Crushing Professional Goals 2022 Week 16 Getting caught up & small goals partially reached

Crushing Professional Goals 2022 Week 16 Getting caught up & small goals partially reached

Belated & shorter update

It's a busier than usual week for me getting caught up on things

Even my usual social media has been less


Marketing expert friend met thru social media had a group training a few yrs ago

In it they taught about Professional goal setting

Last week realized a few smaller ones got partially achieved in just over two months

Still doing skills trainings with programs previously used & owned as well as new content

This week has been busy with other things so just started again today

Plan is to do a little bit study about 20 mins max per day 3-4 days a week to make sure when Sept comes skills & financial things aren't dismal

Some weeks such as this might be less & so it'll adjust itself over time

Still getting this thyroid down to almost gone

It's not gone yet but it's getting there

Header Image by teresad72 on Pixabay

=================================================================March 25, 2022 started BIG GOALS Week 1 Writing these articles brings luck and so this Chief Annoying Officer has started again. Will be posting weekly. =================================================================


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