“We’ve read all the reports, and I think we saw one today going back to 1991 that talked?about changes which hadn’t taken place ten years earlier, so 1980.?So?we recognize that there are lots of issues that need to get?resolved—we want to address as many of these as we possibly can.” VCH CEO Dr. David Ostrow, November 8, 2011.
As of 2022, George Pearson Centre (GPC ) is an extended care hospital for 114 adults with severe disabilities, which is owned and operated by Vancouver Coastal Health (VCH ).?GPC resides in Vancouver, BC, Canada, a G-7 country.
GPC has a Residents' Council. Each of its wards has a doctor. It has Respiratory Therapists Monday to Friday. It has an unionized work force. In 2019- 2020 GPC had?5.50?total direct care hours (hours of care per resident per day): the largest amount of care?hours of all the publicly funded LTC facilities in BC. Before she retired in April 2021, its manager for preceding decade, Romilda Ang, was paid $122,711 a year (see here page 3) by VCH (which has a budget of $ 4.1 billion).
(According to the notes of the?November 26, 2014 meeting of the George Pearson Redevelopment Committee (which I got by FOI): "the total care/operational budget [of GPC]?is?$14 million.")
Built in 1952 in Vancouver at 700 West 57th?Avenue, GPC was initially a sanatorium for people infected with Tuberculosis (TB). On April 9, 1952 its first patients arrived: nine Japanese men who had been waiting seven years in a?Japanese internment camp ?hospital for a bed.?It was named in honour of a former BC Minister of Health George S. Pearson (a cowardly, hysterical racist ).?Then GPC became an institution housing people suffering from complications from Polio who needed iron lungs.? For more than a decade, GPC provided a vital service to those two groups.?Fortunately drugs were invented to effectively treat TB and vaccines were discovered to prevent TB and Polio.?After a decade the original purposes for GPC no longer existed.
(GPC was originally named the George Pearson Tuberculosis Hospital, then renamed the Pearson Hospital for the Physically Handicapped, and then renamed the George Pearson Centre in 1984.)
A new purpose for GPC was found in 1965 when the BC Government closed three decrepit homes for so-called “incurables”. The residents were placed in GPC.?Since then all of BC has used GPC as a warehouse for adults with serious disabilities.?When the BC government decided in the early 1970s to liberate children and adults from degrading institutions, such as the Woodlands School, for reasons unknown to me, GPC residents were not included in that decision. At one time GPC had over 300 residents.?GPC was administered by the BC government from 1952 to 1984, then by the BC Rehab Society , and since 2001 its been owned and operated by VCH .
Life In GPC
According to?a former resident who lived at GPC from 1955 to 1992:“Sometimes there are people on the ward who are dying. That’s really hard,” she says. “You try to be normal and eat your meals and do your thing. But a part of you is so aware.”?[Jeannette] Andersen says what she’s most looking forward to at Noble House is: “Privacy.?It’ll be so nice to have my family and friends over and just close the door. If the kids are noisy, I won’t have to hush them. It’ll just be having people over in my own home.”–Vancouver?Sun?Jan 31, 1992.
"Jeanette Andersen arrived at Pearson as a teenager in 1955. She was 16 when she contracted polio; her first six months at the the Hospital were spent in an iron lung. In early 1992, Jeanette moved to her own apartment in the Noble House and relishes the freedom she has found after 37 years on Ward 7. She had a different attitude towards Hospital authority, but she also paid a price. In her youth at Pearson, Jeanette did not protest or complain. She was too nice, which made her vulnerable.
[Jeanette's words] All you need was one health-care worker on a power trip or with an unkind streak, and life was miserable for you. It's still the case. When I was young I would allow people to do this to me and I just accepted it." --40, by George!, Hugh Wilson, 1992, pages 15 & 16.
(Feb 2021: "A future roadway in Vancouver will be called Jeanette Street in honour of Jeanette Andersen...The new street will be part of the George Pearson Centre redevelopment in Vancouver's south." Source and Source .)
***“He was in the intensive care unit at Kelowna General Hospital for six months and then he was transferred to Vancouver’s George Pearson Hospital for the Physically Handicapped (as it was then called) [in 1968] where he would spend 16 years, initially on the same ward as polio and tuberculosis patients...In the 1980s...Lawrence was agitating for assistive devices, rehabilitation and home care options so that those with paralysis could move out of long-term care facilities into communal-style housing options.
Lawrence’s legacy as a pioneer in the de-institutionalization of those with disabilities has been firmly cemented. Envisioning an independent life, outside long-term care facilities, paved the way for so many others.
"There was a group of five or six of us who believed we didn’t need to live in that kind of environment. We wanted a better quality of life. I know that while I couldn’t care for myself, I could still direct my care,” he says of the first community-based shared-care model, in which therapists would do house calls, attending to the needs of a handful of clients in each visit.
In the early 1980s, the Canadian Paraplegic Association (now called?Spinal Cord Injury B.C. ) helped with a cost analysis for independent living. Lawrence gives credit to then MLA?Doug Mowat , a quadriplegic who has since died, for championing the cause. The idea got a big boost when the study that living in the community instead of the rehabilitation facility would be 30 per cent less expensive, not to mention better for the quality of life of such individuals.
In 1985, Lawrence and his friends moved into a co-op housing cluster called the Creekview Co-operative Apartment near Granville Island. He lived there for many years until he got married.
“At first, the respiratory therapist from Pearson had to come over to help with our ventilators, but then the?Provincial Respiratory Outreach Program ?took over,” he recalled.
“Getting into the community enabled us to see that there was much we could contribute to this world. Many of us became advocates on committees, volunteered and worked to change perceptions,” said Lawrence, a Christian who has received numerous awards and distinctions over the years, including an honorary doctor of divinity from the?Carey Theological College ."***
August, 1970
"Because of staffing shortages, Pearson residents are told that only those capable of dressing themselves will be allowed to wear daytime clothes; assistance is not given putting on shoes and socks; only 2% of the 150 patients in extended care wards can dress themselves; the residents go to the press and extensive, sympathetic publicity is generated...
In 1970...provincial budget cuts resulted in staff shortages at Pearson. As a result, residents who could not get themselves up and dressed had to stay in bed. They went public and generated a tremendous amount of publicity about the treatment of disabled patients, raising questions that went far beyond Pearson. An editorial in the Vancouver Sun headlined "A sickening policy" said:
When the patients start to rebel in hospital, there's something drastically wrong with health care in British Columbia." --40, by George!, Hugh Wilson, 1992, (pages 11 & 16).
According to a former resident who lived at GPC from?1970 to 1999:?“Nancy, diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy when she was a year-and-a-half old, first moved into [George] Pearson [Centre] when she was 18. Apart from the odd day trip and her weekly church attendance, she lived there continuously for the next 29 years.?The ebb?and flow of her life was defined by other people…?‘It was noisy there,’ she said. ‘There was no privacy?and not much freedom.’…There were ‘BM [bowel movement] days’ and ‘bed times’. There were rules about wheel-chairs: you could only get into your wheel chair once a day. If you got tired or uncomfortable and asked to be put back to bed, that was it—you stayed on your back until the following day. Most residents got to take a bath?once?a week…While at Pearson, Nancy rarely went out. Apart from her weekly church trips, she usually stayed on hospital property. She couldn’t do her own shopping, so her mother brought her clothes. If her parents came from the interior, they needed to stay in a hotel.”?–Doing Whatever It Takes: Profiles of Peer-Supported Transition from a Care Facility to the Community, 2003.
