Crucial Elements of Adequate Drainage Systems
Center Maintenance Company
Center Maintenance Company: Your Comprehensive Asphalt Solutions Partner
Pavement Services in Long Island
A well-preserved asphalt pavement is not just visually appealing, but also financially efficient. With proper upkeep, it can serve you for many years. Despite its durability, it is not invincible to the elements. While asphalt's resilience to water is commendable, trapped or stagnant water on the pavement can spell serious trouble leading to severe degradation of the pavement. It is thus essential to ensure an efficient drainage system to guarantee an extended lifespan of the pavement with minimal expensive repairs.
What are the Dangers of Insufficient Surface Drainage on Asphalt Pavements?
While wet pavements pose less safety than their dry counterparts, standing water significantly increases the risk of penetration below the surface. Water can seep through cracks, amass along the pavement's edges, or infiltrate through blocked drains or grates. As it moves downwards due to gravity, it can undermine the structural integrity of the pavement. The consequences are heightened when the trapped water freezes and expands, causing more damage. Additionally, freezing temperatures can result in surface damage even if the water doesn't infiltrate the surface.
What are the Consequences of Inadequate Subsurface Drainage on Asphalt Pavements?
The long-term stability of asphalt pavements is reliant on a sturdy, well-pressed, and robust foundation. It is a standard practice among paving professionals to compress the soil, establish an aggregate base, and then lay the asphalt layers. When water infiltrates this foundation, either through surface penetration or from a subterranean source, it can remove particles from the soil and the aggregate. This erosion can create voids underneath the pavement, leading to sagging and the rapid formation of potholes. If water seeps into these voids and freezes, the resulting upward pressure can crack the pavement or cause depressions when the ice thaws, creating more potholes.
How do Pavement Professionals Guarantee Adequate Drainage for New Pavements?
Proper drainage planning begins at the fundamental level. Professionals scrutinize the soil at the construction site to ascertain its clay content, its inherent water draining capacity, and its compactibility. Depending on the observations, they can remediate any drainage issues through various methods. These might include replacing the existing soil, laying a thick layer of sand beneath the aggregate base, or installing a drainage system under the pavement. Professionals ensure the site is accurately graded and the slope of the finished pavement is calculated correctly. Depending on the unique pavement, contractors may set up trench drains, catch basins, gutters, or other features to guarantee efficient water drainage.
How do Pavement Contractors Rectify Surface Drainage Problems on Existing Pavements?
The process starts with pinpointing the origin of the drainage issue. Sometimes, the resolution can be as straightforward as unclogging a blocked drainpipe. In other cases, milling can rectify some drainage problems on its own, but there may be situations where milling the pavement and installing an overlay is required. Sunken catch basins can generally be fixed quickly and inexpensively. There are numerous alternatives for fixing drainage issues, but each pavement needs to be evaluated individually to determine the optimal solution.
Count on Center Maintenance Company for Your Pavement Needs
Center Maintenance Company provides a comprehensive range of asphalt services, including paving, milling, repair, and preventive maintenance. We also cater to site work and concrete services. Our mission for every project is to ensure customer satisfaction by providing superior results rooted in our craftsmanship, work ethics, and professionalism. For a free estimate, complete our online form at or call us at 516-735-2200