Crushing Professional Goals 2024 Week 92 Remembering goal reached in 2020 & VB surprise 2X
Crushing Professional Goals 2024 Week 92 Remembering goal reached in 2020 & VB surprise 2X

Crushing Professional Goals 2024 Week 92 Remembering goal reached in 2020 & VB surprise 2X

It's Leap Year Day!!!

For those who have been following since 2020 may remember that's when Crushing Professional goals started with a big goal.

It had started after a reminder on professional articles I'd been writing several yrs before that brought social media connections from services I'd been searching for one needed

So I'd decided to continue These are mainly for myself to highlight steps taken

When I'd achieved my goal in 2020 had continued

Have added the year in the title of each post not for time travel (Smile)

But so when going back to look at the article or sharing I know or a follower know when it was.


Just a recap in 2020 had a few big goals & one was a new home

Had mentioned to others recently how nothing had been coming

Neither Vision board & even giving back yielded nothing

Then came the pandemic & layoffs as companies closed

I'd remembered something from a marketing book I own & had read long ago

That told me that I should increase skills for myself

5 days a week I'd do that after coming back from work

I'm a nerd but had done just a few mins

Had done various other things as well

Other things came for goals

Even digital things but not the home

Then after three months needed a break

Felt I'd done enough skills work

In about two weeks after finishing came the place

Shortly after moving realized it had the extras I'd wanted

Have moved again since then to the area I'd put on the Vision Board

Last yr had located the first bldg I'd put an image of

But couldn't pinpoint exactly where was the second one

Two weeks ago today was returning home from some errands elsewhere

Noticed a bldg tucked away behind some other retail businesses

It has been found!!

Didn't end up moving into either of the buildings

They are however close by

Now onto a mansion & limo with chaffeur

Next article will be about my first real speech done recently

Header Image by K-Vlogger on Pixabay

March 25, 2022 started BIG GOALS Week 1 Writing these articles brings luck and so this Chief Annoying Officer has started again. 2024 is going to be about doing things for me only Will be posting weekly.


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