According to?a former resident who live at GPC?from 1977 to 1999:?Barb Westfield was moved from Woodlands to the GPC in 1977. Barb was relieved to find her new location “a little bit easier ” but she still struggled with the powerlessness of not being able to make decisions for herself. Even though Barb was an adult with a functioning brain she was not involved in decisions regarding her care.?Barb was limited to one bath a week regardless of how many times she asked for more than just that one. She was also put in bed by 6pm, way before the time she went to sleep. The biggest?indignity?was the fact that three times a week she had what was termed as “BM Days” which were the days when she was left in bed, all day, where she was expected to have her bowel movements. Even at Woodlands, where Barb hid in her room to keep from abuse, she was allowed to go on her own.?Barb?“never had any control over any decisions”?and she was once again a prisoner within the medical system. (Barb Westfield interview 2010.)
Roger Fredin's experience of GPC can be seen here.
According to?a?person who?lived in GPC for 12 days in 1991:?“For that reason, Randy [Walter] entered Vancouver’s George Pearson Centre for a three-week stay in late August. He remained?only 12 days. In a letter to [GPC], Evelyn Walter [Randy’s wife] writes:
‘The facilities?looked?terrific! Swimming pool, games room, large TV screen, computer room, a bulletin board full of activities. The visit to George Pearson erased any feeling of guilt about ‘sending him away.’??I took a well-adjusted, happy husband to a place where in two short weeks they traumatized him into a worthless-feeling, frustrated human being. He came home and cried in fear of what it would be like for him in the future if he could not speak out to communicate….??He did not dare complain while at George Pearson for fear that those who took care of him would make it worse. That’s an unspoken understanding all patients realize very soon…’
Staff shortages forced him to stay in bed each day?until 1:30, and return to bed after dinner. Six times, Walter was placed on a commode chair visible to hallway passersby.?Only twice did an attendant volunteer, without Walter’s having to ask, to draw a privacy curtain.?Once, he was left on the commode for two hours, during which time the fire alarm rang – and no one came to get him.?On two of three consecutive nights the same nurse was on duty, she was confused or forgot his medication…According to Randy Walter,?ward staff ‘showed little or no regard’ for patients’ dignity, allowing call-buzzers to ring incessantly – at one count, 44 times over 4 1/2 minutes.” ?–Vancouver?Sun,?November 13, 1991.
In?1992?Nancy Clay concluded after observing GPC: “The organizational learning espoused by B.C. Rehab’s [which ran GPC from 1984 to 2001] statement of planning beliefs and values and by the learning perspective, generally, assumes that employees have skills in strategic thinking.?The development of these skills requires a climate which encourages individuals to think critically and retrospectively about the organization’s previously attempted behaviours and strategies. Traditionally George Pearson Centre’s organizational climate has not been conducive to the development of these?skills…Examination of [GPC’s] established policies and procedures in concert with?simple observation?of the physical and social environment hints at?a culture which supports a paternalistic, control orientation and resists attempts to deviate from the status quo…A number of [GPC’s] resident care policies and procedures reflect the medical model’s protective attitude—its?need to control?and make decisions for residents.?One artifact which reflects this aspect of culture is the strong presence of medical personnel in the ward teams and the time-honoured practice of professionals planning?for?residents, rather than planning in equal partnership?with residents…these examples in concert with?numerous?others may?be indicative of a dominant culture explicitly opposed or passively resisting?fundamental change.”??–?Participation In and Employee Attitude Towards Organizational Change: a Case Study of Strategic Change at George Pearson Centre?by Nancy Margaret Clay B.S.W. UBC?June 1993, p113-115.
"Watson's view of Pearson 'not shared by residents'
Re Rick Watson's Aug. 24 column "$2,229 a small price to pay for freedom":
George Pearson Centre is not a hospital [according to the BC Seniors Advocate GPC is "Regulation/Legislation" under the Hospital Act , PC's note] but a long-term care residential facility run by the B.C. Rehab Society. The 182 multi- disabled people who are currently living here are residents, not patients.
The words Mr. Watson used of residents being "trapped" with no chance to "escape" leaves a mental image of bars on the windows and guards at the door. Nothing could be further from reality. Pearson has always given encouragement, provided opportunities an offered full support to any residents who express the desire to move into the community.
Mr. Watson's statement that Pearson should be completely closed down is certainly not shared by a great many residents. Many of us remain here by choice. The sense of community, the many and varied services provided and the beautiful park-like setting all contribute to a quality of life we enjoy.
Joy Lynn Kjellbotn [Joy moved into GPC in 1973.]
President, Resident Council, George Pearson Centre
VANCOUVER" --The Province .?03 Sep 1993: A45
In 1998 at the direction of two former GPC residents on its Board, the Disability Alliance BC started the CARMA program to help residents escape the institution. By 2022 CARMA had helped over a 100 residents escape GPC.
“Research?indicates that placing elderly or disabled persons in an institution where they become passive recipients of care,?often?results in rapid?mental and physical deterioration which may jeopardize quality of life.”–Vancouver Coastal Health,?DESIGN GUIDELINES,?Complex Residential Care Developments, page 11, June 6, 2007.
In 1999 there was a plan to close GPC. It failed.
"Extended-care patients worry over proposal to demolish centre
Health officials are looking at tearing down the George Pearson extended care centre within five years, raising concerns among many of its 130 severely disabled patients that they will suffer a lower standard of care.
One patient even compared the situation to the closing of Riverview mental hospital beds, saying he fears it could leave patients in community care facilities without the support they need to survive.
"We don't disagree that getting people into the community is a good thing, but the reality is that a lot of patients wouldn't do that well out there and it could be like a Riverview all over again," Andre Laliberte, a George Pearson patient council spokesman, said in reference to the number of mentally ill patients left living on the streets after Riverview closed 198 beds over five years in the 1980s.
Laliberte, who has amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, also known as Lou Gehrig's disease, said Wednesday he lived on his own for three years and it "felt like I was in a prison" because he was so isolated and couldn't care for himself properly.
The Vancouver-Richmond health board is considering a proposal to demolish the centre, at 700 West 57th Ave., and rebuild a more specialized facility next to the G.F. Strong rehab centre to provide more centralized service and allow the two facilities to share equipment as well as the cafeteria and administration.
Health board chairman David Levi said under the proposal about 20 patients requiring a low level of care would be transferred to community living facilities at their request, with others sent to the extended care ward at Vancouver General. Those with severe disabilities, such as Laliberte who need constant help, would likely be transferred to the new specialized facility next to the G.F. Strong centre.
But Laliberte fears fellow patients who opt for community care when the centre closes won't have the same access to nurses and specialists as they do now and will find it hard to adapt.
"The George Pearson site has beautiful grounds and it's like a home here," Laliberte said. "If there is any movement from here the residents would not feel as comfortable. And for the ill it's very important that you have consistency. Many people are quite disabled and any kind of change would be drastic for them."
Levi disputed fears the George Pearson patients wouldn't get the help they need, saying the existing staff will go with them and there are no plans to close any of the region's 2,390 beds in the next five years.
He added about 20 patients have asked to receive community care if possible. Although the region is still discussing how that care would be provided, he said there will not be any reduction in service.
