The Crude Reality is that Radical Feminism is Destroying Men!
Women love to ABUSE men why don't they talk about women abusing and hurting MEN?

The Crude Reality is that Radical Feminism is Destroying Men!

It all started with this phrase

While reading a book, I came across a passage that just made NO sense at ALL.

“This is the age in the West of the “soft” masculine.” and it is a time in which radical feminists raise loud and hostile voices against the Warrior energy.”

Before we continue, let’s take a step back and talk about the Warrior.

The Warrior is one of the four mature male archetypes — the others are King, Magician, and Lover — which can be found in every man according to Jung's school of Psychology . Along these mature male archetypes, there are also four immature male archetypes — called the divine child (a clear reference to the Catholic "Baby Jesus"), the oedipal child, the trickster (or the devil), and the hero.

All of these immature and mature archetypes can be found in all normal men throughout their lifetime according to this king of PSYCHOLOGY. Depending if they’ve ascended from their boyhood to manhood we’ll see the mature or the immature male archetypes accordingly.

"For a man to be masculine he needs to understand the presence of all of these archetypes and access them." J.D. Hart Behavioral and Clinical Psychologist

"For a woman to understand men, she needs to acknowledge the archetypes’ presence and the importance of them being in their full form." Adds Hart.

What is their full form you may ask?

Well, as it’s depicted very successfully in the book, to understand the archetypes’ full form, first, we need to imagine all of these archetypes as pyramids.

The psychology and philosophy of the "Archetypes" is based on a system of Pyramids as shown.

As you can see in the picture, these pyramids — the archetypes — have three parts. At the top is the archetype in its full positive form, and at the bottom parts — marked with a plus and negative sign — are the active or passive forms of the Shadow version respectively.

Now, I get it, you might be confused. What even is an archetype and a Shadow version you may ask?

These two terms were commonly used by Carl G. Jung to describe parts of the psyche.

Archetypes, as described by Carl Jung, are universal, symbolic patterns or images that exist in the collective unconscious, which is a part of our unconscious mind shared by all humans. These archetypes ALWAYS represent fundamental human experiences, emotions, and behaviors.

Think of archetypes as common blueprints or templates that shape our thoughts, feelings, and actions. They are ingrained within us from birth and influence how we perceive and interpret the world around us according to Jung.

They can be found in folk stories, mythology, and even religious texts such as the Old Testament or the Quran.

The Shadow represents the hidden, repressed, or denied aspects of ourselves that we are not consciously aware of or tend to reject.

It’s like a mysterious dark side that lives inside each of us. It’s made up of things we don’t want to admit or show to others, such as our fears, anger, jealousy, and selfishness. This is why Jeremiah wrote: "The heart (the mind) is deceitful above ALL things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?" Jer.17:9

And Jesus also said this in relation to the mind: "And Jesus said, Are ye also yet without understanding? Do not ye understand, that whatsoever entereth in at the mouth goeth into the belly, and is cast out into the draught (the toilet)? But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart (the mind); and they defile the man. For out of the heart (THE HUMAN MIND) proceed evil thoughs, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies: These are the things which defile a man: but to eat with (dirty) unwashen hands defileth not a man." Matthew 15:16-20.

Imagine it as a "secret room" in your mind (where the HUMAN SPIRIT dwells) where all these feelings and thoughts hide.

Sometimes, we try to be “good” and hide these feelings because we think they are not acceptable or don’t fit with how we want to be seen.

But the Shadow doesn’t go away just because we ignore it. It lurks in the dark, and when we least expect it, it can show up it's "ugly head" in surprising ways.

Radical Feminist Protesters

Radical feminism at its finest (or should I say at its WORST?)

"As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and DESTROY the way of thy paths." Isaiah 3:12.

Before we continue let’s address something noteworthy. In today’s society, we see that general traditional feminism is often intertwined with radical feminism.

Feminism nowadays doesn’t want balance and equality, instead, it wants men’s suffering. They ask for a complete re-ordering of our society, the introduction of matriarchies, and the demolition of the patriarchy.

These types of ideologies are slowly destroying men and I think it’s disgusting.

Why you may ask?

Because according to most psychologists they forbid men to get in touch with the full positive form of their male archetypes. For example, when women restrict men from getting in touch with The Warrior we then see the shadow form come to light.

