Crushing Professional Goals Week 6 Facebook trainings being taken
Crushing Professional Goals Week 6 Facebook trainings being taken

Crushing Professional Goals Week 6 Facebook trainings being taken

Yet another week of small goals

Mostly things such as trainings that I'd seen being offered


These weren't goals I'd set but decided to do them anyway

Sometimes they're being offered as free smaller trainings as intro to more in depth course

Often that's how it starts & then turns into taking paid trainings

This time it's FB trainings On Day 3/7 today

It has assisted with more post visibility & likes since the first day

Still feeling tired early since vax No. 3 last week & keeping my phone on flight mode to avoid being disturbed even by notifications while resting

My scoliosis that I've had for a long time has improved since last fall but since yesterday feeling lower back pain that has lessened today

Been thinking I should make a new Vision Board late month for goals

Header Image by Jon Pauling on Pixabay

=================================================================March 25, 2022 started BIG GOALS Week 1 Writing these articles brings luck and so this Chief Annoying Officer has started again. Will be posting weekly. =================================================================


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