Crypto Commentary + Summary: Notable Stories
Rob's Thoughts:
I joined the Clubhouse app--my username is @altcoin--and I found many discussion rooms to be compelling and informative. Some were more sophisticated than others. I went into one venture capital pitch room and overheard a pitch of a "DeFi company" shilling for their proposed project--no code, no address, no team members willing to link their LinkedIn--but asking for $500,000 for 1/10th of the organization. When pressed by these venture capitalists for if they were yet listed with Uniswap or another automated market maker, the presenter promised that the application has been submitted to Uniswap since November but that they had not heard back. That's interesting because Uniswap is a decentralized exchange, no applications necessary, requiring one to simply deploy your ERC-20 token and you're live. To the VCs who were excited and reaching for their checkbooks for this gentleman, best of luck to you and your fund.
Interesting to see Elon Musk going into full-blown shill mode by spending several days posting about Dogecoin and creating memes. I couldn't help but get in on the fun so I posted my own meme when Gene Simmons, of KISS fame, voiced his support--and vocalized his 6-figure investment--in the crypto.
I've been using doge since 2015 and remember using many web-based wallets where the wallet would be-up and the next week disappear with the contents of the users wallets and private keys. Thankfully, web wallets and 2FA have advanced since then, but scammers still abound, especially in Google Ads, as seen with a basic Google search. Never click a Google advertisement in the search area (usually the first few with "AD" next to it on the top left) for any crypto term. They are almost 100% phishing sites.
Doge is a low-cost tool for transferring value across the internet, often used by gig economy workers in countries where paying $60 for Ethereum gas fees would amount to more than a day's pay so that represents a non-starter. Doge is also useful in that it's inexpensive to spend, you can withdrawal from most every crypto exchange for a few pennies (as opposed to $50-$100 for BTC or ETH), and has had the community rally behind it as a meme that shows that achieving a singular use case is often enough to allow a project to Moon. Whether this use case is worth the $10.4 billion, as is the current valuation, is yet to be seen.
Here are some interesting stories I read this week, summarized, and offered some pithy commentary:
Summary: Crypto Custodian Protego has been granted a national charter by The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency. Protego, a company based out of Washington, is the second crypto-native firm to get national licensing from the OCC. The charter allows Protego to act as a national trust bank, instead of a traditional bank, as national trust banks are not allowed to handle deposits. Rather, Protego will provide custody services for clients to hold cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin. Already state banking regulators have expressed concern over the OCC’s decision, and have filed a lawsuit claiming that the OCC has stretched the definition of bank beyond recognition. Protegos head of business development claimed that Protego has already secured over $1.5 million in assets under custody at launch.
Commentary: Crypto is gaining traction with the banking system at the speed even many bitcoin maximalists would have deemed too optimistic. This largely is due to the market uncertainty and covid restrictions shifting perceptions as it relates to remote work and decentralized employment.
Summary: Bitfinex repays loan
Bitfinex announced that it has fully repaid a previously outstanding loan from its centralized stablecoin sister company, Tether. The loan in question had been at a balance of $550 million. This action closes out a much larger loan of $750 million through a $900 million credit line issued in 2018. Said credit line has been at the center of a market manipulation lawsuit filed in New York, as well as a broader lawsuit and a series of other legal proceedings by the New York State attorney.
Stuart Hoegner, Bitfinex’s General Counselor, wrote in hast statement “Bitfinex is happy to announce that in January it repaid the remaining balance of $550,000,000 of the outstanding revolving loan facility to Tether.” He added “Bitfinex made this payment in fiat currency wired to Tether's bank account. All interest due on the loan has been paid. The loan has now been repaid early and in full and the line of credit has been canceled.”
Bitfinex and Tether CTO Paul Ardoino went on to take a victory lap on social media, seemingly poking fun at the community of so-called “Tether truthers”, who claim that stablecoin poses a systemic risk to the crypto ecosystem. Ardoino’s victory lap may prove to be short-lived, as the payment of the loan has done nothing to quell the companies numerous legal troubles. Last month iFenex - the parent company of Bifenex and Tether, requested that a trial date be pushed back to ensure to help ensure the company would be allowed the time to produce documents requested by the New York Attorney General. Making this the second court date the company has sought to delay.
