Crypto Marketing During A Bear Market
Bogomil Stoev
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The bear market always comes. Actually, it is not that bad to be part of a crypto project during such a red period (if you have done your planning well).?
Why Should You Do Crypto Marketing During A Bear Market?
If you want to have a successful marketing and the best possible results from it, you should do some sort of crypto marketing during such periods. Maybe it is hard to believe it, but trust me, when you read the things that you should do while bulls are on vacation, it will make sense to you.
Anyway, as a crypto project founder, CMO, and marketing consultant I have noticed one very specific characteristic of the current crypto investors. It is that they don’t have much patience, they want everything now or better – yesterday. And as a crypto project owner if you want to survive you should keep this in mind and do what is needed.
All the holders that you have are your shareholders and they don’t care much about financial reports every 3 or 6 months, let alone every 12 months. They want updates every week or the best would be every 2-3 days or they will sell. I have seen this many times, I don’t like it, but there is a solution for that – you have to work in all markets and deliver.
Surviving a bear market with a pretty stable price or even growing in a bear market can give you good chances to be noticed and grow a lot during the bull run. Maybe you have heard the saying – bear markets are the perfect time for building and bull markets are the time for harvesting.
The 4 Phases Of The Crypto Market (And The Difference Between The Bull Market And The Bear Market)
The four phases of the crypto market cycle are typically used to describe it: the slow accumulation, the fast run-up, the price plateau, and the following run-down. Across all markets, this is a trend that keeps coming up.
The beginning of a new project or the end of a previous phase in which the market has already flattened out are both examples of the accumulation phase.
Run-Up Phase (Bull Market)
The market starts to climb steadily toward higher highs during the run-up phase. Technical analysts start to pay attention to these initiatives at the start of this period, and this is when the early majority of them start to join the market. The market is currently moving in a definite direction, and the mood has shifted from neutral to bullish.
Distribution Phase
The price reaches a plateau and sellers start to take control in the third stage of the market cycle. When the previous phase’s bullish emotion changes to a mixed sentiment, the cycle has entered this phase. Price will often move in a narrow range where volatility is low and momentum is slow, and this range might extend for days or weeks.
Run-Down Phase (Bear Market)
The run-down is the final stage of a market cycle. This is the most challenging and emotional time for the majority of investors. This appears to be a period of social media pumping for the cryptocurrency markets as well, with the steadfast conviction that the price will keep rising.
How Long Does A Crypto Bear Market Usually Last? What Was The Longest Bear Market?
Prices of key tokens have significantly decreased from their all-time highs as a result of the crypto market being in its fifth historical bear market, which started in November of last year. That said, here is a timeline of all the crypto bear markets in history.
2011-2012 Market Downturn – 185 Days
2013-2015 Bear Market – 415 Days
2017-2018 Market Gloom – 365 Days
2019-2020 Bear Market – 260 Days
As we can see, the usual crypto bear market had a draw-down of almost 61%, lasted for an average of 306 days (185 days shortest, 415 days longest), and had a lot of backswings in the months after.
How To Survive A Crypto Bear Market And Benefit The Most From It?
1. Check Your Website
Bear markets are a great time for analysis. One of the very important things that you should do as part of this is to analyze your website. Maybe when you have been building your website:?
– you have been in a hurry
– after you have launched it you have found out that there are things that people want to see there, but you haven’t had a chance to add them
– your website looks too old and/or boring
– your website is not delivering the results that you want
…or something among these lines.
Even if you haven’t had such thoughts it is still a good idea to spend time analyzing your website. Transforming your website into an effective marketing tool (which is actually its purpose) can not only save you a lot of money, but it can help you to achieve a lot of your marketing-related KPIs with ease.
So use the red market to analyze, optimize, test and repeat. The bear market gives you time to prepare your ship, so when the storm is gone you can sail at a very fast speed and others will be wondering how this is possible.
2. Content Marketing
The bear market is a great time to build and educate your community. It is also a perfect time to educate the web 2.0 people too and attract them. Try to explain in more detail what is the project about, what’s the benefits for the current and future investors, and things like that. You should have two goals with your crypto content marketing:
– Educate and excite the current community that you have
– Educate, excite and attract potential investors from the web 3 and web 2 world
If you want to achieve the best results, you should be consistent. What I mean by that is to have a plan – weekly and monthly. It should have information about the topics and frequency of publishing your articles. It is really important to spend some time on this question:
“How many articles can I create every week or every month so I can be consistent for at least the next few months in a way that this doesn’t put too much stress on me?”
Answering this question is really crucial because when you start writing, publishing, and announcing your articles, you are creating expectations in your community. The problem is that if in the 7th or 8th week you decide to stop doing that, your community will think that there is an issue with the project. But if you have planned these articles in a way that they don’t affect your work much, you are good to go. There will be no panic selling.
Having articles every week is really key. It helps your crypto project to be in your community’s thoughts very often. At the same time, if you use the articles to give value and not only to talk about updates, you can build very goodwill in your shareholders and potential investors. This gives you a great advantage especially if you do a mistake or something worse happens. In that case, because of the value that you have provided with your content, you have a higher chance the community to forgive you.?
The other benefit of constantly working on the content is that those that are on the fence or don’t know about you, when they feel ready, your project will be the first one that they will ape in. And when the bulls are back, the number of token purchases may go to the moon, exactly because you have spent time and other resources to give value during a bear market.
3. Community
Bear markets are a great time for working on your community – including holders and non-holders. In?marketing?as a whole, there are three very important segments – attracting new buyers, selling to them, and retention. The problem is that in the web 2.0 world, most companies are focused mainly on the first two and they forget about the last one.
It is proven many times that it is much cheaper and easier to sell to a buyer than to attract a new one. I suppose that in web 3.0 it is not different even though there is no research in this direction, but we are still talking about humans so it should be the same.
Anyway, during bear markets is really valuable to spend time and figure out how you can keep your community more engaged, more attracted to your project, and even addicted to it.
Maybe you can start doing AMAs more regularly, you can start doing airdrops, competitions, games, lottery, or something else that can achieve the mentioned goals above. The question that you should ask yourself is:
“What I can do that can provide value to my community in a way that they will be more attracted, engaged, and even addicted to my community and project?”
It shouldn’t be something very big or unseen (even though you will get more benefits if you innovate here too), but you should add this as part of your crypto marketing. Investors need to see that you care about them and their money as much as you care about the project.
4. Better Prices
During crypto bear markets most of the projects don’t spend money on advertising, so the prices for that go down. This means that if you have the budget for that and it is part of your?crypto marketing?strategy then now you have a solid competitive advantage. During bleeding times influencer, banner, and CPC advertising go down due to the less competition that you will have.
At the same time, you have the opportunity to negotiate better prices with influencers because their prices also depend on the demand. So use the bear time to get more attention to your project and increase your market cap while others are waiting for better times to come in order to do that.?
During a bear market, you should continue working on your marketing – for attracting new users and retention of the current community (investors and potential ones). With huge importance for your better chance to thrive in both markets is to deeply analyze your first impression tool – your website. That’s why if you need help with this, or you want to design or redesign it, I and my team would be happy to help you (if we can). And if you need someone to give you some directions about your crypto marketing or you just need feedback on it, we can also help. So if you want our support, just click on “Book a Free Consultation” and schedule a meeting with our team.?