This Blockchain helps to bring these limited resources, unknown people, together. The smart contract enables the farmers to pool in money to buy the tractors and other farming equipment and use it as a time-share resource. This enables untrusting parties to work together. b). Blockchain easily allows Fintech applications allowing farmers to apply for loans and set credit limits based on the ownership of land value, yield, and based on the demand of the produce.?

4. Best practices and tips and tricks can be shared on the application built on this Blockchain which would enable farmers to become into one global community and increase their yield by sharing their best practices and solutions based on their experience. The idea of the month-by-vote will be rewarded in cryptocurrencies with a percentage of the profits from the increased yield encouraging good participation. It would enable consulting mode which is a prepaid model too.

5. The farmer's land and properties will be registered in the blockchain to show ownership and avoid any land grabbing activity. Hence it brings safety and clarity about the history of the holding and the current owner. This will protect the true owners with the power of immutability of the Blockchain.?

The birth of cryptocurrency gave birth to the blockchain. Eventually, blockchain does have far more used cases than only cryptocurrencies they can run smart contracts and impact us in fields like Auto & Mobility, Finance, Travel & Tourism, Digital Identity, Healthcare, Insurance, Supply Chain, IoT, Housing & Real Estate, Foreign Aid and many more.

Knowledge on Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain was acquired utilizing the availability of no commute time while on lockdown Thank you edeX, Berkeley, University of California.???

I hope you enjoyed it as much I had enjoyed sharing this with you. Do share your views and if it had made a positive difference let it show as you continue to contribute to this world for the better. Would love to share a similar article on Blockchain-based on your feedback. Will answer your queries to the best of my knowledge.


Which archipelago in the central Mediterranean between Sicily and the North African coast is called a Blockchain Island? and why?

Do you know the answer? If yes let me know in the comments section.

Best wishes,

Praveen Kumar


Definition: #HASH- A cryptographic hash function is a mathematical algorithm that maps data of arbitrary size to a bit array of a fixed size. It is a one-way function, that is, a function for which is practically infeasible to invert or reverse the computation


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