The Crusade to Replace Passwords With Passkeys Just Intensified

The Crusade to Replace Passwords With Passkeys Just Intensified

The world of online security is undergoing a major shift. For years, passwords have been the go-to method for securing online accounts, but their effectiveness has come under serious question. With data breaches and phishing attacks on the rise, relying on passwords is becoming less safe. This has led to a growing movement—led by tech industry experts—pushing for the adoption of passkeys as a better, safer alternative.

What Are Passwords, and Why Are They Failing?

Passwords are the most common way to log into websites, apps, and online accounts. They’re made up of a combination of letters, numbers, and symbols that users create to protect their personal information. But there’s a problem: passwords are easy to forget, often reused, and vulnerable to being hacked...Read more