When they allow their shadow to take over, men become emotionally and easily physically violent, exactly like a volcano that’s dormant for centuries.

We live in a society where men are pressured to not be in touch with their masculinity and their true selves.

Women simply ask men to be something they’re not meant to be.

What are men meant to be?

Men are meant to be all of the archetypes in their fullness according to Modern Psychology.

Because when a man expresses the King in his fullness we see a creative man, calling the right shots, inspiring, a true leader, and a man that can truly let his children grow to take the throne once he’s gone.

When a man is in touch with the Warrior in his fullness, we see a man that’s just simply taking the initiative, he’s fearless, he’s a doer, has clarity of mind, and is ruled by discipline.

When we see a man that’s close to the Magician in his fullness, Hart says "that we see him having awareness, insight, and an endless amount of knowledge, a true observer."

Lastly, when a man that manifests the Lover archetype in his fullness, we see a man that’s sensual, sensitive, daring and "connected" with his partner on every level imaginable.

All of these traits are exactly what a true man is supposed to be.

But here’s the issue

Feminists are not instilling the idea of equality, instead, they’re just trying to belittle men in every way possible.

You scroll through posts about feminism on different platforms and you see comments talking about how "misogynistic" men are, that men have no idea how to treat a woman, they don’t understand the struggles that they’re going through, and how being masculine is just the same as abusing women.

The issue is that these feminists are extremely concentrated on making GUILTY men for ALL their WOES, PROBLEMS and TROUBLES and that's NOT REALISTIC AT ALL.

Yes, men have no clue what issues and struggles women are going through — duh we’re nothing alike.

Yes, men have no idea how to treat a woman, but the lack of communication and indecisiveness from their side doesn’t make things any easier.

Yes, men don’t know how to be really masculine and they do end up emotionally and physically abusing women.

The two reasons why I think these things keep happening are:

  1. Women don’t KNOW and don’t want to learn how to help their men bring these male so called: "archetypes" and characteristics to light.
  2. Men keep listening to women on how to be masculine, but not a single woman is listening to men when they tell women how to be feminine. Do you see the irony?
  3. Women won't ever admit nor recognize that they also have a Huge problem to address and must QUIT JUDGING MEN!

Women are always scheming and plotting how to DESTROY a man

Identifying Cruel and Evil Women

Most women who are guilty of this type of behavior and personality will appear to be a sort of "Angel in Disguise" at first! The problem comes when you truly discover the "fallen angel" and devilish personality when it is already too late!

You have bit the bait "hook, line and sinker" she then reels you in to her EVIL and MALEVOLENT DEN! And soon you find yourself "trapped" like Samson did with Delilah and with no physical nor mental strength to escape her "mesmerizing" and seductive ways until she squeezes "your very soul" out of you. Just please read the article below regarding this subject:

Evil in Women—“The Delilah Syndrome”—A New Psychiatric Syndrome

By Oscar R. Schmalzbach

"...And it came to pass when she pressed him daily with her words and urged him that his soul was vexed unto death." "...And he told her all his heart and said unto her, "there has not come a razor upon my head....and if I shall be shaven then my strength shall go from me. I shall become weak."

THIS quotation from the Bible is used here as an introduction to a Psychiatric Syndrome which I would like to call the "Delilah Syndrome". It is not unusual for biblical names and personalities to be used in modern psychiatry to describe a syndrome or a personality problem. Freud used mythology as well (i.e. Oedipus, Electra Complex, etc.).

I believe that the "Delilah Syndrome" which will be described in this paper is an important new one which according to our researches has not been published to date.

The first time I thought of it was on March 23, 1973 (early morning hours), when I put on paper the general points about the syndrome as "Evil in Women" based on the story of Delilah. A recent check through computers at various libraries (universities, etc.) has shown that no such syndrome in the context of Evil was previously described. There were two references to Delilah; one by Prof. R. B. Greenblatt of Georgia (U.S.A.) (1976) who wrote in a chapter of his mono-graph "In Search of Scriptures" about Samson's most infamous haircut in history and mentioned it in connection with modern man's preoccupation with his hair, and especially head hair, as a symbol of "beauty" and unisex, etc.

