Crying Shadows, Flesh and Bone
Surface Gallery
Surface Gallery is an independent, volunteer run, contemporary art gallery based in Nottingham
Crying Shadows, Flesh and Bone: A Solo Exhibition by Brian Mander
15th February - 7th March
Opening Night: Friday 14th February, 6-8pm
Surface Gallery is pleased to announce Crying Shadows, Flesh and Bone, a solo exhibition by Brian Mander.
Crying Shadows, Flesh and Bone is an exhibition that reflects the developing friendship and understanding between British artist Brian Mander and asylum seeking Malawian refugee, Righteous Mposi. At the heart of this relationship and exhibition is an awareness of the mistreatment of people throughout Africa with the genetic disorder of the melanin system commonly known as albinism. Sculpture, found objects, and ritual artefacts reveal the contrasting perspectives of the natural sciences which frame the condition as a disability, whereas indigenous knowledge and witchcraft dehumanises and commodifies these unfortunate individuals. Are cultural traditions and superstition a hindrance to the acceptance of difference?
The exhibition includes the documentary, Zeru Zeru The Ghosts by Yorgos Avgeropoulos, a SmallPlanet - ERT Production ? 2009.
Crying Shadows, Flesh and Bone opens in the Main Gallery and Project Space. As always, there will be a donations bar with ales from local brewery, Pheasantry.
Free Entry: Everyone Welcome