Cruel kids and crushes
Make a difference
I had crushes on my classmates in 6th grade. I can still remember some of their names. Really cute boys. One of them was THE BULLY. It was so bad that I did not want to tell my mom because I thought it would become worse. I barely remember that we went to talk to the parents. Every day .... In school and on the bus. It stopped when I left that small private school. My parents were smart to keep me in another small private Christian school 7-9th grades. I went to public school in 9th grade because I insisted. My mother was probably so exasperated with me at that time. Parents got divorced and mom went to work 9-5. The bully started up again in 9th grade.
I will never forget that this bully - his name was Michael - poured milk in my locker through the slots on my locker door that ruined my books. He got his buddies to harass me walking to and from school and I would walk a different way to avoid them. His buddies would not bother me unless bully was with them. I had a neighbor who I could walk with and her bestie but I am so sure they were VERY embarrassed to be seen with me. You read my other article about braces, frizzy hair and fat and scars on my face….that was me in 9th ?grade.
This bully has no power over me as I got older because I forgave as Christ has forgiven me. You can forgive, however, sometimes our brain still has the memory. I don’t remember much of anyone else as a bully. One was enough. This was in the 70s and no social media at that time. Thank goodness! Reflecting back on that one person and trauma does have an impact on your self esteem at such a young age. Bullies ARE insecure and have problems at home. He must have been abused. His parents were well educated and his mom had a masters degree. Who knows what compelled him to be such a bad kid?
I remember a few boys in 6th grade that I was crushin’ on and dreaming of a future boyfriend. I did not realize how bad I looked and of course no makeup worn in 6th grade. Peter, Chris, Scott and Simeon. These were the nice boys. I think their parents told them not to tease me. One guy in 9th grade was David B. Funny class clown. I had the biggest crush on him. He was large and rough looking and I think the girls did not want anything to do with him but I wanted him to be my boyfriend. No boyfriends, no dates, no dances...not your typical school life. I had dentists, surgeons and doctors visits.
More later about field hockey, PE class and the nerd table and my cousins at the Jersey shore.
Stay tuned.
Make a difference !!!