"Fortune Favors the Brave"
Recently, I went back and watched one of my favorite movies, Ocean's Eleven. I wasn't sure if it would still be just as good after twenty years, but unlike the cockney accent Don Cheadle uses for his character, the film holds up. George Clooney and Brad Pitt are suave and cunning as they put together an unlikely team to pull off the greatest casino heist of all time. The movie is cleverly written with equal parts comedy, action, and intrigue. The cast is clearly excellent with the aforementioned Cheadle, Clooney, and Pitt leading the way. The film even features then up-and-coming actor Matt Damon as the young fraudster, Linus, who wants to prove to the team that he possesses all the necessary attributes of a high-quality liar and thief. Damon delivered an iconic and convincing performance as a swindler, and it’s clear that after starring in the flagship commercial, his acting chops are as sharp as ever.
?I’m sure you’re familiar with the commercial. Matt Damon walks around a green screen stage explaining how history is filled with “Almosts” People who almost adventured or who almost achieved. He, instead, advocates for a type of person who embraces the moment and commits. As he delivers his speech he walks by snapshots of major human achievements such as astronauts preparing to voyage into space and early pilots learning to fly archaic planes. Eventually, he stops walking and turns to look out a CGI window where he stares at a rendered image of Mars proclaiming, “Fortune favors the brave.” From there we see the logo stamped onto the middle of the screen before the commercial finally cuts to black.
"Ambitious" may be an understatement for a commercial that practically likens investing in cryptocurrency to mankind’s crowning achievements. But whether the comparisons are fair or not, the fact of the matter is that the crypto space is undeniably growing. So, the question then becomes, who are these brave people that are on board with Matt Damon’s pitch? To try and find an answer I turned to an article from Medium to investigate the common attributes of a crypto enthusiast: is marketing their service to someone with those characteristics before anyone else. They want their commercial to hit on these qualities to influence a crypto enthusiast to use their platform.’s users are these people who want to take control of their destiny by diving in head first and before anyone else. For these brave investors the money they earn on their crypto holdings ends up being ancillary to the more desirable return of vindication. More than anything, they want to be applauded and respected for capitalizing on something before the rest of us and to be credited as a pioneer on the investing frontier. For this reason, made the right decision in casting a celebrity like Matt Damon who has played characters like The Martian and Jason Bourne because that is how the crypto investor wants to be seen.
领英推荐 does well by appealing directly to the customer’s psychology rather than try to address and advocate for the legitimacy of cryptocurrency. After all, it’s a tall task to override the opinions of say, Charlie Munger, the billionaire investor, who compares Bitcoin to rat poison and vernal disease. Crypto enthusiasts don’t care about the opinions of investors like Munger, they dismiss him as an outdated curmudgeon who fails to truly appreciate the asset. To be honest, they may not be crazy to brush aside the billionaire. Just this week, President Biden announced that the federal government will formally review and study cryptocurrency to better regulate it as a legitimate asset class. Even hedge funds are beginning to dabble in crypto. All in all, we’ll just have to wait and see what happens in the years ahead, but maybe computer-generated-teenage LeBron James said it best when he said, "the future is crunk!"?
The information contained in this newsletter is not financial advice. Please consult your financial advisor to discuss your personal investment objectives and risk tolerance. The opinions expressed in this newsletter belong entirely to the author and no affiliated parties or enterprises.
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I would also add that they make it seem like if you get in on crypto right now, it would be the same as achieving a feat like flying a plane for the first time or going to the moon for the first time. People have made millions, if not billions, in the stock market over the past century, yet we do not hold that achievement in the same light as the first plane flight or space flight. Those two achievements affected the entire world. Your crypto account can only affect you. Smart of them to try and loop the two scenarios together.