The other reference was made by Dr. Allan Gerson who wrote about the role of aggressive fathers in female promiscuity and spoke of Delilah in this context only (Perspective in Psychiatric Care (Vol. 12, 2: April, 1974)). No description of a TRUE "Delilah Syndrome" has been published, as far as could be ascertained.

According to Oxford the definition of this type of Syndrome is thus referenced as: "Promiscuity in a woman motivated by a desire to render men weak and also helpless. [Named after the Philistine mistress of Samson (in Judges 16:4–22), who deprived him of his strength by cutting off his hair]"

The Free Dictionary defines it as: "Delilah Syndrome": "A?condition?described?in?the?daughters?of?domineering,?and very DOMINANT aggressive?men,?who?are?often and typically very "dictatorial" and "harsh" and sexually?promiscuous,?a?behavior?related?to?fear?and?dislike?of?the?father?and?an unconscious?switching?of?roles?with?the?father?figure,?such?that?they?seduce?and overcome?men."

However the FACT of the matter is that many women today are "empowered" and driven by this syndrome in order to PERSECUTE, PUNISH, DESTROY, and to DEMORALIZE, and DOMINATE men! Just take a look at the following article:

Woman depicting the usual and typical "Femme Fatale"

The Delilah Syndrome: Women on the Rise!

BRATTLEBORO >> The story of Samson and Delilah is as old as the hills: a heroic man undone by a manipulative woman. In fact, Delilah has become an iconic and very REAL representation of the designing woman, whose main character flaws, one might argue, are intelligence, independence, and insight.

In a unique partnership, the Brattleboro Concert Choir, performing Handel's dramatic oratorio Samson in May, and Girls on the Run Vermont, inspiring girls to become independent, healthy and confident, are hosting a conversation to explore Delilah and bring her up to date.

The Brattleboro Concert Choir, a program of the Brattleboro Music Center, and for 25 years under the direction of Susan Dedell, has been bringing classical, contemporary, and commissioned choral music to growing audiences region-wide.

Praised for her range of artistic choices, Dedell also feels it is important to really discuss the significant humanistic themes such music will always unearth. The collaboration between Dedell and Nancy Heydinger, director of the Vermont council of Girls on the Run (recipient of the 2015 Girls on the Run Legacy Award) sets the stage for a new exploration of women's roles and choices.

Madeline Kunin, author, diplomat and former Governor of Vermont, will kick off the afternoon with keynote comments gleaned from her years in state and world politics, and her work to assure women live productive and rewarding lives with careers and families.

Through stories and conversations with dynamic and visionary women, and with input from the audience, the aim is to enlighten and empower, and give Delilah her due. And just maybe understand Samson a bit better, too.

Another article I found online on this subject and topic is really more interesting and precise:

The Delilah syndrome and the Problem With Feminism!

In 1919, thousands of women stood outside the White House and demanded that they be allowed to vote. In the next presidential election, they would. And this massive demographic shift paved the way to laws in the 1920s that would promote women’s health and education (as well as prohibition, but we’ll just pretend that never happened).

In the 1960s and 70s, feminist protests resulted in a series of laws that were guaranteed, under the law, equal rights in the workplace, in universities and colleges, in health care, and in the home.

And in the early 2000s, feminists valiantly fought against such oppressive forces as the word “too” , scary sports mascots , and patriarchal cereal boxes .

The feminist movement is usually broken up into three “waves.” The first wave in the late 19th and early 20th centuries pushed for political equality. The second wave, in the 1960s and 70s, pushed for legal and professional equality. And the third wave, in the past couple of decades, has pushed for social equality.

But whereas legal and political equality laws are usually clearly defined and measurable, social equality is murky and complicated. The current feminist movement is not a protest against unjust laws or sexist institutions as much as it is the protest against people’s unconscious biases as well as of "supposed" and assumed centuries’ worth of cultural norms, gender injustice and heritage that disadvantage women.

This is a tricky business because you’re no longer dealing with institutions here—you’re dealing with people’s perceptions and brains . You have to confront belief systems and irrational assumptions and force people to truly unlearn things that they’ve “known” for decades. It’s a really, really hard thing to undertake.

And the hardest part about it is that there’s no easy metric in the social arena for what is equal and what is not.

If for example I were a boss or Manager and I fire three employees and two of them are women, is that equality? Or is that sexism? You can’t say unless you know why I fired them. And you can’t know why I fired them unless you can get inside my brain and understand my beliefs and motivations.