If anything, he said, all the patients at George Pearson will receive better care if the proposal is accepted.
"All we're saying is we should look at whether we can provide these services better," Levi said. "The building we would create would be specialized to handle the issues and services we need. People have to understand this is an enhancement over the services they have now."
The proposal, put forward by Vancouver General Hospital, will go to the public next month for input before the board votes on it in July. Levi said if approved, the board has about three or four years to prepare for the changes, which hinge on the opening of the new hospital tower at VGH to free up some beds.
He said the region may also look at other options for the existing George Pearson site, such as more extended health care and community care facilities.
Murray Martin, president of the Vancouver Hospital and Health Sciences Centre, said the George Pearson Centre, which was built during the war years, was in line for major reconstruction in the next few years anyway.
He added about a third of the 130 patients have elected to move into community care over the next few years, which again forced administrators to debate the centre's future.
"All that is being said right now is that we should look at the long-term feasibility of the centre," Martin said. "One option is closing it down, but there has been no decision taken yet on what direction we should go."
The proposal to close down George Pearson is part of the health region's five-year plan to make health care more efficient in the region. The health region is also looking at a proposal to eventually tear down the emergency and acute-care wing of St. Vincent's Hospital, an aging facility that is not earthquake sound, and transfer the programs to Mount St. Joseph Hospital to provide more central services and better use of equipment.
Levi said one option is to build a new facility on the Vincent's site to perhaps provide day surgery.
The hospital closures are among several improvements proposed by hospitals including in an Options to Action, which began in 1997 to strike a balance between the hospital and the community.
Health officials plan to spend $11 million over the next year on home care, community facilities and nurses to help get patients out of hospital and back home sooner.
The region is expected to announce several new community services and facilities, including a 40-bed transitional centre for people in the stage between hospital and home, in the next few months. The changes, including the new tower and the restructuring of services, are expected to save the hospital $15 million, which will go back into hospital services." --Kelly Sinoski and Celia Sankar . The Vancouver Sun ; 21 May 1999: A1
July 2011 the Ministry of Health responds.
In June 2011, I emailed evidence of the bullying and neglect of the residents of Pearson by its staff over the last three decades and of the degrading effect of the Pearson delivery model to the BC Ministry of Health. Here, in part, was their response:
“Vancouver Coastal Health Authority’s (VCHA) George Pearson Centre is a well established facility and provides high quality care to residents with complex care needs. Direct care hours given to residents are the highest in the province. Due to the large volume of residents who require highly specialized health care plans, in addition to having individual goals, wants and needs, providing individual care plans that leaves each resident completely satisfied with the outcome is a challenge. To address the concerns and goals of the residents, patient care conferences are scheduled twice yearly in the facility. Staff and management work to accommodate the wishes of all patients.”
On November 8, 2011 two VCH executives, Dr. David Ostrow, the President and CEO, and Mary Ackenhusen, one of the Health Authority’s three Chief Operating Officers, met with twenty-six residents of GPC.?Some of them had lived in GPC for decades.
According to the minutes, at the beginning of the meeting, Ms. Ackenhusen said: “Something I’d like to start with, something that really David has brought to the organization in his leadership role, is something we talk about: people first.?I know from your comments and knowing what goes on here, you might say we are not living that philosophy.”
Ms. Ackenhusen went on to say: “Although I’ve read a lot [about GPC] and heard a bit here and there and certainly have familiarity with issues here…a lot of what we’ll do today is just listening and trying to understand how we can start to make an impact on these?very long standing?issues. I’ve read the reports starting back?in 2000, which highlights some of the issues, which I believe we’re going to talk about today,?so we’ve gone a number of years and haven’t made the impact that you’d like to see.”?
There’s No Eden Alternative
The Eden Alternative philosophy was developed by Harvard-educated Dr. William Thomas. It is a way to make long term care facilities into genuine homes for their residents.?One of the Ten Eden Principles is: “An Elder-centered community honors its Elders by de-emphasizing top-down bureaucratic authority, seeking instead to place the maximum possible decision-making authority into the hands of the Elders or into the hands of those closest to them.”
In 2003 VCH made a public commitment to make Pearson an Eden site.?In November 2010 the GPC Residents Council stated that the VCH 2003 commitment to make Pearson an Eden Alternative philosophy site had been broken.?“The GPC Residents Council…believe[s] that the failure to achieve changes that advance the Eden philosophy at George Pearson Centre?springs from a failure to adopt and apply an ethical framework for long term care.”
A year later during the November 8, 2011 meeting the residents expressed grave concerns and provided specific examples.?During the meeting one of the residents’ advocates stated, “Positive caring relationships between staff and residents are not the primary goal [of the management of GPC].?Residents are told they cannot refuse a staff member and still receive assistance—even if they feel that the staff member endangers their safety or they feel emotionally abused by that staff member.?There are many staff members working here who are inappropriate for a community oriented environment, who have negative attitudes and insist that this is a hospital and not a resident’s home.??As far as we know, no matter how much residents complain, staff are never fired or moved from Pearson.”?
“I wouldn’t say no progress has been made on the Eden concept,” Ms. Ackenhusen replied.?“But I would say the easy stuff has been done, the garden , the Envisioning Home exercise—so now we are at the hard part, which is the people part.”
The?Envisioning Home?“exercise” Ms. Ackenhusen referenced was research done in 2006-2007 by a program of the Disability Alliance BC (DABC) called the?Community and Residents Mentor Association?(CARMA ).?CARMA mentors residents of GPC who want to escape from the institution. The?Envisioning Home?researchers simply asked the residents what they wanted GPC to be—this in no way means that VCH put into action any of the Eden Principles.
The research, which was based on interviews with 46 of the then-120 GPC residents, discovered that:?“Residents understood the need for a routine within GPC but many criticized the inflexibility of it. Residents consistently gave three examples in which the routine challenged the reality of GPC as home: being able to have a bath or shower more than once a week; being able to go back to bed for a rest and then get up again during the day; and having to remain in bed on days when they were to have a bowel routine.
“Residents wanted a greater degree of control over these aspects of their lives. They described these three things as being pretty basic and that they were really about having some control over your own life.?They believed that it was not unreasonable to want to have a shower more than once a week, or if they were feeling like it, to go back to bed for a rest and to then get up again…Some residents did not feel able, physically or emotionally, to challenge staff to try and change things.?They did not want?to upset the status quo.?A number of residents commented it was the ‘squeaky wheel gets the grease’–it was the most vocal residents who had their needs or issues addressed. Residents also discussed their fear of negative consequences if they complained too much or made a fuss.”
Even after the report was given to it in 2008 VCH asserted at its October 20, 2010 Open Board Forum: “We believe the care at Pearson is good.”?Who made this assertion? Ms. Ackenhusen in response to a question asked by me.
Dr. Ostrow said during the November, 2011 meeting, “When Mary says we?absolutely?believe in the concept of people first—what we mean is that?our first and foremost goal is to serve you and help you with your lives.?But we recognize that we can’t do that unless the people who work for us are happy and fulfilled and trained appropriately and doing what is best for them.?We all have experiences going into a store where you have a surly staff and miserable people working there and they don’t serve you well and they don’t serve themselves well.”
This is a false analogy.?If you go to a store and get crappy service you don’t go back.?If you get crappy service at Pearson and survive you get more of the same for the rest of your life.
