
Every weekday morning, from my newly-settled home in its posh, gated community, I descended into the chaos of the city streets, into the insistent horns, the screeching honks, the crying hawkers, a babel of languages, screaming posters, stinking trash, broken sidewalks, humanity dodging, darting, bumping, busting. That was my commute, a mere seven kilometers from home to work, and by the time I arrived I would be whiplashed, outraged, and enraged.

This was in the city of Bangalore, once the Garden City, a place of public parks abundant with gardens, and roads lined with trees and hedges, now a high-tech, concrete free-for-all, literally the Silicon Valley of India. I was back in the country after a gap of more than thirty years, having made the US my home once I went there for graduate school. I was here on a three-year expatriate assignment as the head of a multinational corporation. I came by myself. Both my sons were in college in the US. My husband too stayed back, so they had a home to return to during breaks.

I had grown up in the city of Calcutta, comfortable in its raucous streets and its rough and tumble ways, thanks in large part to my father, who never saw his three daughters as any different from himself or his son. When we complained we could not visit the neighborhood park in our shorts, because of the catcalls and whistles from the crowds there, he said, much to our consternation, “I don’t know what you are talking about. No one bothers me when I go in shorts.”

This blind spot of his didn’t feel like a blessing early on. While our cousins (the girls) were coddled in chauffeur-driven cars, we had to deal with overcrowded, odorous buses and trams. Even taxis were not something he encouraged. When my mom protested on our behalf, he overrode her, saying we had to learn to look out for ourselves.

And so, I grew up unfazed by India’s unruliness. But now? At work, I would burst into the conference room where my team was assembled, patiently awaiting my arrival, and I would erupt into an outpour of indignation and exasperation. “No one follows any rules,” I would say. “Each one’s more myopically selfish than the other! Every street is a gridlock, with not a cop in sight!”

My team listened with bemused faces, and when I was finished, one of them said with a quiet smile, “We will know you have become one of us when you stop getting so agitated.”

I shook my head. “That will never happen,” I said.

But India had other plans.

Even before my first month was over, I began to hear in that commute from hell, the plaintive mooing of cows and the gentle ringing of temple bells, over the din of the streets. Through the ragged traffic, I spied curious little faces peering out of jerry-rigged school buses, and couples on two-wheelers in a world of intimacy. In the wilderness of the city, I witnessed youth assisting the elderly, and vice versa, in a symbiosis of survival. My commute had become astonishing, amazing, and intriguing.

India, in the course of the countless journeys I made over her streets, turned out tests at every turn and sprang lessons in the most peculiar places. In her frenzied alleyways, she taught me to check my ire, and in exchange, discover the gift of surprise. She urged me to change my lens, to look deeper and cast my gaze farther. She invited me to shed my shallow judgments and uncover a common humanity and a more subtle beauty.

Manipal Hospital, an ugly, grey box of a building, had a lobby that burst on one’s senses like a bustling bus stop. Throngs of people streamed through a security gate that beeped non-stop. Reception desks and elevators hid behind queues ten or so deep. A buzz of human chatter, from families making their way through the halls, hovered continually in the air. My first time there – to register myself - I vowed that if I could help it, I would not visit for anything.

But soon after, I needed a dental implant. A bridge between two molars that had lasted years – almost half the time I had been away! - suddenly cracked open. The hospital’s Foreign Patients office referred me to a dentist who handed me off to an implantologist, and the next thing I knew, I was scheduled in for surgery.

On the day of the surgery, I stood at the entry of the ward, and looked around for him anxiously. Before long, I saw him hurrying towards me, saying, “You are looking nervous, Mrs. Srinivasan”.

I was indeed nervous. From the entrance, I found myself eyeing a bewildering maze of doctors bent over supine patients, equipment flashing with alarms, and counters spilling with god-knows-what. Fleetingly, I wondered if, in the course of the surgery, I would pick up some crazy side infection.

