Crust Devlog | Oct 1st — Oct 16th, 2022
Mainnet Weekly Report
October was the start of a busy month! Let's take a look at our dev integrations, partnerships, and events!
On September 1st, 2021, Crust Mainnet was officially launched. The weekly data is as follows.
Protocol layer
1. [Mainnet] Start to support substrate metadata 14
2. [Mainnet] Remove Sudo and complete the democratization of various functions of the chain
3. [Mainnet] Reduce the parameters of the democracy module
Application layer
1. [Crust Files] Support Aptos Petra wallet login
2. [Crust Files] Changed Martian Wallet logo
3. [Crust Files] Fix Web3 wallet popup style error
4. [Home] Fix the style of the subscription function component
2. Crust Shadow will renew the Kusama parachain at slot #56–59.
Let’s vote for Crust!
3. Crust Monthly Community Open Call #11
4. PostThread won the Crust Grant in Polkadot Hackathon 2022!
5. Crust has fully integrated with Gear! Now you will be able to use Crust while building on Gear.
That's all for this week! Interested in getting updates directly to your email? Subscribe to our newsletter via our website: