The cry of a believer in 5 situations

Crying is the first language of all people in the world. The language of crying is universal. People of all places and languages cry. The language of human cry is understood by all speakers of the world. A newborn also announces his arrival and existence in the world through this cry. About this, Rasulullah (SAW) said, "Every new-born child is poked by Satan at the time of birth, so he screams when he is poked by Satan." (Bukhari, Hadith: 3431)

People cry for different reasons. Some types of crying are discussed below-

One. Cry of trouble

Everyone knows that when people are in trouble, men and women cry. It is narrated in Hadith Sharif, 'Rasulullah (SAW) while crying at the death of his infant son Ibrahim said, 'Tears fall from the eyes, heart aches. But we say what we are satisfied with. And we are saddened by your separation.' (Bukhari, Hadith: 1407)

Two. parting cry

People cry when their loved ones are separated. Yaqub (A.S.) wept at the separation of his son Yusuf (A.S.). It is described in the Qur'an, "And his eyes became white with trembling, and his heart was crushed." (Surah: Yusuf, verse: 84)

Three. The cry of recitation

There are many fortunate people who weep while reciting the Qur'an. Regarding this, Rasulullah (SAW) said, "Recite the Qur'an while crying, if you do not cry, pretend to cry." (Ibn Majah, Hadith: 1337)

Imam Ghazali (R.A.) said that during the recitation of the Qur'an by the Companions, a strange situation would arise. (Sermon Zulfikar: 4/179)

Four. Weeping in remembrance of sin

More or less everyone commits sins in the past life, but crying at the remembrance of sins is a unique quality. Whoever weeps remembering his sins, Allah is pleased with him. About this, Rasulullah (s.a.) said, 'Two drops are very dear to Allah Ta'ala. One. The tears that fall in fear of Allah Ta'ala. Two. The tears that fall on the path of Allah Ta'ala.' (Tirmidhi, Hadith: 1639)

Five. Crying out of fear of God

A unique aspect of the good use of the eyes is to cry out of fear of Allah. Apart from that, crying out of fear of Allah is a special quality of a believer and a great proof of sincerity. Fear of Allah is an essential element of faith. Because faith is within hope and fear. Regarding the characteristics of the Prophets, Allah the Exalted declares, "They were swift in righteous deeds, they called Me with hope and fear, and they were humble towards Me." (Surah: Ambiya, verse: 90)

The dearest to Allah is shedding tears in fear of Him. Rasulullah (SAW) said, 'Three eyes will not see the fire of hell. The eye that guards the path of Allah, the eye that weeps in fear of Allah, the eye that gets angry at the things forbidden by Allah.' (Al Muzamul Kabir Lit Tibrani, Hadith: 1003)

May Allah Ta'ala grant us Tawfiq to achieve success in eternal life by crying and shedding tears for Him.        