Dr. Duggal turned to his assistant and said in mock sorrow, “Dr. Biswas, we messed up. We should have put on some fine clothes today. Mrs. Srinivasan is from America. She is used to good-looking doctors and flawless manners.”

Without missing a beat, Dr. Biswas replied, “You are so right, Dr. Duggal. At the least, we could have started with ‘Hi, Mrs. Srinivasan. How’re you doing?’”

I grinned sheepishly and took another look around. Everything was open and naked to the eye, busy and messy, a world away from my spotless, noiseless clinic back in Portland, where my US home sat. But dirty, it was not. The mess had some order to it. And the doctors certainly had their wits about them.

I would be alright, I concluded. I relaxed, lowered myself in the chair and put myself in the hands of my droll team.


Once every ten to twelve weeks, I flew to the US, for a check-in with ‘headquarters’. So, I had the return-routine down pat - off the plane, through Bangalore’s busy customs, out the terminal, to my always-courteous, always-smiling driver, into the comfort of my Mercedes, on an hour-long jostle over pot-holed roads, to, finally, home. When I walked through that wide door into my clean, spacious, sparse yet elegant, apartment, I collapsed with relief.

But in my second year, I found myself returning via Mumbai. Mumbai had been in the news recently for the verdict on a gruesome rape - the death penalty had been awarded to three repeat offenders, in a case in which a 22-year-old photojournalist, who was interning with an English-language magazine in Mumbai, was gang-raped by five people, including a juvenile. The incident had occurred when she had gone with a male colleague to the deserted compound of an abandoned mill, on an assignment. The accused had tied up the victim's colleague with belts and raped her.

For me, Mumbai, with its five-hour layover, was an unwelcome stop. A flight to Bangalore still awaited me. I strode down the airport’s long hallways, impervious to its impressive art display - the wooden totems from tribal Nagaland, the painted masks from Kerala, the carved fa?ades of homes in coastal Gujarat - through its mercifully brisk customs, until I reached the transfer-counter of Jet Airways, the airline that would take me home. There, I handed over my ticket, and waited for instructions.

His eyes travelled from the computer screen to my ticket while I watched in growing impatience. Finally, he looked up and said pointedly, “Madam, your ticket is for a flight that leaves tomorrow.”

I pulled the itinerary up on my phone and discovered with dismay that the date of the domestic flight was indeed for the next day. My travel agent had bungled the dates, and I had failed to catch the error. My flight to Bangalore was more than twenty four hours away. I would have to make my own way to the domestic airport.

I had not imagined this. I did not know how to navigate this city by myself in the middle of the night. I came to Mumbai occasionally on work, but, as the local company head, I functioned within tightly scripted itineraries. Drivers with sign boards bearing my name greeted me when I emerged from the airport, and my activities outside work were well-shepherded.

I moved towards the exit and pondered my choices. It was too late to call the travel agent in Bangalore or anyone in my office. I could check into a hotel and, in the morning, get the office to fix my schedule, or I could go to the domestic airport and secure for myself a flight out.

The hotel, with its clean bed and bath, beckoned. I could be asleep within the hour. But which hotel? What if the first one I tried was full? I did not fancy wandering from hotel to hotel in a taxi, all by myself. And did I really need to coddle myself that way? I was no na?ve tourist. I had grown up in this country. I even spoke Hindi, not quite the Bombaiyya dialect, but close enough.

I stepped out. A blast of warm, muggy air engulfed me. May in Mumbai was the worst, its hottest month, the month when the elements hunkered down to await the thunder of the monsoons, the month when the skies were muted and the sea breezes dormant, the month when the malodors of slums, sewage and rotting fish hung in the air, and bore down on one’s senses, the month when schools shut down and families fled to cooler climes.

Despite the late hour, the place had a comforting buzz about it. Families milled around, waiting for their pick-up. Baggage carts vied for space. Taxis moved in and out briskly. Off on one side, a pack of stray dogs created a cacophony. I felt reassured by the normalcy of life around me and picked my way to the taxi stand, where I clambered into the cool inside of a taxi, grateful for the respite from the sauna outside.

