Crushing Professional Goals 2024 Week 110 Digital trainings
Some previously done & some new
Going to be starting & restarting as of today
One thing I've realized in the past few yrs is that we need to find trainings suited to our industry & where we want to improve our skillset
When the pandemic started It was shortly after that I'd first started working on increasing skills
It was a few months later that I got the goal I'd been wanting for over a yr
There was articles all the thru including after I reached that goal
Nowadays almost anything has either an article or social media page content on the subject
We just have to do the trainings that best fit our goals
Off I go to start the latest one
Header Image by Mohamed_hassan on Pixabay
March 25, 2022 started BIG GOALS Week 1 Writing these articles brings luck and so this Chief Annoying Officer has started again. 2024 is going to be about doing things for me only Will be posting weekly.