Theft of GPC Residents’ Property: “We’ll have to be a little more vigilant”
From the minutes of the November 8, 2011 meeting: “I’ve been living [in?GPC] about 4 years now. Before that I had a chance to live at GF Strong for awhile and also in the hospital. So I have some experiences to draw from. Coming to Pearson I encountered what I call a climate of impunity regarding incidences of theft that I heard were happening to the residents.
“Residents here experience thefts rather regularly.?And the surprising thing to me was that?they accepted it as a?regular happening.?I feel that this is because there are no consequences when things are stolen, and staff refers to it as having ‘gone missing’, or been ‘misplaced’.??So I say there’s a culture of impunity, because the perpetrators seem to know that regardless of what happens, the police never come around here to investigate any thefts.?Most residents report that they need some staff assistance gaining access to their locked drawers.?I wanted to bring this to your attention. When I did report a theft, the [Residential Care Coordinator] told me that nothing can be done, right off the bat.?I was surprised. I had an item of value I left out overnight; it was gone in the morning.?Well the other residents are in bed, so can’t you just look up who was working that night and ask them what they saw??What will VCH do to prevent thefts and compensate residents whose belongings are stolen?”
Dr. Ostrow: “That is quite shocking.?I didn’t realize we had so much theft going on here.?That is a crime, it’s not things going missing, it is theft. I don’t know what could be done in terms of having police involved, but that is not tolerable to have thefts in acute care or here.?Thank you for telling me about it.?When you talk about security of person and security of possessions, those are really pretty important things in any kind of a home setting. We’ll have to do something, I promise I’ll work with Mary to get something suitable done about this.?You are right it isn’t just about the physical storage, it’s also an issue of attitude.”
Theft at GPC had also been the subject of news reports.?For example, in March, 2009 the?Province?newspaper and CTV news reported about a theft of a First Nations mask from above the bed of a sleeping resident on Ward 2.
According to the March 17, 2009?Province?report: [VCH] spokesman Gavin Wilson said the [George Pearson] centre, which is home to people with severe disabilities,?may have had “petty thefts” over the years,?but nothing of this scale, and he admits?“we’ll have to be a little more vigilant….?We’re?[VCH]?certainly going to review policies and procedures,”?Wilson said.
There “may” have been “petty” thefts over the years??During my twenty-one months (2005-2007) living in GPC I was repeatedly warned by staff, advocates, residents and residents’ families to beware of theft. On behalf of a GPC resident I reported to the Vancouver Police Department in 2009 the theft of money, a CD and chocolate from the resident’s wheel-chair when it was in the over-night battery-charging room of Ward 4.?And in 2010 I met a woman with Locked-In Syndrome on Ward 2 who has had two IPods stolen from her, and how in desperation to prevent the theft of a third IPod, her husband?chained it?to her bedside counter.
In June 2010 VCH published the?George Pearson Centre Resident and Family Handbook, page 8 of which stated: “While we make every effort to assist you in caring for your belongings, [VCH]?cannot assume responsibility for missing valuables.?Although each room has a bedside table with a drawer that locks,?we recommend that items of monetary or sentimental value be left in safekeeping with your family or in a safety?deposit box.” The?2016 updated George Pearson Resident and Family Handbook?can be read here
From the minutes of the November 8, 2011 meeting, Ms. Ackenhusen said: “It [VCH employees stealing the property of Pearson residents] is really representative that the community has broken down. It should be the exception in a well run community, and you [a Pearson resident] represent that it is not the exception. It’s really one of those indicators, just like sick time. When we look at whether staff are happy and engaged in workplace, we look at sick time and it usually correlates with how well-valued staff feel and how happy they are in their jobs. I’d say theft is probably another indicator that if people are valued and respect each other then theft should be few and far between and not on an ongoing basis.?So it’s another indicator we have work to do.”
In a Febuary 26, 2012 News 1130 report about GPC,?“Claims of ongoing theft at a?local facility”,?Dr. Ostrow admitted: "Ostrow says theft is an issue at every one of Vancouver Coastal’s long-term care organizations."
VCH’s Best 2001-2012
At the beginning of the November 8, 2011 meeting Ms. Ackenhusen asserted, “We [VCH] are doing our best.” What is VCH’s best up to this point?
"We will know we have been successful when..."
On May 23, 2012 Romilda Ang, the manager of GPC from 2011 to 2021, gave a presentation to VCH's Vancouver Integrated Operations Forum about VCH's plan to make GPC a better place for its residents. I don't know what Ms. Ang said at this presentation but I do have a copy of her Power Point. From this we learn how VCH thinks it will know if their plan was successful. The plan will be successful if, among other things:
This is an admission by Ms. Ang that at least in 2012 she knew the then GPC residents did not feel safe living in GPC, the residents were afraid of "reprisal" if they complained and the residents were not in control of their care decisions.
VCH's Plan To Improve GPC Fails
"ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease) is a disease my family was introduced to for the first time 18 years ago when my brother Irek’s (pronounced Er-ick) breathing was compromised and he was rushed by ambulance to Vancouver General Hospital (VGH ).
At just 29 years old, my brother was in a trauma room unable to breathe on his own. Irek was a young father, husband, son and my best friend. Our family was facing the toughest decision we would ever make as new immigrants to Canada, a country my dad dreamed of living in my whole childhood in Poland - the decision to put Irek on a ventilator.
The diagnosis was heartbreaking, truly unimaginable. It’s true when people say “it feels foggy”.
Later that week, Irek was admitted to the 12th floor of VGH, and put on a ventilator. Together we were learning what ALS was, and the gruesome outcomes of this relentless disease. After many nights spent by his bedside, my brother was told he would be transferred to George Pearson Centre (GPC), where he would be cared for. It was then he also learned, he would never return home to his family.
Irek was very active, he especially enjoyed skiing. A dedicated family man, with one young daughter who was 6 years old at the time he was admitted to his new home. It wasn’t long before she learned how to do Oral Suctioning, helping to improve her dad’s oxygen intake and keep his airways clear on her visits. The disease eventually took a toll on his marriage, which in recent years ended in divorce. Irek’s ex-wife continues to be involved with his well-being, and will always be a part of our supportive family. In his role of Site Supervisor for Westminister Hall he was instrumental in disarming, immobilizing and arresting an individual who stabbed a young girl, he was nominated to receive a police commendation.
Irek’s early symptoms included limping. This was followed by cold and flu symptoms. He started to experience muscle weakness and his wife bravely helped to carry him upstairs. Eventually his breathing was compromised, an ambulance had to be called and life would be forever changed from that night onwards.
We had to stay strong for Irek. It was an extremely overwhelming time for us, as we had so many questions. What is ALS? How does one get it? Is there a cure? Long-Term care? When you are young and healthy, words like that don’t even cross your mind.
Since 2007, my brother has been a resident of GPC.
We were not familiar with GPC and had never been there prior to my brother being admitted. It was a very vulnerable time for our family, we were not presented with options, it was all happening very quickly and we were forced to have faith in the healthcare system to look after him.
The real struggle began 2 years after he was admitted, when my brother no longer could express himself verbally. Now unable to voice his needs, wants, or concerns; he was given a call bell. It was to serve as a means of communication, so he could signal when he needed help, in case of an emergency situation, or anything else he may require.