In no time, we were at the domestic terminal, an older, shabbier building. A whiff of sewage stung my nose, as I emerged from the taxi. The heat clawed at my clothes. A small crowd of men stood by and watched idly. I steered around them carefully, over to the Jet Airways window. But what do you know? There were no seats, even in business, because it was summer vacation. I walked over to the Indigo counter and suffered through a replay of the script. This agent was more helpful. He suggested I try Air India or GoAir.

“Where?” I asked. 

“Over in that building”, he said, gesturing towards the dark.

I looked to see a foyer lit a short distance away. It was an odd layout – a good five-minute walk across a broad patch of tarmac. I hesitated. But having come here, why not exhaust all my chances? I looked out across the way. The sky was overcast but the path was dimly visible. A gust of breeze brought forth a fresh odor of sewage. Or was it the fish? The damp air settled over me and weighed me down. I needed to peel off a layer of clothes, but remembering that I had on only a skimpy t-shirt under my sweats, I decided against it. I hefted my backpack and lumbered forward, clutching my jacket and trailing my roll-on. It was going to be a slow haul.

“Do you want a ride, madam?” a voice called out from the dark.

I jumped and turned to find an auto – a three-wheeler – right by my side. I could barely make the driver out in the dark. How had he come so close so silently?

I mumbled, “It’s OK. I am going to that building there.”

“I know,” he said. “But it’s a sultry night. I can take you.”

I was surprised, given the low fare involved. But relieved, I said, “OK.” I threw my stuff and myself in.

He said, when we were on our way, “I know someone who has tickets. He is a travel agent. He has an office right outside the airport. Do try Air India and GoAir first, but if they don’t have anything, I can take you there.”

I thanked him but silently dismissed his offer. Leave the airport to find a ticket? I wasn’t ready for that. When we got to the foyer, I asked him, “How much?”

He said, “Go on and find out if they have any tickets. I can keep an eye on your stuff here.” 

The foyer was small, the service windows just a few steps away. A handful of men stood around. He couldn’t just drive off, I reasoned. So, leaving my stuff with him, I walked up to the Air India counter, the better reputed of the two airlines.

But before I could say anything, the guy shook his head and said, “Try GoAir.”

GoAir had a seat open on their 6:30 am flight. This was not an airline my company patronized - too unstable and unreliable. But I brushed that thought aside, and asked him with relief, “How much?”

It was two times the going fare.

“So much!” exclaimed the auto-driver from the curb side. “My friend can get you an Indigo ticket for much less. Do you want to try?”

It was 2:00 am. I replayed in my mind how he had followed me silently in his auto, how he had seemed to know about my predicament. He must have observed me try my luck and come up short. I looked at him carefully. Was he being pushy or was he merely being helpful? Middle-aged and heavyset, in a long cotton shirt and billowing trousers - the native kurta-pyjama – he had a decent, easy air about him. From under the cloth wrapped around his head, his round face looked out genially. His gaze was straight-forward, his voice evenhanded and relaxed. I didn’t see any cunning there. He just seemed to want to help.

“It’s a just a 2-minute drive, madam” he urged. “These agents buy up lots of tickets in advance. He will have one for sure.” 

I sensed others watching us. Did I dare?

Before I knew it, I was back in the auto, saying, “Chalo, let’s go.”

Like a giant bug, the auto crept its way out of the airport, down the clover-ramp brightened by the sudden moon, into the shadows of the city roads below. The palm trees and landscaped terrain gave way to a hodge-podge urban landscape, a crowded mass of concrete and shanties in grays and browns, a ghost town. The twenty million residents of this metro were asleep, visible only in the huddled and swaddled bodies on the sidewalks, under the faint glow of grimy billboards. In the distance, a dog howled. Steadily, the auto descended until it emerged onto a side street of shuttered store fronts.

