Crunch Time for Hospitals Pushing for More Aid from Congress
Congress and the White House begin intense discussions this week on the next economic relief package - perhaps the last of the year, and it is uncertain whether hospitals will receive any additional funding. 67 bipartisan House members are now pushing a bill, HR 7292, that would turn all hospital and other provider Medicare loans into grants, replenish the Medicare Trust Fund, and not require repayment - at a cost of $101 billion, a relatively small amount in a bill expected to be between $1 trillion and $3 trillion. Click here for the list of cosponsors.
- Nearly 1,400 hospitals and health systems have signed-on to a letter to congressional leaders urging Medicare loan forgiveness. Click here for that letter.
- A fight is already brewing between the White House and Senate Republicans over the Health Care provision of the relief bill. Click here.
- As the pandemic pushes hospitals in the South and West near capacity, the need for beds has stranded patients in emergency rooms. Click here.
- A new report from Fitch Ratings says not-for-profit hospitals are not likely to be financially stable until a vaccine is developed. Click here.