We quickly became aware of the neglect. Although he was living in this care facility, as a family we stepped up to actively look after my brother’s daily needs. My parents soon learned what was required and realized that if we did not tend to him ourselves, things would not get done and we knew he would be regularly overlooked
Over the years we have painfully watched my brother’s care decline, it is beyond neglectful and not acceptable. Eric has often been left kinked and bent in uncomfortable positions. Due to the progressive, debilitating nature of ALS, he cannot reposition himself to achieve the smallest amount of relief.
His ONLY lifeline, the call bell, has been repeatedly removed, or placed too far away from him to use.
I recall one occasion when we found my brother suffering the indignity of laying in his own urine from his overfilled catheter, and we had to clean him up ourselves. You can’t help but question how often this might have occurred.
Our requests for better care, have been regularly ignored. It is an on-going struggle, but we will not be defeated. It’s been suggested by the facility, that we move him to a new care home. That would be an enormous stress for an already very vulnerable man. Our family, like many are not in a financial position to pay for private care, particularly in a situation like Irek’s where Long-Term care could be required for many decades.
My brother-the once independent man, who never asked for help, is now completely dependent. Meanwhile, arguably the cruelest part of ALS is his intact mind, able to fully experience every thought, emotion, and physical sensation of every waking moment."
Minister of Health Adrian Dix Makes An Offer
On July 24, 2020, BC Liberal Vancouver-Langara MLA Michael Lee asked BC NDP Minister of Health Adrian Dix questions about GPC during the Health Estimates (see here pages 317-320). The residents of GPC live in MLA Lee's riding. Some of the families of GPC residents had convinced Mr. Lee to bring their complaints to the attention of the Minister:
"M. Lee: What we've seen, of course — certainly even in COVID-19 situations here and the challenge that it is — is that there have been increasing concerns, raised by residents with disabilities and their families, about the safety and what has been seen to be repeated uses of bullying and conflict with other residents who have substance abuse challenges. This problem has continued to be very difficult for residents with disabilities who have had — of course, for good reason, for their own public health and those of the staff there as well — restrictions on their own freedoms, with a no-visitor policy and other safety precautions that they understood and complied with, while I see, potentially, those who are addicted to drugs not adhering to the same social distancing for their own public health and that of the staff there as well — restrictions on their own freedoms, with a no-visitor policy and other safety precautions that they understood and complied with, while they see, potentially, those who are addicted to drugs not adhering to the same social distancing policies. They continue to see visitors frequent the centre.
We've seen, more recently, incidents that I've become aware of, where one resident was smoking narcotics and set off the fire alarm. On another occasion, police had to attend at the centre. Residents have been found smoking crack and other illicit narcotics on the patio outside the facility, with the smoke from these illicit narcotics entering the rooms of residents when their windows are open. Of course, I know the minister appreciates that this would put the health of the residents in danger."
In his fifteen minute conversation with MLA Lee the Minister of Health stated:
The families accepted the Minister's offer and met with him on August 21, 2020.
Karen Salhany's August 21 statement to Minister Dix
Before I begin, I need to say that due to time restraint we are not able to cover all the issues today.
I would like to address commingling in Care Homes. I need to state very firmly that commingling in Care Homes needs to be addressed and changed. The vulnerable are not just the drug addicted, the vulnerable include people like my husband who are disabled and need to be cared for and feel safe in their home, in their room - which is sometimes a shared space with another resident with drug addiction issues. How is that a safe environment for the other resident? Drug addicted people are unpredictable in their actions. They can be abusive and dangerous. There have been and still are issues with the drug addicted bullying the other residents at George Pearson Centre and the police have had to attend.
The complex needs of the drug addicted in the facility are concerning. The care aides should not have to come to work dreading facing the issues/anger/volatile nature of the drug addicted and be concerned for their own safety and well being. That is why I implore you to work on a solution for the good of all care facilities, not just George Pearson, not just in BC but hopefully across Canada to implement change and have the drug addicted placed in their own facilities with their own resources to better their lives.
The George Pearson Centre RESIDENT AND FAMILY HANDBOOK states:
Use, sale and purchase of illicit drugs are not permitted on the property of George Pearson Centre.
And yet the drug addicted residents are encouraged in their behaviour. They do drugs and have drug dealers coming to the property.
I also want to point out that the George Pearson Centre WEBSITE POLICY is:
There are signs on the East side of Ward 4 stating, “No Smoking - No Vaping” and yet on that same patio on the West Side of Ward 4 they recently extended the patio and built a Smoking Tent for the residents who are drug addicted so that they can continue to smoke and use crack-pipes. WorkSafe BC was also involved in the location of the tent. Why are these residents allowed?
The smoke/fumes from smoking marijuana and crack pipes wafts across the patio and into other residents rooms. Where are the rights of the other residents?
Now I would like to address visitor restrictions. COVID may extend for another year. The residents in Care Homes should not be expected to live in lock-down during this whole pandemic. The isolation is not good for anyone and definitely not good for residents who rely on their families for additional care, support and love.
Why is it that all employees can go home after work - be with their families - do what they want when they go home? In Phase 3 the social circle has been expanded for the general public - so who knows how big the social circle is for all these caregivers. Yet, the residents cannot go around the block by themselves, or with a family member wearing PPE. What is the difference between the Care Aides wearing PPE and a family member wearing PPE? To me the risk is the same.
I would also like to add that the care aides have to do a lot of laborious work dealing with the residents at George Pearson Centre. A lot of the residents at George Pearson have complex needs. I feel the amount of hours allotted to care for the residents is not enough. I feel that the care aides are not given adequate time for each individual, that they are having to rush the care. It is important that they be diligent in caring for any open sores/rashes, etc. There have been times when my husband’s catheter line has been crimped, catheter bag or line dragging the floor, his feet not secured to the foot rest, and even times that my husband’s top has been put on backwards.
Adequate staff/hours to care for the residents in other areas should also be looked at. A lot of the residents are in George Pearson Centre for the rest of their life. It is more like “Warehousing” the patients and being forgotten. Care Homes should be looked at to have better programs, rehabilitation (NOT drug rehabilitation - that should be its own facility), therapy, specifically set up like GF Strong. More integration into society - more outings. Give these residents a better quality of life.
I would also like to state that originally it was my husband’s and my wish that he come home. At present the Health Care System does not make is possible because of restraints in number of care hours allotted as well as reliability issues. Capping out at 4 hours of care divided in the day is not adequate care for a quadriplegic. Therefore, incurred expenses over and above what is provided would be a financial strain. For instance, hiring additional care and paying for additional resources such as Physiotherapists and Occupational therapists. Therefore, we have no choice to keep my husband in Long-Term Care.
Do you realize how heartbreaking that is? To come to the realization that you will never be together again! That you will be divided and alone for the rest of your life and at the mercy of the current Health Care System.
--statement of Karen Salhany, wife of GPC resident Bill Salhany
Leigh Eliason's August 21 statement to Minister Dix
Anyway, I will share my own personal statement that I made to Minister Adrian Dix at our meeting.
This has been an extraordinarily difficult time in our lives. I do not wish anyone else to ever experience the things we have experienced. And so, I will continue to speak up loud and share our experiences, no matter how painful they may be. In this way, I hope we can affect some necessary changes in the near future.
As we have gone along on this journey, more voices have begun to speak up. And that is the purpose. One voice becomes many and soon, the collective cry is so loud that it cannot be ignored any longer. And so, you can help by bearing witness to my words and hearing our experiences. It helps, more than you know.