“Open the store,” murmured the auto-driver into his phone. “I have a customer.”

By the curb, we stopped and waited. A shutter lifted. A light switched on.

“Come,” he said.

My mind stopped working. I felt detached from the scene, like I had taken leave of my body and was looking curiously down on myself. He led the way over and stood aside to let me in. I saw a small, plain office, brightly lit and furnished with an uncluttered desk, a couple of chairs, a computer and a printer. The man behind the desk, in a t-shirt and synthetic pants, looked young and remarkably alert for that time of the night. With a brief glance in my direction, he motioned me to a chair, switched the monitor on and asked where I wanted to go. Within a few clicks, he located a ticket. It was on Indigo, my preferred airline, for their 6:00 am flight. He told me how much it would cost. It was more than their regular fare, about half as much more, but still cheaper than the GoAir ticket I had found back at the airport.

Quickly, I brought out my credit card. He hesitated and said he would have to add a transaction cost for the card. It would be cheaper if I paid by cash. I told him I didn’t have enough cash on me. From his perch by the entrance, the auto-driver offered to take me to an ATM nearby.

All of a sudden, I became acutely aware of my precarious situation – a woman in an office with two strangers, in the dead of the night. I felt an on-rush of panic. The office began to close in on me. Recent media reports of ATM assaults flooded my mind. The driver at the exit took on a menacing presence.    

“No!” I cried out. “Just take my card and give me the ticket.”

The guy shrugged, rang it up, and handed it back with a receipt and a printout for the ticket. I looked at the printout and asked him how I was to know if it was valid. He pointed to the airline ticket number and the reservation code. Mollified, I hurried back to the auto with the driver in tow. The auto made a U-turn and headed back to the ramp.

“Do you want something to eat?” the driver asked chattily on our way up. “There is a popular, reasonably-priced restaurant nearby.”

“No, no. I just want to get back.” I said. Thank you, I added.  

When we reached the airport, I scrambled out and broke into a smile. I had made it. I was safe. I gave the guy a huge tip. He bowed his head, took the money, got back into his auto and moseyed away. I turned around and entered the building, but right away, I was assailed with doubt. What if, when I went up to the counter, the printout turned out to be just a piece of paper? The Indigo counter was closed. For an hour, I sat paralyzed. Had I fallen for the oldest trick in the book? Had I been a na?ve tourist after all? As soon as the counter opened, I leapt up and with my heart in my mouth, rushed over and handed in the piece of paper. In exchange, I got a boarding pass. The ticket was valid!

The sun was coming out as the plane took off. The window filled up with the whiteness of the sky outside. The skyline of the metropolis came into view, a towering concrete sprouting up from the sea, with buildings and towers swathed in the rising sun’s glow. Beyond the huge city, the blue strip of sea winked and blinked. The plane began to veer away homeward bound. I peered down and imagined the sun’s rays on the shanties and sidewalks, rousing the dwellers from their transitory beds. I pictured the auto-driver returning to a home in a basti somewhere.

Down through the drifts of clouds, I mouthed a shout-out for the simple humanity I had encountered - of ordinary folks being helpful, of ordinary folks doing an honest job.

Soon after, I found myself back in Manipal, this time at the OB Gyn center. I took a ticket from the lobby and walked into the hall. It was packed. Men were standing against walls. Pregnant women made themselves comfortable on benches. Children darted in and out. It was going to be a long wait. I handed my ticket in at the local desk, found a corner of a bench, and lost myself in a newspaper. The front page was full of the grand farewell that Mumbai’s Wankhede Stadium and thousands of fans had just given to the God of cricket, Sachin Tendulkar, at his 200th Test match.  

