The Crypto Community is Going to Reunite Countries with Arvin Khamseh

The Crypto Community is Going to Reunite Countries with Arvin Khamseh

Get into the conversation as host Noble Drakoln and guest Arvin Khamseh talk about the endless opportunities and benefits of the crypto community. Learn why community is what crypto is centered around and why people like Noble and Arvin are determined not to mess it up (Neither should you!). Get Arvin's thoughts on weeding out the scams, taking responsibility, and building a community that users can trust for the long-term. Because, as BAND Royalty and various other NFT platforms have proven: art--be it music, video, or imagery--connects us all.

3 Key Takeaways

  • Why checkmarks are going to be a necessity moving forward for crypto
  • Why relationships in the crypto space will be worth more than a million dollars
  • Why Arvin's sister made more in an hour of working with crypto than a day's salary

Listen to the Full Episode

Show Notes

[0:30] Arvin introduces himself and what he does

  • Hanging out with a friend and asking him why he's on his phone so often
  • His friend was checking out the bitcoin prices
  • He invested everything he had into bitcoin until he didn't have to work
  • "When I first learned about NFTs, I knew I was not going to let that opportunity pass up one more time." -Arvin Khamseh
  • Buying and trading with his sister
  • Working with an artist and helping him out

[2:54] How did Arvin help him to sell out if Arvin was in the ad business?

  • It probably couldn't happen again
  • Running ads through Twitter and getting away with something they didn't think they could

[4:40] How Arvin attracted other brands after that

  • His position in the top 1% on freelancing and marketing platforms
  • As soon as he opened up to NFTs, his schedule was full
  • His background was running 500K/month ads for investors

[6:00] Taking off with brands across platforms like OpenSea

  • The project he's working on with his friend
  • A small collection

[7:10] What Arvin has to say about the future of OpenSea and JPEGs in the crypto space

  • "Everything needs verification. You have to have blue checks everywhere." -Arvin Khamseh
  • Checkmarks used to be a bonus, but now are a necessity
  • People began to abuse the option of remaining anonymous
  • The one problem out of all the projects that he had done
  • "I don't want people to think of the crypto community and immediately think 'scam.'" -Arvin Khamseh
  • His creation of a GoFundMe to pay them back through a Discord
  • We can't screw this up!

[14:05] Our goals are the same

  • Think about the long-term
  • A million isn't really that much in the scheme of things!
  • If you burn all of your relationships, you'll never gain anything
  • "We have a role in this to actually do things and not sit back and say 'Oh, shit, this is screwed.'" -Arvin Khamseh
  • Comparing what Arvin heard about artists as a kid to the opportunity they have today in crypto
  • This is the first time that all artists are in control of their ID!

[17:30] Business is coming in

  • Influencers will come in, but the fundamentals will remain the same
  • Noble's example of this
  • "I have seen the strongest communities being built in crypto." -Arvin Khamseh
  • This is a way to agree with others in other countries; bringing people together
  • There's a version of Master Chef and America's Got Talent everywhere!

[22:40] Accessibility to wealth with crypto NFTs

  • His sister made more in a day working with NFTs than she made in a month regularly
  • Anyone can have fun today instead of at retirement
  • It's equal!

[25:00] Where Arvin sees the crypto space going next

  • 2D is out!
  • Getting into play-to-earn games on social media
  • 3D video/audio
  • Certain animals in the top 10 are going to go away

[28:40] Your wallet could get drained

  • It happened to Noble


DM him on Twitter @Arvinknft (watch his pinned video on Twitter)



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