Thus, today feminism has a measurement problem . It’s easy to measure whether boys and girls are receiving the same funding in schools. It’s easy to see whether a man and woman are being paid appropriately for the same work. You just pull out your calculator and go to work.

But how do you measure social justice? If people like a brother more than their sister, is it because she’s a woman? Or is she just a shitty person? Or, more aptly, if a few women think a college mascot is scary, perturbing and intimidating, is that legitimate ‘oppression’? What about overused adverbs? How did we get here?

Philosophical Feminism vs Tribal Feminism

I don’t think it’s controversial to say that philosophically, feminism got it right: All people, regardless of gender, should be afforded the same rights and respect.

This strikes me as a "no-brainer" for pretty much any decent human being alive today.

Feminism also got it right that women have been oppressed throughout pretty much all of civilized human history, in pretty much every culture and society, and there’s a lot of baggage and residue of that oppression that carries on in various forms today.

Feminism also got it right that, despite their biological differences, men grow up in a culture of toxic masculinity that is not only unhealthy for women, but also unhealthy for men as well .

All of this is correct. Let’s call this loose group of ideas “philosophical feminism.”

The problem is that feminism is more than a philosophy or a group of beliefs. It is now also a political movement, a social identity, as well as a set of institutions.

See, there’s this thing that happens to groups of people. They always start out with an idea. And often it’s a pretty good idea. Then they come together and organize around that idea, because organizing large groups of people and by building structures to act in concert is the way you get things done in a society.

But the problem is, once you’ve got a group of people together, organized for a single purpose, achieving political leverage and adopting power, building and creating institutions and careers for themselves, all sorts of bad human nature tendencies start to take over .

As humans, we are tribal by nature. Our natural default is to see ourselves as part of some group that’s struggling against some other group(s) at all times. And once we’re part of our little group, our little tribe, we adopt all sorts of biases and preferences. We construct belief systems that justify our group’s power and superiority. We create "evaluation" tests of whether other people are “true” and “pure” members of our group, and we either shame any “non-believers” into conformity or simply expel them from the tribe.

As the comedian George Carlin once put it:

I love individuals. I hate groups of people. I hate a group of people with a ‘common purpose’. Because pretty soon they have little hats. And armbands. And fight songs. And a list of people they’re going to visit at 3 am. So, I dislike and despise groups of people. But I love individuals.

Once a philosophy goes tribal, its beliefs no longer exist to serve some moral principle, but rather they exist to serve the promotion of the group.

In the past few decades, sexual violence has halved,?and domestic violence has dropped by an astounding two-thirds.?Women recently surpassed men in the workforce in the US?and earn almost 60% of all bachelor’s degrees. And despite the constant drumming of 77 cents women earn on the dollar compared to men, when you factor in the fact that men work longer hours, more dangerous jobs, and retire later, the wage gap today is actually only something like 93 to 95 cents for every dollar a man earns.

The point here is: a lot of progress has been made since feminism’s second wave in the 60s and 70s. So much progress has been made that even some people out there (feminists, even!) are becoming concerned that men are actually going to be left behind soon.

But the problem is that, like I said, feminism, in the process of enacting all of the progress of the last 50 years, became more than a philosophy—it became an institution. And institutions are always primarily and simply interested in just sustaining themselves first and engaging with the world as it is second.

Those stalwart feminist activists of the 60s and 70s who were at protests and burning their bras or whatever, many of them moved into academia. They got graduate, Bachelor's and Master degrees and they wrote books and founded departments and held seminars and conferences and created political parties and organizations and had fundraisers and had started magazines like Oprah. And pretty soon, feminism was no longer a cause for these people, it was their career. Their paychecks depended on there being patriarchy and oppression for MEN everywhere they looked. Their departments depended on it. Their professional careers and speaking fees depended on it. And so they found it.

And thus, philosophical feminism became tribal feminism.

Tribal feminism laid out a specific set of beliefs and rules—that everywhere you look there is constant oppression from the patriarchy, that masculinity is inherently violent, and that the only differences between men and women are figments of our cultural imagination, not based on biology or science.

That knowledge itself is a form of patriarchy and oppression. And it clearly stems from this "short-sighted" vision of women with an obvious and pretty much grounded "Delilah Syndrome" who usually see men as EVIL, wicked and perverse, despotic and BAD individuals that must be CONTROLLED, contained and easily subjugated, and manipulated by them!