But in no time, I felt a presence by my side. An attendant motioned to me and led me to a chamber off the hall. Behind the chamber door, with a curtain half-drawn across, was a lady doctor tending to a female patient. The attendant stopped and pointed to a chair outside. A couple of minutes later, she gestured to me to go in. The chair facing the doctor was now empty. The patient was off on one side, but still inside the chamber. I hesitated.

“Come, come,” the doctor called out.

I went in and took the seat in front of her. She had a severe face and a no-nonsense air.

“What can I do for you?” she asked.

 “I have a lump on my chest,” I said.

“Where is it? Show me,” she commanded.

“Here? Now?” I stammered, looking in the direction of the other woman.

“Yes, yes,” she said impatiently, nodding her head for emphasis.

I placed my hand on the spot above my left breast. Leaning forward, she reached out and with eyes closed, she felt around carefully. 

Then she sat back and declared, “Nah, nothing to worry. Just an inflammation of the tissue. You must have stressed it by lifting something heavy.” 

I looked at her. That was it?

She looked me straight in the eye and said softly, “Would you like a more thorough examination? I can do that - have you disrobe and lie down - if you would like. But it is not necessary, you know. It’s not serious.” Her eyes crinkled. A small smile appeared.

The entire process had been so short on procedure. The doctor’s manner had been casual, even rough. The exam itself had lasted all of a couple of minutes. And there had been no privacy - the other patient had simply sat off on the side while I was in there.

But the doctor had spoken with an air of authority. And the whole affair had been remarkably efficient. Somehow, in all that seeming chaos, I had not been forgotten. Instead of the half day I had dreaded, it had taken less than an hour. The place had an undetectable method to its madness. Did I need more?

I pushed my chair back and stood up. “Thank you, Doctor. That won’t be necessary,” I said. She nodded, looked away and beckoned back the woman waiting patiently on the side.

On my way out, a young woman approached and asked if I would fill out a survey on the hospital. I agreed. On the question of ambience, I paused. My expectations of bedside manners, orderliness and right to personal space felt pointless, even frivolous. For a hospital that took care of multitudes every day, its ambience was perfectly adequate. I scored it high.

To challenge my worldview or to stand my ground? To pick a battle or to let it go? To take offense at India’s many ‘sins’ or to look beyond them? These were questions I faced repeatedly. They compelled me to be a deeper thinker, a more tolerant person, at home in a more nuanced world, and better prepared to appreciate its hues and shades. India, my crucible, taught me lessons I did not come to learn, but walked away with, many times the richer.


It was my last domestic trip. I came to Delhi to thank government officials for their support of my tenure. Now I was at the airport for my return flight to Bangalore. I was late getting there, and the queue for the boarding pass was long. Anxiously, I awaited my turn when a man thrust himself in front of me.

With my paper itinerary in hand, I whacked him on his shoulder.

“Get in line!” I barked.

He squealed, and with an injured look, scuttled out of the way.

Now that was one battle I just had to fight!

Sanghamitra Chowdhury

Computer Science Adjunct Faculty, Cogswell College

5 年

India is chaos, confusion- there's also a humanity that we sometimes see,often fear in case it's a trap. There's efficiency, that precludes standard small talk protocol, that can be refreshing sometimes. Loved the articel.

Shantha Mohan Ph.D.

III, CMU SV : : Author: Leadership Lessons with The Beatles : : Cofounder, Retail Solutions (Now part of Circana) : : Mentor : : Author, "Roots and Wings": : DTM : : Non-Profit Board Experience

7 年

Kumud Srinivasan I thoroughly enjoyed reading about your experiences living in India, the land of huge contradictions!

Roja Ayyagary

5x Salesforce Certified | Administrator | App Builder| Agentforce Specialist | Service Cloud Consultant | AI Associate

7 年

Nicely written You have a great talent.Do write more articles.

Ashish Mathur

Architect & Director Software Engineering Author, Inventor HCL Software A division of HCL Technologies

7 年

Great writing. India in every sense of the word and statement. Exactly why we love it here after returning back. Hope you come back for longer with more stories :-)