In fact, multiple class-action lawsuits have been filed against iFinex, claiming that the loan the company issued unbacked Tether that was then used to manipulate the market.
Commentary: Tether started as a 1:1 stablecoin against the dollar, a stablecoin dollar against a dollar-denominated and held in a bank, then, when there were some accounting issues, it changed its business plan to operate at less than 1:1 but with a dollar peg. We'll see on this one. The community I see pushing back on either side are both exceptionally vigorous.
Summary: Bitcoin Energy Consumption
Bitcoin energy consumption is at an all-time high due to a recent surge in price. According to the Bitcoin Energy Consumption Index on digiconomist, the amount of energy used to mine Bitcoin in 2021 has already exceeded the previous record high set in late 2020. In an interview with CNBC Charles Hoskinson, founder of Cardano co-founder of Etherum, expressed his belief that this problem will only get worse as Bitcoin becomes more popular. “The issue is it can never get better by design” Hoskinson said. Emphasizing that as more and more people begin to see the value in Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies the price will continue to rise, as prices continue to rise, more energy will be needed to mine Bitcoin and other forms of crypto. Hoskinson went on to say that “Bitcoin is consuming an unfathomable amount of energy” he added that “the issue is, it can never get better by design.”
The crypto community at large, however, remains divided over the ecology of cryptocurrency. Some claim that Bitcoin’s unique features are worth the cost. Coinshares Chief Strategy Officer Meltem Demiror hinted that the amount of energy consumed by Bitcoin is actually a good use of energy. She stated, “What we have here is people trying to decide what is and is not a good use of energy, and Bitcoin is incredibly transparent in its energy use while other industries are much more opaque.” Demiror also added that energy use in itself is not bad. “Sending and storing emails uses energy, yet we don’t infer email to be bad because they consume energy.”
Currently, Bitcoin consumes an amount of power comparable to the country of Chile, at 77.78 TWh. Digiconimst also states that Bitcoin has a carbon footprint equal in size to the carbon footprint of New Zeeland. That being said, it is still worth noting that Bitcoin consumes less energy than inactive home appliances in the United States.
Commentary: I like that someone can utilize all of the hashing capabilities on MiningRigRentals, NiceHash, and all other available cloud miners and still not be able to mount a serious attack on Bitcoin to introduce a 51% attack or other nefarious double-spend or transaction reversing hacks. While this hashing capability is energy expensive, it does secure the network well and would be exceptionally expensive--billions-- to mount an attack of any seriousness.
Summary: Dogecoin pump
Dogecoin experienced a brief rise in value as a wave of memes brought its value all the way up to $0.08, with a dizzying amount of volatility. Many influencers and members of the WallStreetBets subreddit are transitioning away from AMC and GME in favor of Doge, with many appreciating the low cost for the coin of a few pennies versus $40,000 for bitcoin. The reality is, however, that there are many millions more Doge, but that appealing number of $0.08 is eye-catching for some less-than-sophisticated investors.
Dogecoin, a form of cryptocurrency based on a popular meme, managed to raise its value high enough to be considered one of marketcap’s top ten crypto-assets for the first time since 2015. Some have tied the appreciation to a series of memes tweeted by Elon Musk combined with the groupthink of cryptos momentum-based market. Others believe, however, that Doge’s rise in value was the result of a series of anti-establishment outcries as the popular stock trading app Robinhood disabled “buy” orders for certain stocks.
Robinhood and other brokers like it now stand accused of hypocrisy, critics of these brokers claim that apps like Robinhood have sided in favor of the hedge funds over the smaller investors. While this populist versus powerful fight plays out many are shifting away from the crushed GME towards other investments. #Dogetoadollar is currently trending on Twitter and many users seem to want to double down.
Commentary: Many projects do what Dogecoin does, but none, other than bitcoin, have the support of Elon Musk. While it's largely in the spirit of humor, as memes are, this spotlight still shines brightly when directed by the world's richest man.