As always, I thank everyone for their ongoing love and support. Love is the fuel that keeps me going.??
Here is my statement:
"My Dad was a vibrant man before he was injured. A husband, a father, a grandfather. An RCMP officer. A hero.
My Daddy.
After he was injured by routine triple heart bypass surgery and after months of rehab at GF Strong, the discussion turned to his eventual homecoming.
It was not possible due to major cracks in the system. Lack of funding. Lack of resources.
My father was going to have to go into long-term care.
As a family, we researched to try and have my Dad live in the best place that was equipped to handle a quadriplegic. George Pearson Centre seemed like the place. We had no idea that what waited for my Dad and for our family was a nightmare.
What has followed since April 2019 has been horrific.
It eventually became evident that active drug users are housed at GPC, my Dad's roommate included. My father was placed at great risk. After enduring a day of grueling challenges as a quadriplegic, he would go to bed for some much needed rest only to be woken up in the middle of the night by his roommate, who was drunk and high. He would cause a scene. Yelling and screaming. Threatening. When he did not get his way, he would retaliate such as dumping a jug of his urine on the floor. My Dad was exhausted after countless nights enduring this. When he would complain that he could not sleep, they told my Dad that the only thing they could do was move him in his bed to the dining room.
And so, my quadriplegic father slept in the dining room of GPC on many nights, without his very necessary CPAP machine which could not go with him.
When my Dad would speak up about how terrible his circumstances were, the personal threats from his roommate began. My father had to call the police, from inside his care home.
When I would hear from my Dad that his roommate threatened to pour boiling hot coffee on him...and that the same resident who made these threats was NOT removed from the facility...
I don't have no words to express my fear and frustration. The lengths my mother had to go through in order to get this resident moved merely to another room is astounding.
It doesn't end there because approximately a dozen other addicted individuals also resided at GPC, threatening and bullying residents and care aides alike, creating a constant hostile environment.
The multitude of indignities committed upon my father are vast. I assure you, he is treated less than human every single day. But, one such instance is when he developed a foot infection. GPC unsuccessfully "treated" this infection. Eventually it spread so far up his legs and became so widespread that when I visited him he had visible "goo" attaching his toes together as if his feet were webbed. It took a LOT of complaints from my Dad and my family to get my Dad seen by a doctor. And when they did send someone...he was apparently well-known on the ward as "The Butcher."
After he was "treated" by The Butcher, his feet were massacred. Large chunks of nail were left hanging, jagged and raw. The doctor cut him up as if he were a piece of meat- the carnage evident in the form of blood left smeared all over his toes.
My Dad developed bedsores last summer. The nursing staff and wound care nurses are inconsistent in their treatments and so it fell upon my mother to keep an eye out to ensure they didn't worsen. She was able to advocate for constant, proper treatment of his bedsores until Covid19 locked her out.
My Dad's bedsores have since worsened to the point that he couldn't even get into his wheelchair anymore and had to be confined to bed. My Mom had to jump through hoops to get a doctor to see him...all from a distance because of the pandemic. My Dad has also contracted several infections and advocating for him is even more challenging than ever thanks to Covid19.
I am terrified that he will not survive this pandemic and I do not believe the virus itself will kill him. The negligence he is experiencing now, leading to life-threatening infections along with isolation, powerlessness and fear WILL.
When I see my loving father being treated so badly, when I hear his voice on the phone begging for help, begging for reprieve or ultimately, begging for death... when I hear my mother cry because she is being kept from her husband while being forced to witness his breaks me.
I am begging that something be done to improve my father's quality of life. I implore you, minister, to allow us to have proper visitation with my father as we did before, while wearing PPE. In this way, we may be able to fill the gaps in his care as we did before the pandemic. We do not want to watch him wither away from neglect and poor care while we stand on the outside- powerless. My Dad deserves more than to be stuck inside of George Pearson Centre which has now become George Prison Centre."
-Leigh Eliason, daughter of GPC resident Bill Salhany.
Irek Wegiel and Agnes Cayer's August 21 statement to Minister Dix
Glen Tig
"Following are my notes for the [August 21, 2020] meeting with Adrian Dix last month. Unfortunately my brother was critical in the hospital and my concerns were given to the Minister by Michael Lee, MLA instead of me.
I am the older sister of Glen Tig who is a resident on ward 2 at George Pearson. My home is in North Carolina but I’m here in Vancouver as caregiver to my Brother. Before COVID-19 I spent approx. 7 hours per day at GPC caring for Glen in things I could do. He is afflicted with Multi Systems Atrophy and will not get better.
Like others at Pearson he is an intelligent man who is trapped in a failing body. Glen is bedridden except when he’s put into his wheelchair. He can barely move his arms from elbow down sometimes and he can barely turn his head to the sides. He doesn’t watch tv, he is losing the ability to use his ipad and iphone. Most often he cannot push the nurses call when he needs something. He cannot move to adjust himself in bed or in the chair. He can rarely suction liquids from just inside his mouth. His ability to communicate is failing and it’s hard to understand him. But he has those needs that are not met.
Glen is locked inside his body as are others on Ward 2....and he’s not given the care he needs.
The reason given for the lack of care? It’s always that they are short of staff. They have to hurry to the next resident. They can’t spend but so much time with him. Even when all assigned nurses are present, they are short of what they need.
When we have had complaints with management at Pearson we are also told the same basic thing. No funding for more. We do what we can. Short of Staff. We just can’t do it all. Management has not been a help to our loved ones.
Just this week when I got to Pearson for my allotted time with Glen he was still in bed. Fearing something had happened to him or his aspiration pneumonia had returned I discovered why he was still in bed. They were short staffed so no one on this ward was put up in their wheelchairs for the entire day.
I always check his feeding tube and foley catheter when I get there so I can assure myself everything is okay. He had pillows tucked around him to keep him from sliding in bed....when I removed the pillow, I found it to be wet. It didn’t take but a second to see that the pad under him was nasty...the sheet under him was not only wet but nasty with what looked like b. m. waste. I called nurses and let them know this was not appropriate, regardless of how shorthanded they were. They agreed to change the bed then. While putting the sheet on under him, the smell of poop was quite obvious and they discovered he had a “large” b.m. in his pad. How long had he been laying in this?
Why should he have to be in that situation because they were short of staff? It is NOT uncommon for them to be short. Recently there were at least two days in a row they were day of the 7 nurses supposed to be on duty, second shift, there were only 4. One shortage was an R. N. and there are supposed to be 2 RNs during that shift. The next day they were also short an R .N. for second shift.
August l3, they were short an R .N. on second shift. It truly is not uncommon and it’s not right that these folks are not getting what care they need.
It’s not that they just need more staff, they need more compassionate, caring nurses who can look at these residents as individuals, not puppets to be exactly alike in their care.
Issues my Brother is affected by:
Anxiety attacks that they do not recognize
Disease causes his eyelids to close and quite often he cannot open by himself.
Because his speech is fading, nurses tend to turn and walk away with out pursuing what he needs.
Deep suction is needed often and we get a multitude of reasons why they can’t do it. (short of staff)
He is left uncomfortable in his wheelchair for the day. He can’t adjust himself.
His communication computer is often not charged for his use.
