A Crushing Sense Of Finitude
Holtz Realty

A Crushing Sense Of Finitude

From the time I arrived early at office for my first appointment, I felt as though I was five minutes away from being late for another throughout the entire day. Of course with it being the last day of our workweek, there were a number of people in need of immediate assistance.

My Prairie Place on 1st closing went exceptionally well, and it was confirmed when my buyer made sure to wait until we walked out, just to tell me how much he appreciated all I'd done for him during this process, and of course I thanked him for contacting me. Yes, it was very much a win-win for everyone involved. I have no doubt he'll be happily living there for a number of years.

As chance would have it, I ran into a colleague as I was leaving the closing company, which ended up being a fortuitous event because there was a great deal of information we shared between us which will be helpful for the both of us as time goes on. I was definitely glad to find how much we share the same thoughts about the future of our city, but unfortunately the ones steering the boat in our city's government, are sadly mis-directing us down very dark paths, and by the time we ended our conversation, there's no doubt we were on the same page regarding the favoritism, poor judgement calls, and lack of real vision. We both fully agreed there needs to be a major shake-up with department heads. Of course there was a reminder that many of them aren't even from these parts, which certainly creates the lack of understanding of our city's past, present and future. I had to laugh when saying, "This ain't Minneapolis, Chicago or Omaha, so do you think someone needs to remind them of that on a daily basis?"

Unfortunately I had to cancel my showings for tomorrow morning, and only because all three of the homes we had scheduled, are now under contract. Thank goodness my buyer is willing to remain patient until something comes along, so let's hope I there's an acceptable one soon arriving on the market.

I received a message from one of my readers this morning, and for some reason, my words last night were interpreted the wrong way, so I now must clarify myself when saying I have the memory of an elephant, which is fortunate at times because I remember some really bad things done by people I know, who to this day, think I've forgotten, and in spite of my having to cross paths with them from time to time, I purposely remain reticent and guarded, and only for self-preserving purposes. I have to remind myself, along with others that once burned, it's a shame on you, but twice burned, it's a shame on me. To this day I have no clue as to why people go back and do business with those whom they know took advantage of them, and the only saying I can think of which would explain such mentalities, is another old saying that goes, "Better the devil you know than the one you don't." Thank goodness I've never embraced such thoughts.

I had a very nice chat today with Jenn Pope who's the owner of 'Roots' which is right next door to my office. I happened to notice she's added another facet to her growing business where she now has a certified person who helps the mothers of newborns with their getting on the right track with breast feeding. I believe that'll drive even more people to her shop. Without a doubt, she's one of the few who always exhibits a positive attitude that's coupled with genuine enthusiasm regarding the eating of healthy foods and tailored weight management. I truly wish the absolute best for her.

A good deal of my afternoon was eaten up by another contractor who had to get some work done over at a client's home, so once again, I had to pull up a chair and continue on with the reading of some of magazines she receives on a monthly basis. Thank goodness he did manage to get everything done before I had to skedaddle off to a scheduled appointment, and thank goodness I managed to get the front door of my office unlocked just as my customer was pulling up.

With it being the Friday before the 4th of July, I made the mistake of stopping at a groceteria to pick up a few things, and unfortunately the aisles were full and the check-out lines were long. I just happened to run into a couple whom I'd not seen in a number of years, so while we were waiting, there was a great deal of catching-up to do. Since they've known my extended family for several generations, I went ahead and brought them up to speed on all the happenings since the passing of my dear mother. Yes, there were a few jaw-drops, but at least they've now got the rest of the filter-less story. Before they left, I was reminded how easily one or two bad apples can spoil the entire barrel, and my only remark was, "Amen to that thought."

My weekend ahead is currently in a state of flux, and only because I have to contact one of my sellers in the morning, along with my having to wait for another to arrive, but unfortunately I wasn't given an exact time, so I dare say there'll be a great deal of putzing around at office until I've got them taken care of.

If I have time tomorrow afternoon, I'll likely head over to get some additional stripping done at my little/big project, and you can bet I'll be armed with face-netting and insect repellant, and speaking of insects, I went online today, just to see if I could find a photo of those two types of gnats we've being cursed with, and wouldn't you know, I couldn't find one. Someone laughingly said today, "I heard they're from Canada and those millions of acres that are on fire up there, are driving them to Iowa." It took me about two seconds to negate that thought, but beware, the Japanese beetles have once again awakened, so you'd better get your traps out and placed where they need to be.

Tonight's One-liner is: The 21st Century is oppressed by a crushing sense of finitude and exhaustion.

original post ... https://niowarealty.net/life/2023/06/30/a-crushing-sense-of-finitude/


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