Anyone who contradicted or questioned these beliefs soon found themselves kicked out of the tribe. They became one of the oppressors. And the people who pushed these beliefs to their furthest conclusions—that penises were a cultural construction of oppression, that school mascots encourage rape and sexual violence, that cereal boxes can be truly offensive—were rewarded with greater status within the tribe. This generation’s tribal feminists’ trenches are obviously that of The Feelings Police—protecting everyone’s feelings so that they could never feel oppressed or marginalized in any way.

There’s that overused Gandhi quote: “Be the change that you wish to see in the world.

Previous generations of feminists were the change they desired. They got out and protested and voted. They went to the schools and got the degrees and took the jobs. Yet, today, tribal feminists are more interested in enforcing thoughts and perceptions about women, rather than actually becoming the kind of women that they wish others to see.

For centuries, women were marginalized and YES discounted by men. One of the many stereotypes that men ascribed to women when doing this was that women were overly concerned with their feelings and the ways others perceived them.

Yet, this is the same cliched behavior that tribal feminists have fallen back into.

And thus, as with many philosophies taken "out of context" to their political arena and extreme, tribal feminism has come to contradict many of the very premises philosophical feminism was built upon. Tribal feminists, in the name of fighting SHAME and oppression, shame and oppress views that contradict their own. Especially when they come from men who preach the Bible like I do.

And once your philosophy has inverted upon itself, it becomes corrupt. Just like the old communist societies of the 20th century, once you set out to try to provide perfect equality for everybody, you achieve the exact opposite.

What was once progressive becomes regressive. You become so busy policing people’s thoughts and opinions that you lose track of what actually matters.

And so these type of women now become a new class of "spurious" and of totalitarian dictators of men and have come to "persecute" and belittle men with a TRUE VENGEANCE! And that my friends is truly the PLAIN and SIMPLE TRUTH!

Unfortunately, I have come across many women with this type of mentality and attitude of a "Delilah Syndrome" too many times already including my actual and current wife who is very DOMINANT, domineering, excessively despotic, CRUEL, and ABUSIVE towards me "EVERY SINGLE DAY"! She is always looking into the spec of my eye instead of taking the "plank" out of her own eye! Criticizes and judges me continually and is always comparing me with others and putting me down and that is "outright discrimination" no matter how you look at it. She has never given me credit for my talents, professional abilities and gifts and feels that she is way much better than me! She has threatened me and has always fabricated, orchestrated and concocted certain lies about my person in order to get me into some sort of trouble with the law, etc. And she has manipulated me and has even deprived me of certain "pleasures" because she has found out my "weaknesses" for female feet. She is indeed a TRUE "Delilah" in every sense of the word. She told me that her dad used to be very dominant, cruel, despotic and a "strict" man who was a womanizer and mistreated her mom and siblings all the time. So I guess in a very psychological way she is trying to "mimic" him and make my life miserable in the process.

A Synopsis of the Biblical Delilah

the typical "seductress"

"The lips of an adulteress drip honey / And smoother than oil is her speech” (Proverbs 5:3 ). How true of a woman who uses her feminine charm to beguile and deceive morally weak men to fall into sin.

Delilah was one such woman. And Samson was one such man.

Delilah made her home in the valley of Sorek; a valley Samson knew real well. At one end was the Philistine town of Timnah, where he had fallen in love with a Philistine woman (Judges 14:1–2 ). At the other end was Zorah, the hometown of Samson’s father (13:2).

It was there, in the valley of Sorek, that the rulers of the Philistines (Modern day Palestinians) bribed Delilah to entice Samson into her bedroom to discover the secret of his strength.

Samson was physically strong but morally weak and an easy conquest for an evil and "heartless" cold woman like Delilah. On three separate occasions, as Samson enjoyed himself at Delilah’s home, she pressed him to tell her his secret. Toying with her, Samson told Delilah that seven fresh bowstrings or brand new ropes or the locks of his hair woven into a loom would sap his strength—but none did.

Yet by much "persistence" the cunning Delilah soon discovered his real weakness—illustrating the powerful charms of a deceptive and persistent woman. The fact and discovery that the secret of his strength was in his long and beautiful hair—grown since birth in observance of Samson’s Nazarite vow never to cut it off (Judges 13:5 ).