These things cannot be observed merely by walking by the room and looking at him. He needs someone to actually be up close and check the status of what’s going on with him, I’m told they don’t have time to listen, they can’t understand him. One nurse walks away after telling him, "Tell your Sister, I can’t understand you."
Another concerning issue is a lack of central information among the nursing staff for information concerning my Brother's suction needs. I’ve seen various nurses express their thoughts which are not in accordance with recommendations of his disease specialist, but to make it easier for themselves.
The doctor on call was present at GPC when my Brother was having signs of Aspiration Pneumonia. He did not even walk into his room to check him or even recommend him going to the hospital. He did insist and had aspiration pneumonia and a urinary tract infection, both of which are extremely dangerous to him.
Staff at GPC tells me I have to trust them to care for my Brother but for almost 2 years, they have given me no reason to think I can trust them.
These are not meant to be complaints about the nurses as such but to point out the effects of the lack in care." by Chiquita Prestwood. (Glen Tig died on September 17, 2020.)
Kevin Peralta died on August 23.
"Long before the pandemic, her family and others had complained about the quality of care residents were getting at George Pearson Centre...Krystell’s brother lived there and, on Aug. 23, he died in hospital of dehydration and multiple infections. Kevin Peralta was only 28.
Five years earlier, an inoperable brain tumour had rendered him immobile and unable to speak. He was able to communicate by blinking in response to questions. The Peraltas knew Kevin’s death was inevitable. But they’re heartbroken and outraged about his suffering during the final months and days.
“My brother didn’t die from his (brain) tumour,” said Krystell. “He died from neglect, lack of care and definitely loneliness.”
By August 2016, when the once-vibrant, competitive hip-hop dancer moved into GPC, he was immobile and unable to speak.
Kevin had a feeding tube and a tracheotomy. He had diabetes and, with the tumour sitting on his pituitary gland, he urinated frequently putting him at risk of dehydration or, conversely, a urinary tract infection if his urine bag wasn’t drained frequently.
Until pandemic restrictions locked down B.C. care homes in March, Kevin’s parents, Cres and Florencio, visited every weekday after work from 3 to 9:30 p.m. Every weekend, they were there from 1 to 9 p.m. Krystell, a cardiac care nurse, visited when she wasn’t working.
“If it wasn’t for my nagging and advocating for my brother to the care staff, if my parents weren’t there daily to see their son’s condition,” she said. “Kevin would’ve died sooner.”...
But Krystell said whenever she tried to advocate for Kevin,?GPC staff tried to silence her. She was told that she was “too intense” and that as a nurse she should be quiet, knowing how hard the job is...
On one of her first visits, she pointed out to staff that her brother’s ear was swollen, red and there was a crusted discharge. Nothing was done about it.
On Aug. 14, Kevin vomited while she was there. Later that day, when his parents arrived, their son was covered in vomit that was clogging his tracheotomy tube.
He was taken to emergency and after two days and some antibiotics for aspiration pneumonia, Kevin was sent back to GPC.
Three days later, his ear was worse. His vital signs were poor and dropping. Kevin was sent unescorted by ambulance back to emergency. A day later, the family agreed that Kevin should be moved to comfort care.
At least there, they reasoned, they would be able to stay with him, hold his hand and ensure that his pain was managed. He died peacefully three days later."
--Daphne Bramham, Vancouver Sun , Dec 21, 2020
September 2020
Andrea Wildman is admitted to GPC, Ward 2. “The Pearson staff had assured us she was okay, but it turns out she was riddled with infection.”
"We apologize for our actions and our inaction in righting wrongs."
On December 1, 2020, the Acting CEO and the Board Chair of VCH admitted that there was widespread discrimination against Indigenous people within VCH: "The report's first finding bears repeating –?Widespread Indigenous-specific stereotyping, racism and discrimination exist in the B.C. health-care system. To the generations of Indigenous peoples who have lived these experiences, and those who continue to face harm, we apologize for our actions and our inaction in righting wrongs. To health authority Indigenous employees and physicians, we apologize to you as well for the impacts you have experienced." See here and here.
December 10, 2020
CBC's Early Edition does an "Access Denied" segment about GPC.
December 11 , 2020
"The Ministry of Health and Vancouver Coastal Health did not respond to repeated requests for comment on whether any progress has been made since the meeting with the minister."
December 21 , 2020
"VCH...went on to say that it takes seriously all concerns raised by patients."
Charity & Learned Helplessness
According to the Marpole Women's Auxiliary Wikipedia entry (as of 17 February 2021): "As a site of Vancouver Coastal Health Authority, George Pearson Centre receives funding for staffing, major equipment, etc.. Resident’s basic needs such as nursing care, food and shelter are provided for by the health authority. There is no budget for leisure and social programs. All funds supporting these programs come from Marpole Women’s Auxiliary. These programs have a huge impact on quality of life for residents of Pearson.
If Community Grants, through Marpole Women’s Auxiliary, were not received, residents would be required to cover costs for in-centre programs and community outings. For example: community outings, residents would be forced to pay for all their own admission fees, as well as, volunteers and staff. In the Artworks Studio program, Music Therapy, BBQ Events and Gardening Club, residents would pay for all of their own supplies. Memorials, birthdays and special holiday themed events for resident’s family, friends and surrounding community would not be available. Residents have very limited financial resources and consequences of not receiving Community Gaming Grants would result in residents’ non-participation or dramatically reduced involvement in the community and in-centre programs because they would not be able to afford it.
More than half of the residents of Pearson are on a $274.00 a month “comforts allowance” leaving very little or no money available each month for involvement in leisure programs and social activities either in the community or at GPC.
Through Community Grants, partnerships have been developed with many different community agencies including, Farmers on 57th garden group, DIGA (Disabled Independent Gardeners Association), local schools (Langara College, Churchill High School, Sir Wilfrid Laurier Elementary School), Rotary Club, CARMA (Community and Residents Mentoring Association), Disability Alliance of BC & Van Dusen Gardens Master Gardener program.
REDEVELOPMENT George Pearson Centre has been sold and will be closed within 7 to 10 years (2022-2025). Sixty of the residents will be moving into the community within 3 years. Community Grants will play a crucial role in helping residents prepare for, and transition into, living in the community. Many of the residents have been institutionalized for years and will need much support through this process. They will need to increase their awareness of available community resources. They will need practice and education around accessing these community resources. As an example – many have not had to do their own shopping or banking for years. These folks will need to develop the confidence and skills to do this on their own prior to leaving GPC. Some residents will need practice in accessing and being comfortable on public transit. All of this will be facilitated by actually taking the residents on trips into the community. Community Grants will support all of these initiatives and make the likelihood of success in the community much greater.
Knowing GPC will be closing is very stressful for many residents; residents who have made GPC their home for 20, 30 and 40 years, Marpole Women’s Auxiliary’s Leisure and Social Wellness programs supported by Community Grants will make this experience less traumatic while transitioning into their new independent community.
Now, more than ever, residents of GPC will benefit from Community Grants support. The next few years will be a turning point in all of their lives." (My bolds.)
Dave von Holtum May 18, 2021
“Basically [at George Pearson Centre] (I) was unable to get the nutrition for approximately eight or nine days until I was so weak that I had to come back to St. Paul’s.”
Dave von Holtum May 26, 2021
"I'm absolutely desperate to get out. I'm taking up a space that somebody who needs it could be in," he said.
