Strengthening the area of international relations and parliamentary diplomacy is essential in today's context, where global dynamics and interdependence among nations demand more active and effective participation from legislative bodies.


The Glorious Revolution and the British Parliament

The Glorious Revolution of 1689 marked a milestone in parliamentary history, where the British Parliament gained a decisive role in foreign policy. This event established the practice of requiring parliamentary approval for significant decisions, such as declarations of war and treaty ratifications, laying the groundwork for greater legislative involvement in international affairs.

The Spanish Constitution of 1812

The 1812 Spanish Constitution was a pioneer in granting legislative power to approve international treaties before their ratification. This significant change allowed the Spanish Parliament to actively participate in decisions impacting national sovereignty, thus reflecting the popular will on the international stage.

Parliamentary Diplomacy in the 20th Century

During the 20th century, especially after World War II, parliamentary diplomacy emerged as an essential component of international relations. The creation of organizations such as the United Nations and the Inter-Parliamentary Union enabled parliaments to influence global politics and foster international cooperation. The NATO Parliamentary Assembly, formally established in 1955, exemplifies how legislators can actively address issues of security and defense.

The Fall of the Berlin Wall and New Opportunities

The fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 ushered in a new era for international relations, recognizing parliaments as key diplomatic actors. The interplay between intergovernmental and parliamentary structures became evident with organizations such as the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), which integrated parliamentary representatives into its operations.

The Case of the Chilean National Congress

In Latin America, Chile's National Congress exemplifies how parliaments can influence international relations. By debating and approving international treaties, the Congress shares the exercise of external sovereignty with the executive branch, ensuring that foreign policy decisions are discussed and legitimized within the democratic framework.


Democratic Participation and Legislative Oversight

Parliaments, as representatives of the people's sovereignty, have the right to be informed and involved in the formulation of foreign policy. Parliamentary intervention in international relations ensures that decisions regarding treaties and agreements reflect the popular will, preventing arbitrary actions by the executive branch. This is particularly relevant in systems where constitutional provisions either permit or limit legislative involvement in diplomatic matters.

Parliamentary Diplomacy as a Complementary Tool

Parliamentary diplomacy has become a valuable resource for complementing traditional foreign policy managed by the executive branch. It enables legislators to interact with their counterparts in other countries, strengthening bilateral and multilateral relations and addressing shared concerns from broader perspectives. Moreover, it fosters constructive dialogue and facilitates conflict resolution through cross-party consensus-building.

Responding to Global Challenges

In a world characterized by uncertainty and volatility, parliaments must adapt to address global challenges such as climate change, migration, and international security. Inter-parliamentary collaboration allows for the exchange of experiences and effective strategies to tackle these complex issues. Initiatives like the Mercosur Parliament illustrate how inter-parliamentary cooperation can contribute to a more coherent and effective foreign agenda.

Embracing New Technological Realities

Globalization and technological advancements have transformed international relations, necessitating parliamentary adaptation to these new realities. Rapid communication and digital collaboration provide legislators with new opportunities to engage in international discussions and make informed decisions. The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) further revolutionizes parliamentary operations on the global stage, enhancing their diplomatic role and enabling more active and effective participation in international relations.


Strengthening the area of international relations and diplomacy within parliaments is vital to ensuring adequate representation of citizens' interests on the global stage. This effort involves not only increased legislative involvement in foreign policy formulation but also active engagement with contemporary challenges faced by the international community.

Globalization has created unprecedented interconnectivity among nations, requiring parliaments to adopt a more collaborative and inclusive approach. By doing so, they can play a pivotal role in shaping policies that reflect the needs and aspirations of their people while addressing the ever-changing realities of the international environment. For instance, participation in multilateral forums and establishing relationships with other legislative bodies worldwide enable parliaments to articulate shared interests and promote joint solutions to transnational problems such as climate change, migration, and security.

This process also entails the professionalization of parliamentary diplomacy, equipping legislators with the necessary skills to navigate the complex international landscape. Continuous training in foreign policy and international relations is essential for parliamentarians to contribute effectively to global discussions and represent the concerns of their constituents. Institutions like the Inter-Parliamentary Union have promoted such professionalization, encouraging the exchange of experiences and best practices among parliaments from different countries.

Moreover, by actively engaging in parliamentary diplomacy, parliaments can act as a counterbalance to executive power, ensuring that foreign policy decisions are debated and democratically legitimized. This strengthens accountability and guarantees that diverse societal voices are heard in international decision-making processes.

In essence, enhancing international relations and diplomacy within parliaments is crucial to building a more robust and representative political system. By adopting an inclusive and collaborative approach, parliaments can not only improve their capacity to address global challenges but also ensure that foreign policies truly reflect the interests and values of their citizens. This commitment to active and responsible diplomacy is key to fostering a fairer and more equitable world.

Dr. Federico M. Fernandez


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