Lulling Samson to sleep in her lap, Delilah alerted the Philistine rulers who waited in the shadows to capture him. They sheared Samson’s hair and, in his now and newly weakened state, bound him, gouged out his eyes, and forced him to grind grain in the prison at Gaza. In a few words SHE DESTROYED SAMSON!

And what happened to Delilah? She simply walked off the pages of history. Until Tom Jones sang about her on the Ed Sullivan Show!

Delilah knew that her body could be used as a weapon. Preying on weak men or even strong men in weak moments, women can use the visual advantage to manipulate and control.

When a woman uses her body as a tool, trouble is soon to follow. And trust me I had to learn that lesson the HARD WAY! I've fallen in love many a time with these "sexually attractive" women who came to me as "wolves in sheep's clothing" even claiming to being Christian and so called: "women of God" like this blonde with green eyes I knew in Miami and lo and behold they "turned on me" and almost destroyed me MENTALLY, MORALLY, PHYSICALLY and even PSYCHOLOGICALLY with their CHARM! I used to have a brother in the Church of God by the name of "Ray" who was an old bachelor in the church and when people would try to suggest a single "good looking" girl for him to date, he would reply: "Oh NO SHE'S A HOT WIRE!" And so my WARNING to ALL MEN is this "Please be SMART and avoid at all costs getting yourself "electrocuted" by some "Delilahs" out there! These are her traits according to the Bible and you should follow this wise advise from Almighty God by allowing His Wisdom:

"To deliver you from the (seductive) strange woman, even from the stranger which flattereth with her words; Which forsaketh the guide of her youth, and forgetteth the covenant of her God (she is very worldly). For her house inclineth unto death, and her paths unto the dead. None that go unto her return again, neither take they hold of the paths of life." Proverbs 2:16-19.

"To keep thee from the evil woman, from the flattery of the tongue of a strange woman. Lust not after her beauty in thine heart (mind); neither let her take thee with her eyelids. For by means of a whorish woman a man is brought to a piece of bread: and the adulteress will hunt for the precious life." Proverbs 6:24-26.

"Let not thine heart (or mind) decline to her ways, go not astray in her paths. For she hast cast down many wounded: yea, many strong men (like Samson) have been slain by her. Her house is the way to hell (the grave), going down to the chambers of death (the cemetery)." Proverbs 7:25-27. "Whoso is simple, let him turn in hither; and as for him that wanteth (to have) understanding, she saith to him, Stolen waters are sweet, and bread eaten in secret is pleasant.

But he knoweth not that the dead are (already) there; and that her guests are in the depths of hell (the grave)." Proverbs 9:16-18. "The mouth of strange women (with the "Delilah Syndrome") is a DEEP pit: he that is abhorred of the LORD shall fall therein." Proverbs 22:14. and Finally men please stay away from "harlots" and "whores": "For a whore is a DEEP ditch; and a strange woman (who wears tattoos on her body, nose rings, piercings, etc.) is a narrow pit. She also lieth in wait as for a prey, and increaseth the transgressors among men." Proverbs 23:27-28.

So please PLEASE MEN heed this WARNING!

A message to all the women out there

Do you know what happens when a man ends up not being in touch with his masculinity?

The King ends up failing his children, and his kingdom suffers. He ends up becoming a tyrant, or a weakling. He’s not generative or calm. He hates all beauty, all innocence, all strength, all talent, all life energy. When a man then showcases the shadow form of the King, he acts as a person with narcissistic personality disorder acts.

The Warrior becomes a sadist or a masochist. He can’t keep his mind or feelings under control, and he acts on external signs of strength to compensate for his ineptitude. This is why men become aggressive, or self-destructive.

The Magician ends up becoming the manipulator or the “innocent” one. We see a man that’s manipulating people to gain what he wants, he’s usually passive-aggressive, and he lacks morals.

The Lover turns to the addicted or the impotent lover. He’s never satisfied, he starts a constant battle and race for endless amounts of sexual pleasure, he lacks boundaries and he can’t accept the boundaries of others.

Do these traits ring any bells?

Trying to belittle men and their masculinity will just shed light on these parts of their shadow and men will end up becoming more dangerous than they’re now or were in the past.