"It's just extremely depressing being here [at GPC]. I'm just removed from everybody, my friends and family," he added.
CTV News May 26, 2021
Meanwhile, B.C. Seniors Advocate Isobel MacKenzie says people predominantly want to live at home, even when they are facing health challenges.
"We know there are people in long-term care that could be cared for at home if we had a more responsive health-care system," she said.
"Who is David?
He is a courageous 65 man who loves to make?jokes to?keep his spirit high.
Four years ago, his life took a drastic twist after difficulties from surgery for a obstructed?bowel. Now has to be hooked-up to medical equipment for 12 hours a day to get his nourishment to stay alive. In his belly he has a hole and through it all his waste comes out. During the last 4 years, he has had countless infections, has lost all the mobility?of all his body for approximately?6 months and has been in ICU struggling to keep living.
He recently was moved to George Pearson Centre, a long-term care facility in Vancouver. He was sent there to go to GF strong for rehabilitation?and help him to get stronger to return to his own home to have a better life. However, after a week and a half David was not receiving the proper nutrition needed to keep him alive, there for he was sent to the ER to?St. Paul's Hospital. He stayed there for one week more and now is back to GPC where the workers still don't know how to connect the bag to his belly without any leaks. These leaks burn his skin and also can create new infections.?
Help is needed as soon as possible for David . Meanwhile his case is reviewed to receive home support, he can not stay in George Pearson Center, as his immunological system is low, all the people who loved him are worried that he will not overcome, although it was the main purpose of moving him there.
We are asking your support to help David to go back to home and have a quality life plus to gain some freedom back. The collected founds will be used to pay: nurses and caregivers to help him to do his physiotherapies, to help him to get his nourishment and feed his spirit too, to help him to recuperate his strength. All we want is that he returns?to be the happy man he used to be and live on his own again.
Thank you so much!"
July 10, 2021
David von Holtum dies. "Von Holtum’s family says he developed an infection at George Pearson and ended up back in St. Paul’s Hospital.
“It was horrible at the end. It was horrible,” said David’s mother Dolly von Holtum, who says she’s experiencing nightmares as she remembers how much pain he was in."
July ?20, 2021 George Pearson Centre - Your Basic OHS Rights – The Right to Refuse Unsafe Work - BCGEU
September 14 , 2021
"Starting this fall, Vancouver Coastal Health (VCH) will engage with local community partners and stakeholders to rename George Pearson Centre, a care home in south Vancouver for residents with complex medical and physical conditions.?
Earlier this year, a community group advised VCH that George S. Pearson lobbied against the rights and freedoms of racialized people in the 1940s, and requested VCH consider a more culturally appropriate name for George Pearson Centre.?
The beliefs and actions of George S. Pearson do not align with VCH's core values: We care for everyone, we are always learning, and we strive for better results. With full support from the VCH Board of Directors, VCH has initiated a renaming process for GPC to better reflect its values and the diverse communities it serves.
Over the coming months, VCH will engage with community partners and stakeholders to ensure a transparent, respectful and collaborative process to choose a new name for the site.?
VCH recognizes that names hold power and signal organizational and community values – the health authority is committed to making its sites more culturally safe and humbly acknowledges the work that still needs to be done.?"
"The problem that we've had in Canada is this notion that if you can't care for someone at home, they need to go live somewhere else," said [Dr. Samir Sinha, director of health policy research for the National Institute on Ageing and director of geriatrics at Sinai Health and the University Health Network in Toronto] "And so we have this real culture of institutionalizing people."
Sinha said what's needed isn't rocket science. Provinces need to invest more in home care to help people age in place.
"Right now there are about 200,000 Canadians living in long-term care homes," he said. "About a third of them — 60,000 or 70,000 people — could've actually stayed in their own homes, with proper home care support."
June 10 , 2022
Staff and residents celebrate 70 years of care at George Pearson Centre
“So much fun!" was the phrase echoed by residents and staff alike at the 70th?Anniversary Carnival held at George Pearson Centre (GPC) on May 26. The carnival, which included game stations and a photo booth, was one of multiple celebrations held throughout the month of May to mark the care home's significant milestone.
From its beginnings as a centre to treat tuberculosis and polio patients to the warm, tight-knit community it is today, GPC has come a long way throughout the last 70 years. As the building nears the end of its lifecycle, and those who live there begin to move to new supported housing apartments as part of the Pearson Redevelopment project, this anniversary feels even more poignant for the community.
The redevelopment was reflected in the celebration's theme, “Butterfly," representing transformation and hope for the future. For some residents, GPC has been home for more than 40 years, and they are excited about transitioning to new homes.
In addition to the carnival, the May celebrations included an anniversary luncheon for residents, a special meal for staff, and a parade and cake ceremony on May 12 that was attended by VCH leadership. As part of the ceremony, Bob Chapman, Vice President for Vancouver Community, Sarah Jordan, Director, Long Term Care and Assisted Living, and Dr. Marla Gordon, Medical Director, Long Term Care spoke on the importance of GPC's community, and presented plaques of appreciation to the Community and Residents Mentors Association (CARMA), the Marpole Women's Auxiliary, and the VGH and UBC Hospital Foundation for their support and dedication to GPC residents.
“The GPC community is strong, resilient and shows so much care for one another," said Bob Chapman at the ceremony. “It is a privilege to see how this community works together and supports one another, and we are grateful to get to work with you on continually striving for better."
The carnival was the grand finale of the month-long celebration. Staff decorated the hallways and gym with flowers and garlands, and volunteers supported the event, hosting various carnival games for residents, from ring-toss to wheel of fortune. The celebrations were jovial, with staff and residents laughing, visiting and trading in their game earnings for prizes like sweets and toiletries.
“The people who work here are easy to talk with," said resident Mary McKellar of GPC's staff. “It's an incredible place to live."
We would like to thank the staff and volunteers who supported the 70th?anniversary celebrations. There were a number of individuals who participated to make the celebrations memorable, including Maria Sareal and the team of screeners; Sharon Lum, Meghan Erdos and all the recreation team; Lisa Salazar; Megan Clarke; John Levey; Gillian O'Toole; and resident artist David F who designed the butterfly logo for the celebrations.
Mitch Stark ?is?feeling emotional at?George Pearson Centre .
?·?Vancouver ?
?This is my second night in a long-term care residential nursing facility. I feel urged to share my experience with you. I beg each and everyone of you to be grateful for your life every single day regardless of your challenges. I can’t even begin to describe to you what I am seeing and experiencing. As someone who is in a wheelchair, these first two nights have made me realize how lucky I truly am to have my abilities. To put it simply I am the least disabled among residents here. I’m surrounded by people in this 70- year old facility who can’t talk or communicate, can’t move, can’t feed themselves, and can’t clean themselves. At the end of the day they are human and need to be loved. This is hard to achieve because they are segregated and held in a nursing home where the general population has no idea what is truly going on for them. I just ask you remember how fragile life is and don’t get caught up in the problems of the world. Stay humble.
On July 22, 2022 Agnes Cayer visted her brother Irek.
On July 26, 2022 Mitch Stark speaks live on CBC Radio about GPC.
August 2, 2022 Disability Alliance BC Executive Director states on live radio that the July 22, 2022 incident with Irek Wegiel is just the tip of the iceberg of the problems at GPC.
August 4, 2022 The writer of this essay speaks on CBC Radio.