You’ve got a pipeline. Work it like your commission depends on it—because it does.
- Follow Up on Quotes: Close the loop on any outstanding proposals. Don’t give them time to forget you exist.? Out of sight is out of mind.
- Send Value-Packed Emails: No cookie-cutter templates. Make it personal and drop a nugget of gold they can’t ignore. send them a link to an article or a Youtube video and tell them that "I thought this may interest you."when you're closer to the holidays, just send them a simple email wishing them a nice holiday.? Sending an email like this is refreshing for the client to know that they heard from you and not about pushing the sales agenda.I enjoy making calls and leaving voice mail messages, the reason for that is because I immediately send an email with the subject line stating. "I'm Sorry I Missed You", it's a fact that this subject line has one of the higher open rates.? I use it all the time.? Phone call, then email
- Pick Up the Phone: Yep, cold calls still work. Focus on warm leads who are closer to the finish line.
New leads don’t just fall into your lap—go out and hunt them down. I like to tell new reps that if you're not prospecting you're competitors are.
- Cold Calls: Make the first impression count. Get to the point and don’t waste their time.
- DM on LinkedIn: Slide into their inbox.? Start with something simple and short like "Hoping we can connect please".? Once they connect send them a thank you response.? Another thought is to tag them when you or your company creates a new social media thread.? It's more about them seeing your threads an getting to know you and your company.
- Send a Bold Mailer: Be different. Ship a 24x36 print in a mailing tube with a note like, “This could be your blueprints… on steroids.”
When you combine the all the above efforts then sooner or later you will land the appointment or the client will reach out to you.? I can't stress this enough "that out of site is out of mind".
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