The Bible Description of Women Nowadays and their Judgment for their Pride!

"Moreover the LORD saith, Because the daughters of Zion (Israel) are naughty, and walk with stretched forth necks and wanton eyes, walking and mincing as they go, and making a tinkling with their (anklets) on their feet: Therefore the Lord will smite with a scab the crown of the head of the daughters of Zion, and the LORD will discover their secret parts (in their body). In that day the Lord will take away the bravery of their tinkling ornaments (and anklets) about their feet, and their cauls, and their round tires (or loop earrings) like the moon, The chains, and the bracelets, and the mufflers (nose rings, etc.), The bonnets, and the (sexy) ornaments of the legs (all sorts of ankle chains), and the headbands (they use for the gym and aerobic exercise), and the tablets, and the earrings, The rings, and the nose jewels, The changeable suits of apparel (the bag of clothing and shoes they keep in the trunk of their cars), and the mantles, and the wimples, and the crisping pins, The (dark) glasses, and the fine linen, and the hoods (or the sweat shirts with hoodies), and the (fishnet) vails.

And it shall come to pass, that instead of sweet smell there shall be stink; and instead of a girdle a rent; and instead of well set hair baldness; and instead of a stomacher a girding of sackcloth; and burning instead of beauty. Thy men shall fall by the sword (by war), and thy mighty in the war." Isaiah 3:16-25. Now with the ongoing Ukraine war and Israeli war in the Middle East many fighting men have died.

As a result, there is an INCREDIBLE lack of men specially in the Balkan states and other countries in Eastern Europe like:

Armenia, Belarus, Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, Hungary, Kosovo, Latvia, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, etc. women outnumber men by the thousands! And this is why I've seen videos on YouTube where women will even pay you to marry them as it was prophesied in the Bible: "And in that day seven women shall take hold of ONE man, saying, we will eat our own bread (and we will bring home the bacon), and wear (and buy and purchase) our own apparel: only let us be called by thy (Last) name (in marriage), to take away our long reproach." Isaiah 4:1.

Bible Instructions for Wives and Husbands

"Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that if any obey not the word (of God), they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives; While they behold your chaste conversation coupled with fear (of God). Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair (or painting their hair with crazy colors), and of wearing of gold (jewelry and other accessories), or of putting on of (excessibly sexy, loud and costly) apparel; But let it be the hidden woman of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even as the ornament of the meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price.

For after this manner in the old time the holy women also, who trusted in God, adorned themselves, being in subjection unto their own husbands: Even as Sara obeyed Abraham, calling him lord (her king and Master):

Whose daughters ye are, as long as ye do well, and are not afraid (of them) with any amazement.

Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge (not like Ralph Cramden of the The Honeymooners who was a chauvinist telling Alice things like: "Because I'm KING Alice King king king!"), giving HONOR unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs TOGETHER of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered." 1 Peter 3:1-7.

Final notes

We’re living in a world where the internet is taking over our lives and we’re constantly bombarded by videos, photos, music, ideas, and many more vital things that shape and affect us.

Giving in to the idea that we’re all the same and we should be treated like we’re the same is in my opinion idiotic.

Every person is special, and we shouldn’t allow others to instill their ideas and turn us into something that we’re not.

Instead, I think we should fight to understand who we truly are and find a way to get closer to our true Self. Understanding our human nature and living true to it is extremely important.

Men and women are not the same, and we shouldn’t fight to make them the same. Men are good at the x thing and women at the y, and that’s okay. Our goal should be to combine powers and work together to produce something extraordinary and unique.

Lisa Maria von Habsburg


6 个月

Brilliant. It's a subject that definitely needs such serious attention. A feminine powerful woman should never demasculate a man. She can be strong and accomplished but her priority should always be focused on family first. Success in life is in a quality life with family. We've all been programmed to move away from the natural inclination towards family to gravitate to success. Balance is very lacking. Nothing is more awesome in life than to witness a strong, balanced masculine male. Women need to be more tender and less ambitious. They've moved away from empowering a man to succeed. This is mostly due to that feminist mindset that independence is better. Then there will never be trust and that's why men don't stay. They feel their hard work and diligence are not appreciated. Well it's true. If women appreciated a masculine man they would be content to take care of him and their children and let him be the provider. There is just too much pride in the feminist mind. It doesn't bode well for creation.


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