Crushing Professional Goals Week 50 Given business books & it's Month 11 today
Last week's FB lockout lasted 8hrs
Had been feeling tired & so I'd napped thru most of it.
Below is previous article
Have done almost no goal work for the past 3 weeks
First major anxiety hit & then after that tiredness in the early afternoon
Think weather & early darkness is affecting everyone
Seems to be business book month
Last week had been out & book about Networking strategies was given away
It's author is a new name to me & I'm 1/3 way thru
Then this past Wed; had been visiting friends at their church
Saw yet another book; this time about 10X your income
That will be next after I finish the first one
Had less content over the past yr & started regular again this Thurs
Goal work returns today after a morning workshop ends
Header Image by PCB-Tech on Pixabay
========================================================= March 25, 2022 started BIG GOALS Week 1 Writing these articles brings luck and so this Chief Annoying Officer has started again. Will be posting weekly.